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Created December 6, 2023 06:23
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Using audiosamples/volume of AudioSource to simply animate a Jaw Transform. As seen here:
[SerializeField] private AudioSource _linkedAudioSource = null;
[SerializeField] private float _minRmsValue = 0.0001f; // minimum to consider "talking"
[SerializeField] private Renderer _rendererToCheckVisibility = null;
[SerializeField] private float _jawTalkSpeed = 0.12f;
private JawStates _jawState = JawStates.Default;
private float[] _samples = new float[512]; // For spectrum data
private float _rmsValue; // Root mean square, representing audio level
public enum JawStates
void GetAudioData()
_linkedAudioSource.GetSpectrumData(_samples, 0, FFTWindow.BlackmanHarris);
void CalculateRMS()
float sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < _samples.Length; i++)
sum += _samples[i] * _samples[i];
decimal decimalValue = Math.Round((decimal)Mathf.Sqrt(sum / _samples.Length), 4);
_rmsValue = (float)decimalValue;
void Update()
bool RmsIsLoudEnough()
return rmsValue >= minRmsValue;
if (Time.frameCount % 10 == 0) // only check once every 10 frames
// this if condition is complex because we don't want to calculate things when not necessary. the most expensive calculation is last in the condition
if (_linkedAudioSource.clip != null && _linkedAudioSource.isPlaying && _rendererToCheckVisibility.isVisible && RmsIsLoudEnough())
if (_jawState != JawStates.Talking)
if (_jawState != JawStates.Default)
void JawTalking()
jawState = JawStates.Talking;
// Insert your "jaw is now talking" animation/tweening logic here. I did a simple pingponging tween of the LocalRotation of the jaw transform.
void JawShut()
jawState = JawStates.Default;
// Insert your "jaw shuts" animation/tween logic here. I did a simple one-time quick tween of the LocalRotation of the jaw transform to shut and stay shut.
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