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Created October 5, 2021 20:49
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Netlify Plugin TypeScript types
import { INetlifyPluginOptions } from "./INetlifyPluginOptions";
export type INetlifyEvent = (options: INetlifyPluginOptions) => void;
import { INetlifyEvent } from "./INetlifyEvent";
type NetlifyPluginLifecycle = "onPreBuild" | "onBuild" | "onPostBuild" | "onBuild" | "onSuccess" | "onError" | "onEnd";
export type NetlifyPlugin = Partial<Record<NetlifyPluginLifecycle, INetlifyEvent>>;
export type INetlifyPluginOptions = {
constants: {
CONFIG_PATH: string | undefined;
PUBLISH_DIR: string;
FUNCTIONS_SRC: string | undefined;
EDGE_HANDLERS_SRC: string | undefined;
IS_LOCAL: boolean;
SITE_ID: string;
inputs: Partial<Record<string, string>>;
packageJson: string;
utils: NetlifyPluginUtils;
interface NetlifyPluginUtils {
build: NetlifyPluginBuildUtil;
status: NetlifyPluginStatusUtil;
cache: NetlifyPluginCacheUtil;
run: NetlifyPluginRunUtil;
git: NetlifyPluginGitUtil;
type NetlifyPluginBuildUtil = Record<
"failBuild" | "failPlugin" | "cancelBuild",
message: string,
options?: {
error: Error;
) => void
type NetlifyPluginCacheUtil = {
path: string | readonly string[],
options?: {
ttl?: number;
digests?: string[];
* @default `process.cwd()`
cwd: string;
): Promise<boolean>;
list(options: {
* @default `process.cwd()`
cwd?: string;
* @default 1
depth?: number;
}): Promise<string[]>;
} & Record<
"restore" | "remove" | "has",
path: string | readonly string[],
options?: {
* @default `process.cwd()`
cwd?: string;
) => Promise<boolean>
interface NetlifyPluginStatusUtil {
* Only one status is shown per plugin.
* Calling `` twice overrides the previous status.
show(options: {
* Default to the plugin's name followed by a generic title.
title?: string;
* Message below the title
summary: string;
* Detailed information shown in a collapsible section.
* @default ""
text?: string;
interface NetlifyPluginRunUtilOptions {
env?: Record<string, string>;
interface NetlifyPluginRunUtilResult {
stdout: string;
stderr: string;
exitCode: number;
* @see
interface NetlifyPluginRunUtil {
(file: string, arguments: string[], options?: NetlifyPluginRunUtilOptions): Promise<NetlifyPluginRunUtilResult>;
command(command: string, options?: NetlifyPluginRunUtilOptions): Promise<NetlifyPluginRunUtilResult>;
* @see
interface NetlifyPluginGitUtil {
fileMatch(globPattern: string): string[];
* Array of all modified files.
modifiedFiles: string[];
* Array of all created files.
createdFiles: string[];
* Array of all deleted files.
deletedFiles: string[];
* Array of commits with details.
commits: Array<{
sha: string;
parents: string;
author: {
name: string;
email: string;
date: string;
committer: {
name: string;
email: string;
date: string;
message: string;
* How many lines of code have changed
linesOfCode(): Promise<number>;
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