Development starts with an assigned issue (or a user story).
Cut a feature branch off master for the issue:
$ git checkout master $ git pull $ git checkout -b <issue num>_<description> # e.g. 123_reset_password_email
Create a remote tracking branch, allowing others to see/comment on the feature branch
$ git push origin <issue num>_<description>
Proceed with development locally, commit and push often until you are done and ready for code review.
Make a pull request on Github using the following template:
Issue 123: Issue summary
Description of changes More description of changes More description of changes
Complete all verification steps including code review.
Rebase interactively master into your feature branch in order to it clean
$ git fetch origin master:master $ git checkout <issue num>_<description> $ git rebase master $ git rebase -i HEAD~3 # in order to squash the last 3 commits (might be more or less than 3)
Merge the feature branch into master
$ git checkout master $ git pull $ git merge --no-ff --no-commit <issue_num>_<description> $ git commit # using the commit message template $ git push origin master
Close the pull request in Github.
Remove the feature branch
$ git checkout master $ git branch -D <issue_num>_<description> # remove the feature branch locally $ git push origin :<issue_num>_description> # remove the remote branch
March 27, 2018 20:58
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