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Created July 13, 2017 12:54
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  • Save benfoxall/53704d8a3572bca56f28910c4de5d1ad to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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(function(root) {
Object.assign(, {
'transform': 'perspective(500px) rotateY(12deg) rotateX(9deg) rotateZ(-4deg) translate3d(56%, 26%, -516px)',
'transform-origin': '0 0',
'transform-style': 'preserve-3d'
const node_style = {
'outline': '3px solid rgba(255,0,150,0.5)',
'transform-style': 'preserve-3d',
'background': 'rgba(0150,255, 0.2)'
const depth = new WeakMap()
let max = 0
const step = (node, d) => {
depth.set(node, d)
max = Math.max(d, max)
for(let c of node.children) step(c, d + 1)
step(document.body, 0)
const fringe = Array.from(document.body.children)
while(fringe.length) {
let node = fringe.pop()
const Z = depth.get(node) * 100 / max
{transform: `translateZ(${Z}px)`},
fringe.push.apply(fringe, node.children)
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