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Created August 26, 2014 09:12
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Jenkins build stats using gnuplot
set terminal png transparent nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 640,480
#set terminal png nocrop enhanced font arial 8 size 640,480
set output 'ci-stat.png'
set border 3 front linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
set boxwidth 0.75 absolute
set style fill solid 0.75 border -1
set grid nopolar
set grid noxtics nomxtics ytics nomytics noztics nomztics \
nox2tics nomx2tics noy2tics nomy2tics nocbtics nomcbtics
set grid layerdefault linetype 0 linewidth 1.000, linetype 0 linewidth 1.000
set key outside right top vertical Left reverse enhanced autotitles columnhead box linetype -1 linewidth 1.000
set multiplot layout 2, 1 title "CI stats"
set style histogram rowstacked title offset character 0, 0, 0
set style data histograms
set noxtics
set ytics border in scale 0,0 mirror norotate offset character 0, 0, 0 autofreq
set ztics border in scale 0,0 nomirror norotate offset character 0, 0, 0 autofreq
set cbtics border in scale 0,0 mirror norotate offset character 0, 0, 0 autofreq
set title "Total time per build"
set xlabel "Builds"
set ylabel "Elapsed (min)"
set yrange [ 0.0 : * ] noreverse nowriteback
plot '' using ($2 / 60) ti col, '' using ($4 / 60) ti col, '' using ($5 / 60) ti col, '' using ($6 / 60) ti col
set title "Build time"
plot '' using ($7 / 60) ti col, '' using ($8 / 60) ti col
unset multiplot
Result Queuing Total Init Build Finalize Download Test
FAILURE 67 2814 543 0 0 555 3357
FAILURE 68 1212 535 0 0 513 84
FAILURE 232 2762 549 0 0 665 3263
FAILURE 0 2610 498 1545 0 600 3385
FAILURE 71 750 587 88 0 103 0
FAILURE 0 549 488 57 0 63 0
FAILURE 108 2076 550 1139 0 577 279
FAILURE 268 1552 519 840 0 328 107
FAILURE 0 1518 480 918 0 320 268
UNSTABLE 0 7316 494 5623 295 715 3284
FAILURE 0 1565 500 889 0 378 107
FAILURE 188 4216 519 3081 0 531 1950
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