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Created July 15, 2018 04:47
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Exploring graph substructures with topological obstacles (missing nodes)
# Dependencies
# The pattern is to identify points to extend the structure of
# dyads and subsequent structures
# And make sure the extension isn't already part of the structure
initialTwoStar <- function(g){
#the third node can come frome either the head or tail
tailEgo <- adjacent_vertices(g, tail_of(g, E(g)))
headEgo <- adjacent_vertices(g, head_of(g, E(g)))
third <- map2(tailEgo, headEgo, function(x, y){
c(x,y) %>% as.integer() %>% unique
#the third node is an extension, so we want to make sure
#it isn't already part of the structure
igraph::as_data_frame(g) %>%
mutate(third = third) %>%
unnest %>%
filter(third != from,
third != to)
#every node that is added onto the structure needs a
#"location" node to attach to that alread exists on the structure
#and this a "name" to refer to for future potential extensions
extendStructure <- function(pathList, g, location, name){
v <- pathList[[location]] %>%
adjacent_vertices(g, v = .) %>%
map(as.integer) %>%
#any node we include in the extension can't already exist in the structure
x[!x %in% pathList[i,]]
pathList[[name]] <- v
#remove duplicates when finishing up the structure
#anti receives a list of pathLists (structures) that we want to make
#sure don't overlap with the the current structure
#lines and Ys can have the same list of nodes
cleanStructure <- function(pathList, anti = NULL){
cleanedPL <- pathList %>%
apply(1, sort) %>%
t %>%
for(x in anti){
cleanedPL <- anti_join(cleanedPL, x)
cleanedPL %>% distinct
pathListLine <- g2 %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g2, 'third', 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g2, 'fourth', 'fifth') %>%
pathListY <- g2 %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g2, 'third', 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g2, 'third', 'fifth') %>%
#whenever you do anything to a 'to' node you should
#do it for the 'from' node as well
pathList4Star <- lapply(c('from', 'to'), function(x){
g2 %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g2, x, 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g2, x, 'fifth') %>%
cleanStructure(list(pathListLine, pathListY))
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
# Example with 300 nodes in a 400 node lattice
x = 20
y = 20
g <- make_lattice(c(x, y))
#let's define a layout so we can visualize the structures
myLayout <- c()
for(i in 1:x){
for(j in 1:y){
myLayout <- c(myLayout, c(i, j))
myLayout <- matrix(myLayout, ncol = 2, byrow = T)
plot( g, layout = myLayout, vertex.label = '', vertex.size = 2)
#let's remove some nodes to represent obstacles in our topology
doNotUse <- sample(V(g), 100)
V(g)$doNotUse <- sapply(V(g), function(x){
x %in% doNotUse
g <- g - V(g)[V(g)$doNotUse]
#remove the rows of the layout that correspond to the nodes we removed
myLayout <- myLayout[-c(doNotUse),]
plot( g, layout = myLayout, vertex.label = '', vertex.size = 2)
# Time to get the structrues
pathListLine <- g %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g, 'third', 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g, 'fourth', 'fifth') %>%
pathListY <- g %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g, 'third', 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g, 'third', 'fifth') %>%
#whenever you do anything to a 'to' node you should
#do it for the 'from' node as well. This is due to natural symmetry
pathList4Star <- lapply(c('from', 'to'), function(x){
g %>%
initialTwoStar() %>%
extendStructure(g, x, 'fourth') %>%
extendStructure(g, x, 'fifth') %>%
cleanStructure(list(pathListLine, pathListY))
}) %>%
bind_rows() %>%
allPathList5 <- list(pathListLine, pathList4Star, pathListY) %>%
#As a sanity check, let's make a gif and show a small sample of all structures
ani.options(interval = 0.4)
s <- sample_n(allPathList5, 100)
lapply(seq(nrow(s)), function(i){
vertex.color = sapply(V(g), function(x){ifelse(x %in% s[i,], 'black', 'antiquewhite')}),
vertex.size = 3,
vertex.label = '',
layout = myLayout)
}, = "100_length5_20x20_400.gif", ani.width = 800, ani.height = 800)
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