Notes about confirmation email troubleshooting.
Confirmation emails sent with the local hostname go to spam, and Mail::Sendmail does seem to support SMTP auth very well. I could not get Mail::Sendmail to work with I also had no luck with Email::Sender::Transport::SMTP which is already a dependency, or Email::Sender::Transport::SMTPS
The best soultion I've found is Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail which works well and has bonus features like support for file attachments. To use it, install it (cpanm Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail) and make sure the gmail account being used for login has the 'allow access for less secure apps' setting turned on.
Here's a test script for proof of concept:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail;
my $smtp_server = '';
my $port = 465;
my $login = "[email protected]";
my $password = '<password>';
my ($mail,$error) = Email::Send::SMTP::Gmail->new(
-layer =>'ssl',
-port => $port,
-smtp => $smtp_server,
-login => $login,
-pass => $password
die "session error: $error" if $mail ==-1;
my $host = "";
my $username = "smtest";
my $confirm_code = "2342jkhkgh;qr2345k1h235kjr";
my $project_name = "Breedbase";
my $subject = "[$project_name] E-mail Address Confirmation Request";
my $body = "Please do *NOT* reply to this message. The return address is not valid.
Use the contact form instead ($host/contact/form).
This message is sent to confirm the email address for community user
Please click (or cut and paste into your browser) the following link to
confirm your account and email address: \
$host/solpeople/$username&confirm=$confirm_code \
Thank you,
$project_name Team";
-to => '[email protected]',
-subject => $subject,
-body => $body,
# -attachments=>'test.pdf'