Logical layout automation for Advanced Custom Fields and it's Flexible Content Field add on. http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/ http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/add-ons/flexible-content-field/
Referencing ACF_Layout
Either include
ACF_Layout.php in your theme, or paste it's contents in your functions.php file.
Creating the Layout Templates
For each Flexible Content Field layout type, create a file that represents its name as a php file (dashes can replace underscores for better, consistant filename style).
For example, the layout type image_gallery_layout
can be named image_gallery_layout.php
or image-gallery-layout.php
Place this file in the default layouts folder, which is wp-content/themes/name/layouts/
Changing the reference to the Layout Templates
constant in the ACF_Layout class can be changed to anything that required. Say, if this line was changed to:
const LAYOUT_DIRECTORY = '/acf-flexible/layout-templates/';
ACF_Layout would look for the layout templates in wp-content/themes/name/acf-flexible/layout-templates/
Rendering the Layout Templates
Simply add something like the following to the page, and the ACF_Layout will sort out the rest :)
<?php while (has_sub_field('post_layout')) : ?>
<?php ACF_Layout::render(get_row_layout()); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
Cant seem to load the layout files on ADVANCED CUSTOM FIELDS PRO 5.3.4. it doesnt render the php layout file.