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Last active October 22, 2017 23:41
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Web audio Single class
import fetchAudioBuffer from './helpers/fetch-audio-buffer';
import methodPatch from './helpers/method-patch';
import MobileAudioFix from './helpers/mobile-audio-fix';
// All of my MP3s were built to be a consistent volume on export,
// so I can safely set the same gain on all of them.
const singleGain = 0.6;
const assetPaths = {
cubeUp: 'assets/audio/cube-up.mp3',
// ...more paths...
export default class Single {
static singleKeys = Object.keys(assetPaths);
constructor() {
this.context = new AudioContext();
// Think of this as the "volume knob"
this.gainNode = this.context.createGain();
// `source` will be the active "sound"
this.source = null;
// Used to store all of my decoded sounds
this.sounds = {};
// Loop through all of my paths, fetch them,
// and store their decoded AudioBuffer in the `sounds` object
Single.singleKeys.forEach((key) => {
fetchAudioBuffer(assetPaths[key], this.context).then((response) => {
this.sounds[key] = response;
return this.sounds[key];
}).catch(() => {
this.sounds[key] = null;
this.mobileAudio = new MobileAudioFix(this.context);
play(key) {
if (!Single.singleKeys.includes(key)) {
return Error(`The requested sound is not available: ${key}`);
return this._startSource(this.sounds[key]);
_startSource(sound) {
// We need to create a `AudioBufferSourceNode` in order to attach
// our individual decoded sound
this.source = this.context.createBufferSource();
this.source.buffer = sound;
// Turn the volume knob up to a specific value at the current time
this.source.start = methodPatch.start(this.source);
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