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benizar /
Last active April 3, 2023 12:09
Compresses files sharing a common prefix before the first dot in their filenames.

Group Zipping

This script allows you to compress multiple files that share a common prefix before the first dot in their filenames.


The script has the following dependencies:

  • GNU Parallel
  • tar
benizar /
Last active December 19, 2020 03:43 — forked from tarleb/highlight-author.lua
Filter to highlight some authors in the bibliography


Define bibliography and family/given name patterns in metadata:

bibliography: my-articles.bib
given-name-pattern: Jane
family-name-pattern: Doe
# Adapted from the default gromit-mpx configuration file
# In ubuntu 18.04, copy this file to $HOME/.config.
"red Pen" = PEN (size=5 color="red");
"green Pen" = PEN (size=5 color="green");
"blue Pen" = PEN (size=5 color="blue");
"yellow Pen" = PEN (size=5 color="yellow");
"red Marker" = "red Pen" (arrowsize=2);
benizar /
Last active February 14, 2022 18:48
Extract images and text from a list of PDF files

Execute providing a list of files

bash folder/*
benizar / airbnb.r
Created June 29, 2018 22:24 — forked from t-andrew-do/airbnb.r
AirBnB Scraping Script
# Author: Andrew Do
# Purpose: A bunch of utility functions for the main ScrapeCityToPage The goal
# is to be able to scrape up to a specified page number for a given city and
# then to store that information as a data frame. The resulting data frame will
# be raw and will require additional cleaning, but the structure is more or less
benizar /
Last active October 8, 2020 15:35
Update all git repositories under a base directory
# Based on
# But with a couple of changes
# store the current dir
# Let the person running the script know what's going on.
echo "Pulling in latest changes for all repositories..."
benizar /
Last active May 3, 2024 21:45
Ubuntu post-installation script for cloning multiple git repositories.

Every time I install Ubuntu on a different computer, I need to clone again the same git repositories. This is why I use this bash script.


It clones the list of repositories to a convenient working directory in the home folder. I use the /home/git folder.

Arguments are lists of git repositories. One repo per line, one file per list. See the example:

benizar /
Last active October 9, 2020 14:30
Ubuntu post installation script for installing some basics
apt-get update && apt-get install -y \
build-essential \
ppa-purge \
curl \
p7zip-full \
git \
make \
brasero \
"""Calculate building floors from the Spanish Cadastre GIS files (SHP).
Once logged, data can be downloaded from
and the data specification is at
This python script is to be used in the QGIS 2.x field calculator.
The "CONSTRU" field stores volumetric data and other attributes in the form
of a structured text code. Floor numbers are in roman numerals.
As for example, "-II+IV+TZA" is a building part with two underground floors,
SELECT *, true AS resid FROM usos5 WHERE usos5.id_2009 IN (SELECT id_2009 FROM usos5
WHERE (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="EDF" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='EDF'
OR (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="UCS" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='UCS'
OR (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="UEN" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='UEN'
OR (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="UDS" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='UDS'
OR (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="TCO" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='TCO'
OR (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="TCH" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='TCH')
SELECT *, false AS resid FROM usos5 WHERE usos5.id_2009 NOT IN (SELECT id_2009 FROM usos5
WHERE (xpath('//COBERTURA[@ID="EDF" and @Sup>20]/@ID', xml_2009::xml))[1]::text='EDF'