Original issue in https://github.com/sortlist/sortlist/issues/18791 and some requirements in https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HzL-Swnh0qLOB-vLWDeHQtyJMpkCF7RvFWTaBU0U4Xo/.
- Make advising calls details available on Hubspot.
- Integrate Hubspot Schedule Meetings in our advisor (schedule meetings will handle confirmations, reschedule...)
- Advisors have a paid plan. Otherwise most features aren't possible (branding, email, sms...)
- The advisor selection is done by our backend (via project_metadatum)
- Are the question handled by hubspot ? (briefing questions ?). See https://knowledge.hubspot.com/meetings-tool/create-and-edit-scheduling-pages#customize-your-form-questions
- Pre-study IFrame embed limitations, ie redirect, prefill (0.5 day)
- Identify hubspot configurations (most of them must be done in the use dashboard, ie meeting link...)
- Prefill the form https://community.hubspot.com/t5/Sales-Hub-Tools/Add-parameters-to-meetings-link/td-p/304947
- API discovery if IFrame embed limitations requires to use it (1 day)
- Pre-study of Private Apps Api (beta) vs Api key based Api. Private Apps while in beta would prevent hitting rate-limit.
- Pre-study of Engagement API (beta).
- Prepare a POC and extract tasks and required API calls (? days).
- Demo and feedbacks (? hours)
- Implementation and design (? hours)
Simililarly to calendly, Hubspot provides a way to embed a schedule in any application.
- ✅ Iframe widget, example in https://belgattitude-website-git-poc-hubspot-belgattitude.vercel.app/schedule/sebastien-vanvelthem
- ✅ Two ways for API calls - see also Engagment API.
- ❌ No react / web-components widget
Iframe has limitations for the developer, notably:
- ❌ Redirection: has a query param to allow go back to a back when finished ? -> No
- ❌ Redirection: expose a javascript callback from the parent ? -> No
- ? Redirection: In the dashboard it's possible to set a redirect page. But not sure what it would solve
From https://knowledge.hubspot.com/meetings-tool/create-and-edit-scheduling-pages#customize-your-form-questions
- Be sure we establish the data we need. Write a contract.
- Branding
- ✅ Through hubspot dashboard on paid plan.
- ❌ No programmatic access
All useful for sharing how to integrate with hubspot
For grooming.
- Must be done: If Iframe we need to solve the redirect problem. Needs discovery (1-2 days)
- Must be decided: By using hubspot we don't need to develop the reschedule, google calendar, reminders... integrations. But do we need to save the data
- Nice to have: Find a way to configure Content-Security-Policy for iframe in javascript-labs. Otherwise some users (safari...) might have issues. This task should be groomed.
Customize the questions
How to
Customize the redirect
How to create a private-app token