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Steps: | |
Set up EBS | |
21Created 1 TB EBS | |
Created 64 Bit Amazon Linux AMI 2012.09 M1 Medium 3.7 gb ram, 2 ECUs | |
Connect to ec2 instance via ssh | |
chmod 400 IFS-KeyPair.pem | |
ssh -v -i IFS-KeyPair.pem [email protected] | |
Note: Do not replace ec2-user with your user id. This is a AWS Amazon AMI requirement. | |
Attached the EBS volume to the EC2 Instance | |
http://www.webmastersessions.com/how-to-attach-ebs-volume-to-amazon-ec2-instance | |
Logged in to the EC2 instance, | |
The volume should show up as /dev/sdf or something. | |
#Format the volume | |
sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdf | |
#create the directory to link the volume to. | |
sudo mkdir /spatial-db | |
#link the directory to the EDS Volume by modifying the fstab file | |
echo “/dev/sdf /spatial-db ext3 noatime 0 0″ >> /etc/fstab | |
#mount the directory | |
mount /spatial-db | |
#check the disk size | |
df -h /spatial-db | |
# to just do a one time mount you can use the cmd | |
mount /dev/sdf /spatial-db | |
#fstab on AWS sucks. Look at using autofs | |
#http://www.centos.org/docs/2/rhl-rg-en-7.2/s1-nfs-client-config.html | |
Right now will just need to manually do the mount after reboots | |
Install PostgreSQL | |
#utility docs at http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.0/static/reference-client.html | |
#install Postgress... | |
sudo yum install postgresql postgresql-server postgresql-devel postgresql-contrib | |
#Open port 5432 for postgress | |
In the EC2 Security Group, add a TCP rule to allow 5432 for IP | |
#change ownership of the /spatial-db/db directory to the postgres user and group, and change to the postgres user. As the postgres user, we | |
# can configure and launch the server. | |
sudo mkdir /spatial-db/db | |
sudo chown -R postgres:postgres /spatial-db/db | |
sudo su - | |
su postgres - | |
initdb -D /spatial-db/db | |
#update the config files. Need to be the postgres user when doing this. | |
vim /spatial-db/db/postgresql.conf | |
localhost='*' | |
port=5432 | |
###################################################################### | |
vim /spatial-db/db/pg_hba.conf | |
#change the bottom of the file to look like: | |
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only | |
local all postgres trust | |
# IPv4 local connections: | |
host all pg_power_user md5 | |
host all pg_query_user md5 | |
# IPv6 local connections: | |
host all all ::1/128 md5 | |
###################################################################### | |
#should now be able to start the db with (I think I still need to be user postgres) | |
pg_ctl -w start -D /spatial-db/db | |
#to stop, do | |
pg_ctl -w stop -D /spatial-db/db | |
#to restart | |
pg_ctl -w restart -D /spatial-db/db | |
#health check | |
pg_ctl status -D /spatial-db/db | |
###################################################################### | |
#create the Postgress User Accounts. pg_power_user is a superuser, pg_query_user is not | |
createuser --interactive pg_power_user | |
createuser --interactive pg_query_user | |
#Connect to the database as postgres, and set the new user passwords | |
psql -p 5432 | |
postgres=# ALTER USER pg_power_user WITH PASSWORD 'Q98356Gdv'; | |
postgres=# ALTER USER pg_query_user WITH PASSWORD 'asjfienSwer8!'; | |
#create a database for user pg_query_user | |
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE test_pg_db WITH OWNER pg_query_user; | |
###################################################################### | |
#Install pgAdmin from http://pgadmin.org/download/macosx.php | |
#can connect with pg_power_user or pg_query_user | |
#Test that you can remotely connect to the DB and create some tables | |
###################################################################### | |
Install PostGIS | |
#based on http://imperialwicket.com/aws-configuring-a-geo-spatial-stack-in-amazon-linux | |
#Set up PostGIS 2.0 - Have to compile it. Not in Amazon's yum repo and I don't want to hack RPM | |
# First install gcc and friends | |
sudo yum install gcc make gcc-c++ libtool libxml2-devel | |
# make a directory for building | |
cd /home/ec2-user/ | |
mkdir postgis | |
cd postgis | |
# download, configure, make, install geos (GEOS 3.3.2+ is recommended.) | |
wget http://download.osgeo.org/geos/geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 | |
tar xjf geos-3.3.8.tar.bz2 | |
cd geos-3.3.8 | |
./configure | |
make | |
sudo make install | |
# download, configure, make, install proj (version 4.6.0 or greater) | |
cd /home/ec2-user/postgis/ | |
wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-4.8.0.tar.gz | |
wget http://download.osgeo.org/proj/proj-datumgrid-1.5.zip | |
tar xzf proj-4.8.0.tar.gz | |
cd proj-4.8.0/nad | |
unzip ../../proj-datumgrid-1.5.zip | |
cd .. | |
./configure | |
make | |
sudo make install | |
# download, configure, make, install postgis 2.x | |
cd /home/ec2-user/postgis/ | |
wget http://download.osgeo.org/postgis/source/postgis-2.0.3.tar.gz | |
tar xzf postgis-2.0.3.tar.gz | |
cd postgis-2.0.3 | |
./configure --with-geosconfig=/usr/local/bin/geos-config | |
make | |
sudo make install | |
# update your libraries | |
sudo su | |
echo /usr/local/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf | |
exit | |
sudo ldconfig | |
Create an actual spatial database | |
#switch to the postgres user | |
sudo su - | |
su postgres - | |
#create the database | |
createdb --owner pg_query_user my-spatial-db | |
createlang plpgsql my-spatial-db | |
psql -d my-spatial-db -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/postgis-2.0/postgis.sql | |
psql -d my-spatial-db -f /usr/share/pgsql/contrib/postgis-2.0/spatial_ref_sys.sql | |
Shove some spatial data into it | |
#http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/PostGIS_FAQ.html#id367489 | |
#remember that the postgres user is the only user with local connection rights... | |
psql -U postgres -d my-spatial-db | |
#in psql | |
#create a table | |
#always use srid = 4326 for WGS 84 WKT TYpe, Projection srid | |
CREATE TABLE some_lon_lats (id SERIAL, name VARCHAR(24),geom geometry('POINT',4326)); | |
#Insert the longs/lats | |
INSERT INTO some_lon_lats (name,geom) VALUES | |
('point a',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-73.9567 40.7879)',4326)), | |
('point b',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-73.7689 41.1234)',4326)), | |
('point c',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-73.1145 40.5645)',4326)), | |
('point d',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-73.1212 40.9844)',4326)), | |
('point e',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-72.9554 39.9889)',4326)), | |
('point f',ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-73.6555 41.2543)',4326)); | |
#to view the table: | |
select id, name, ST_AsText(geom) from some_lon_lats; |
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