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Created January 23, 2013 11:58
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Neteven examples taken from Web Services Technical Guide v1.8_EN 21
* May 2012 Web Services Technical Guide v1.8_EN 21
* Note: information must be encoded with utf8_encode function
* Library used: PHP5 SOAP library
define('NETEVEN_URL', '');
define('NETEVEN_NS', 'urn:NWS:examples');
* Neteven account credentials
define('NETEVEN_LOGIN', 'my_login');
define('NETEVEN_PASSWORD', 'my_password');
* SOAP client creation
* -----------------------
* The second parameter is optional
* In this case, it allows to activate the visualisation of the last sent/received order received
* through the following operations :
* echo "<pre>Request:\n" . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . "</pre>\n";
* echo "<pre>Response:\n" . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . "</pre>\n";
$client = new SoapClient(NETEVEN_URL, array('trace' => 1));
* Authentification
* ----------------
* 'createAuthentication' function encodes the login and password,
* for Neteven application,
* the result is placed in the SOAP client headers
function createAuthentication($login, $password)
$seed = "*";
$stamp = date(DATE_ATOM);
$signature = base64_encode(md5(implode("/", array($login, $stamp, $seed, $password)), true));
return array(
'Method' => ' * ',
'Login' => $login,
'Seed' => $seed,
'Stamp' => $stamp,
'Signature' => $signature
$auth = createAuthentication(NETEVEN_LOGIN, NETEVEN_PASSWORD);
$client->__setSoapHeaders(new SoapHeader(NETEVEN_NS, "AuthenticationHeader", $auth));
* Different methods call examples
* ------------------------------------------
* The sent/received parameters have to follow
* the structures defined in the service web WSDL
* (visible at the address
* These structures can be visualised
* by using the following command :
* var_dump($client->__getTypes());
* Echo() (test method)
* ----------------------
* Sends back the character string that has been
* sent
$params = array("EchoInput" => "Hello");
try {
$response = $client->Echo($params);
$message = $response->EchoOutput;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$message = null;
echo "<h2>Echo()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($message)) {
echo $message . "\n";
echo "</pre>";
* TestConnection() (test method)
* --------------------------------
* Authentification test
try {
$response = $client->TestConnection();
$message = $response->TestConnectionResult;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$message = null;
echo "<h2>TestConnection()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($message)) {
echo $message . "\n";
if ($message == 'Rejected') {
echo "Please check your login and password !";
echo "</pre>";
* GetItems()
* --------------------------------
* Receiving products from the Inventory
* In the following example, the title of each product is displayed
try {
$getItemsResponse = $client->GetItems();
$items = $getItemsResponse->items->InventoryItem;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$items = null;
// Example : the title of each product is displayed
echo "<h2>GetItems()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($items)) {
if (!is_array($items)) {
$items = array($items);
foreach ($items as $item) {
echo $item->Title . "\n";
echo "</pre>";
* GetOrders()
* --------------------------------
* Receiving orders
* GetOrders() accepts the optional parameters :
* 'DateSaleFrom'
* 'DateSaleTo'
* 'DatePaymentFrom'
* 'DatePaymentTo'
* Here, the SKU of each sale
* since January 2007 is displayed
$params = array("DateSaleFrom" => date(DATE_ATOM, mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2007)));
try {
$getOrdersResponse = $client->GetOrders($params);
$orders = $getOrdersResponse->GetOrdersResult->MarketPlaceOrder;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$orders = null;
// Example : SKU of each sale since January 2007 is displayed
echo "<h2>GetOrders()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($orders)) {
if (!is_array($orders)) {
$orders = array($orders);
foreach ($orders as $order) {
echo $order->SKU . "\n";
echo "</pre>";
* PostItems()
* --------------------------------
* Adding products to the inventory
* Hereunder, 2 products are added
* (only the mandatory fields are filled)
* the operation status is displayed for each product
* Important remark :
* When adding a large inventory file,
* for performance reason, please send your products by batch of 100
$item1 = array(
"Title" => 'Test',
"SKU" => '0123ABCD',
"PartNumber" => 'EFGH4567',
"Quantity" => 10,
"PriceFixed" => 10,
"Description" => "<p><b>Test description</b></p>",
"ArrayOfSpecificFields" => array(
array("Name" => "couleur", "Value" => "Blue"),
array("Name" => "type_1", "Value" => "Shirt")
$item2 = array(
"Title" => 'Test2',
"SKU" => '0123ABCD2',
"PartNumber" => 'EFGH45672',
"Quantity" => 10,
"PriceFixed" => 10,
"Description" => "<p><b>Test2 description</b></p>",
"ArrayOfSpecificFields" => array(
array("Name" => "couleur", "Value" => "Blue"),
array("Name" => "type_1", "Value" => "Shirt")
$params = array("items" => array($item1, $item2));
try {
$response = $client->PostItems($params);
$itemsStatus = $response->PostItemsResult->InventoryItemStatusResponse;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$itemsStatus = null;
echo "<h2>PostItems()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($itemsStatus)) {
if (!is_array($itemsStatus)) {
$itemsStatus = array($itemsStatus);
foreach ($itemsStatus as $itemStatus) {
echo $itemStatus->StatusResponse . "\n";
echo "</pre>";
* PostOrders()
* --------------------------------
* Update orders in your account
* in the following example, an order is updated
* (the madatory fields are 'ID' and 'CustomerId')
* the operation status is displayed
$order = array(
"OrderID" => 123456,
"CustomerId" => 456789,
"TrackingNumber" => "89IJKL00"
$params = array("orders" => array($order));
try {
$response = $client->PostOrders($params);
$ordersStatus = $response->PostOrdersResult->MarketPlaceOrderStatusResponse;
} catch (Exception $e) {
$ordersStatus = null;
echo "<h2>PostOrders()</h2><pre>";
if (!is_null($ordersStatus)) {
if (!is_array($ordersStatus)) {
$ordersStatus = array($ordersStatus);
foreach ($ordersStatus as $orderStatus) {
echo $orderStatus->StatusResponse . "\n";
echo "</pre>";
/* DEBUG */
echo "<hr />";
echo "<pre>Last request:\n" . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()) . "</pre>\n";
echo "<pre>Last response:\n" . htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()) . "</pre>\n";
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