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J. Nick Koston bdraco

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bdraco / core_integration_pr
Last active March 6, 2025 12:25 — forked from ludeeus/core_integration_pr
Install HA Core PR as custom component
# curl -o- -L | bash /dev/stdin -d domain -p 12345
while getopts d:p: flag
case "${flag}" in
d) domain="${OPTARG}";;
p) pull_request="${OPTARG}";;
bdraco / shellypm1_fan.yaml
Last active March 12, 2021 08:25 — forked from xbmcnut/shellypm1_fan.yaml
How to make a dumb device smart using a Shelly PM1 | Fan Template example in Home Assistant
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Master Bedroom Fan"
# Measures the power use from a Shelly1 PM and if over 3W, marks the fan as on
value_template: "{% if states('sensor.bedroom_fan_shelly_power') | float > 3 %}on{% else %}off{% endif %}"
# Uses the Shelly1 PM sensor value to determine what speed the fan is going at. Only set to measure 33, 66, 100
percentage_template: "{{ states('sensor.template_fan_percentage_master') }}"
# Uses a fake switch from an input_boolean as the fan has no way of reporting direction back to HA
bdraco /
Created November 26, 2020 20:21 — forked from SalemHarrache/
SQLAlchemy : remove all foreign keys constraints
def remove_foreign_keys(db):
log("Dropping all foreign key constraints from archive database")
inspector = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(db.engine)
fake_metadata = MetaData()
fake_tables = []
all_fks = []
for table_name in db.metadata.tables:
bdraco /
Created November 26, 2020 20:21 — forked from nZac/
Temporarily Drop a Foreign Key Constraint, Python, SQLAlchemy
class TempDropConstraint(object):
def __init__(self, table, column):
self.table = table
self.table_name = table.__tablename__
self.column = column
self.constraint = list(self.table.__table__.columns[].foreign_keys)[0]
self.constraint_name =
self.referred_table =
bdraco / Jinja module
Created August 10, 2020 14:37 — forked from voscausa/Jinja module
Jinja2 compiled templates module loader for App Engine Pyhton 2.7.

Jinja compiled templates module loader

This code is part of a Jinja CMS for Google App Engine Python 2.7 and NDB datastore

A Jinja enviroment is created for every CMS site: site_key_id = 'example

The modules are created using The resulting code objects are stored in the dadastore using Kind Runtimes and a BlobProperty

The modules can also be saved / downloaded as .pyc in a zip archive:

#!/usr/bin/env python
Python class to interface with local Tesla Powerwall JSON API
import powerwall_site
gateway_host = ''