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Logical layout automation for Advanced Custom Fields and it's Flexible Content Field add on.

Auto ACF Layout

Logical layout automation for Advanced Custom Fields and it's Flexible Content Field add on.

Referencing ACF_Layout

Either include ACF_Layout.php in your theme, or paste it's contents in your functions.php file.

Creating the Layout Templates

For each Flexible Content Field layout type, create a file that represents its name as a php file (dashes can replace underscores for better, consistant filename style).

For example, the layout type image_gallery_layout can be named image_gallery_layout.php or image-gallery-layout.php.

Place this file in the default layouts folder, which is wp-content/themes/name/layouts/.

Changing the reference to the Layout Templates

The LAYOUT_DIRECTORY constant in the ACF_Layout class can be changed to anything that required. Say, if this line was changed to:

const LAYOUT_DIRECTORY = '/acf-flexible/layout-templates/';

ACF_Layout would look for the layout templates in wp-content/themes/name/acf-flexible/layout-templates/.

Rendering the Layout Templates

Simply add something like the following to the page, and the ACF_Layout will sort out the rest :)

<?php while (has_sub_field('post_layout')) : ?>

  <?php ACF_Layout::render(get_row_layout()); ?>

<?php endwhile; ?>
* ACF Layout
* @version 1.0 | November 12th 2013
* @author Beau Charman |
* @link
* @license MIT license
* Logical layout automation for Advanced Custom Fields and it's Flexible Content Field add on.
* Usgae: ACF_Layout::render(get_row_layout());
class ACF_Layout {
* Path of where the layout templates are found,
* relative to the theme template directory.
const LAYOUT_DIRECTORY = '/layouts/';
* Get Layout
* @param {string} $file
* @param {array} $data
* @return {string}
static function get_layout($layout, $data = null)
$full_layout_directory = get_template_directory() . self::LAYOUT_DIRECTORY;
$layout_file = '{{layout}}.php';
$find = array('{{layout}}', '_');
$replace = array($layout, '-');
/* Find a file that matchs this_format */
$new_layout_file = str_replace($find[0], $replace[0], $layout_file);
if (file_exists($full_layout_directory . $new_layout_file))
include($full_layout_directory . $new_layout_file);
return true;
/* Find a file that matchs this-format */
$new_layout_file = str_replace($find, $replace, $layout_file);
if (file_exists($full_layout_directory . $new_layout_file))
include($full_layout_directory . $new_layout_file);
return true;
* If no files can be matched,
* and WP DEBUG is true: show a warning.
echo "<pre>ACF_Layout: No layout template found for $layout.</pre>";
return false;
* Render
* @param {string} $layout
* @return {string}
static function render($layout, $data = null)
return self::get_layout($layout, $data);
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<?php while (has_sub_field('post_layout')) : ?>
<?php ACF_Layout::render(get_row_layout()); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>
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Cant seem to load the layout files on ADVANCED CUSTOM FIELDS PRO 5.3.4. it doesnt render the php layout file.

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Good stuff man. Great way to load modules.


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