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Created July 12, 2012 15:06
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Engines on Rails

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Rails Engines

Ben Eggett

[email protected]


"I didn't want rails to succumb to the lure of high-level components like login systems, forums, content management, and the likes." - DHH (Apr 07)

hmm... so what about:





"But the goal of Rails is to create a world where [engines] are neither needed or strongly desired. Obviously, we are not quite there yet." -DHH


"Engines have not received the blessing of the RoR core team, and I wouldn't expect any different, because it would be madness to include them in core Rails." - James Adam, 2005

History of Engines

James Adam: Created first 'engines' plugin

10/31/2005 (Rails 0.14.2)

It was not really that well received because it broke every time a minor (and often tiny) release was pushed.

Engine Support Today

Rails < 2.3

(~Mar 2009)

Use James' engines plugin

Rails 3.0

(~Aug 2010)

Actually, engines are not looking all that bad. Thanks to good guys like Piotr Sarnacki and the Rails core team.

Rails 3.1

(~May 2011)

Ya'll ever head of the Asset Pipeline? Engines just became awesome(r).

Rails 3.2

(~Jan 2012)

Not a lot has really changed, in general better namespacing practices are being followed in the community

What are engines?

(extracted from rails guide on engines )

Engines can be considered miniature applications that provide functionality to their host applications.

A Rails application is actually just a “supercharged” engine, with the Rails::Application class inheriting a lot of its behaviour from Rails::Engine.

In Rails 3.0, a Rails::Application object was introduced which is nothing more than an Engine but with the responsibility of coordinating the whole boot process.

Therefore, engines and applications can be thought of as almost the same thing...

Engines are also closely related to plugins where the two share a common lib directory structure and are both generated using the rails plugin new generator.

The difference being that an engine is considered a “full plugin” by Rails as indicated by the —full option that’s passed to the generator command.

Engines can also be isolated from their host applications.

This means that an application is able to have a path provided by a routing helper such as posts_path and use an engine also that provides a path also called posts_path, and the two would not clash.

  <%= link_to 'App posts', posts_path %>
  <%= link_to 'Engine posts', engine.posts_path %>

Along with this, controllers, models and table names are also namespaced.

It’s important to keep in mind at all times that the application should always take precedence over its engines.

Finally, engines would not have be possible without the work of James Adam, Piotr Sarnacki, the Rails Core Team, and a number of other people.

How to generate new engine:

Create a plugin

Plugin is essentially foundation for engine

  rails plugin new urug_testimonials --full --mountable
  • --full --mountable give routes, assets directories
  • as of 3.1 plugins are also a Gem by default, meaning pushing to github is simple

What's inside your engine?

Inside UrugTestimonials::Engine

  • App/ directory (assets/controllers/helpers/models/views all namespaced)
  • config: routes.rb (initializers | locales | generators & templates would go here)
  • lib: namespaced_dirs: engine modules, version | rake tasks
  • script/ directory
  • test/ directory
  • Rakefile (tasks go into lib/tasks)
  • Gemfile, .gemspec, .gitignore, MIT-LICENSE
  • No readme file is generated

Step away from the Gemfile

Gemfile should only source rubygems and gemspec

  source ""

All dependencies belong in the .gemspec file

  s.add_dependency "paperclip"
  s.add_development_dependency "rspec" 

There are some interesting things happening we should be aware of:

In lib/urug_testimonials.rb

  require 'urug_testimonials/engine'
  module UrugTestimonials

There are some interesting things happening we should be aware of:

In lib/urug_testimonials/engine.rb

  module UrugTestimonials
    class Engine < Rails::Engine
      isolate_namespace UrugTestimonials
  • Rails engine tells rails app there is an engine here and to add it to the load paths

  • If constants exist, great; if not unitialized constant error; restart or define constants appropriately.


Avoid double names:

app/models/post.rb ≠ path/to/engine/app/models/post.rb => Conflict!

well, just call it something different?

Remember isolate_namespace?

isolate_namespace urug app/models/urug/post.rb



also namespaces tables as:



also namespaces app/{assets/controllers/helpers/views/models}

Works so that you could replace any of the predefined methods by simply creating an app/controllers/urug_testimonials/application_controller.rb file

  • This can be assets/controllers/helpers/models/views

Drawing Routes

  Rails.application.routes.draw do 
    namespace :urug_testimonials do
      resources :testimonials


Drawing on application routes, is generally bad.

Instead we use UrugTestinomials::Engine.routes.draw


  UrugTestimonials::Engine.routes.draw do
    resources :forums

Mount the engine in our application


  mount UrugTestimonials::Engine, :at => "/testimonials"
  • Routes will not interfere, at all

Namespacing Tricks and path_helpers

within an engine, one can call testimonials_path

outside of engine, prefix with engine's isolated_namespace


access app paths from within engine by prefixing with main_app


By default Engines, have their own layout/application file.

You can remove this and make an engine load seamlessly into an existing app

There are two methods of doing this:

1.) In your engine's application controller

  require :layout => 'desired_layout'

You can specify whatever layout you want.

There are two methods of doing this:

2.) (Better way) Remove applications layout from engine and adjust the application_controller class to inherit from the Application rather than ActionController::Base.

  module UrugTestimonials
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

becomes =>

  class UrugTestimonials::ApplicationController < ApplicationController

The layout will be passed through from the application.


I prefer namespacing my engines (or any classes within modules really) like this:

  class UrugTestimonials::ApplicationController < ApplicationController

rather than

  module UrugTestimonials
    class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base

because it allows me to more naturally have my classes inherit from objects outside the scope of the given module (without tampering with helpers or monkey patching a solution).

Complex Engines: Spree example

Spree is like 5 engines packed into one

It wasn't always that way; it was just a standalone application you would customize to fit your ecommerce needs.

Auth | Core | API | Dash | Promo => App

  mount Spree::Core::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::Auth::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::API::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::Dash::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::Promo::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::YourExtension1::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::YourExtension2::Engine, at => '/'
  mount Spree::YourExtension3::Engine, at => '/'

But how can we expect people to know that


mount Spree::Core::Engine, at: '/'

Draw all routes onto core, using prepend

  Spree::Core::Engine.routes.prepend do 

Mount core onto app

Fix everything, lots of broken tests mainly pass { :use_route => :spree }

  def spree_user


  Spree.user_class = "User"

The End

Ben Eggett | Director of Software Dev @ Savvi

[email protected] | 801.946.1510

(prelude to @blowmage)

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