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Forked from noamross/dixondates.R
Created February 11, 2014 22:06
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#'% Using Dates and Times in R
#'% Bonnie Dixon
#'% 14-02-10 15:09:57
#' *Today at the [Davis R Users'
#' Group](, [Bonnie
#' Dixon]( gave a tutorial on the
#' various ways to handle dates and times in R. Bonnie provided this great script
#' which walks through essential classes, functions, and packages. Here it is piped through
#' `knitr::spin`. The original R script can be found as a gist
#' [here](*
#'Date/time classes
#'Three date/time classes are built-in in R, Date, POSIXct, and POSIXlt.
#'This is the class to use if you have only dates, but no times, in your data.
#'create a date:
dt1 <- as.Date("2012-07-22"); dt1
#'non-standard formats must be specified:
dt2 <- as.Date("04/20/2011", format = "%m/%d/%Y"); dt2
dt3 <- as.Date("October 6, 2010", format = "%B %d, %Y"); dt3
#'see list of format symbols:
#'**calculations with dates:**
#'find the difference between dates:
dt1 - dt2
difftime(dt1, dt2, units = "weeks")
#'Add or subtract days:
dt2 + 10
dt2 - 10
#'create a vector of dates and find the intervals between them:
three.dates <- as.Date(c("2010-07-22", "2011-04-20", "2012-10-06"))
#'create a sequence of dates:
six.weeks <- seq(dt1, length = 6, by = "week"); six.weeks
six.weeks <- seq(dt1, length = 6, by = 14); six.weeks
six.weeks <- seq(dt1, length = 6, by = "2 weeks"); six.weeks
#'see the internal integer representation
dt1 - as.Date("1970-01-01")
#'If you have times in your data, this is usually the best class to use.
#'create some POSIXct objects:
tm1 <- as.POSIXct("2013-07-24 23:55:26"); tm1
tm2 <- as.POSIXct("25072013 08:32:07", format = "%d%m%Y %H:%M:%S"); tm2
#'specify the time zone:
tm3 <- as.POSIXct("2010-12-01 11:42:03", tz = "GMT"); tm3
#'**some calculations with times**
#'compare times:
tm2 > tm1
#'Add or subtract seconds:
tm1 + 30
tm1 - 30
#'find the difference between times:
tm2 - tm1
#'automatically adjusts for daylight savings time:
as.POSIXct("2013-03-10 08:32:07") - as.POSIXct("2013-03-09 23:55:26")
#'Get the current time (in POSIXct by default):
#'see the internal integer representation:
difftime(tm1, as.POSIXct("1970-01-01 00:00:00", tz = "UTC"), units = "secs")
#'This class enables easy extraction of specific componants of a time.
#'("ct" stand for calender time and "lt" stands for local time. "lt" also helps
#'one remember that POXIXlt objects are *lists*.)
#'create a time: <- as.POSIXlt("2013-07-24 23:55:26");
#'extract componants of a time object:$sec$wday
#'truncate or round off the time:
trunc(, "days")
trunc(, "mins")
#'This class is a good option when you don't need to deal with timezones.
#'It requires the package `chron`.
#'create some times:
tm1.c <- as.chron("2013-07-24 23:55:26"); tm1.c
tm2.c <- as.chron("07/25/13 08:32:07", "%m/%d/%y %H:%M:%S"); tm2.c
#'extract just the date:
#'compare times:
tm2.c > tm1.c
#'add days:
tm1.c + 10
#'calculate the differene between times:
tm2.c - tm1.c
difftime(tm2.c, tm1.c, units = "hours")
#'does not adjust for daylight savings time:
as.chron("2013-03-10 08:32:07") - as.chron("2013-03-09 23:55:26")
#'Detach the `chron` package as it will interfere with `lubridate` later in
#'this script.
detach("package:chron", unload = TRUE)
#'Summary of date/time classes
#' - When you just have dates, use Date.
#' - When you have times, POSIXct is usually the best,
#' - but POSIXlt enables easy extraction of specific components
#' - and chron is simplest when you don't need to deal with timezones and
#' daylight savings time.
#'Manipulating times and dates
#'This package is a wrapper for POSIXct with more intuitive syntax.
#'create a time:
tm1.lub <- ymd_hms("2013-07-24 23:55:26"); tm1.lub
tm2.lub <- mdy_hm("07/25/13 08:32"); tm2.lub
tm3.lub <- ydm_hm("2013-25-07 4:00am"); tm3.lub
tm4.lub <- dmy("26072013"); tm4.lub
#'some manipulations:
#'extract or reassign componants:
wday(tm1.lub, label = TRUE)
second(tm2.lub) <- 7; tm2.lub
#'converting to decimal hours can facilitate some types of calculations:
tm1.dechr <- hour(tm1.lub) + minute(tm1.lub)/60 + second(tm1.lub)/3600
#'Lubridate distinguishes between four types of objects:
#' instants, intervals, durations, and periods.
#'An instant is a specific moment in time.
#'Intervals, durations, and periods are all ways of recording time spans.
#'Dates and times parsed in lubridate are instants:
#'round an instant:
round_date(tm1.lub, "minute")
round_date(tm1.lub, "day")
#'get the current time or date as an instant:
#'Note that lubridate uses UTC time zones as default.
#'see an instant in a different time zone:
with_tz(tm1.lub, "America/Los_Angeles")
#'change the time zone of an instant (keeping the same clock time):
force_tz(tm1.lub, "America/Los_Angeles")
#'some calculations with instants. Note that the units are seconds:
tm2.lub - tm1.lub
tm2.lub > tm1.lub
tm1.lub + 30
#'An interval is the span of time that occurs between two specified instants.
in.bed <- as.interval(tm1.lub, tm2.lub); in.bed
#'Check whether a certain instant occured with a specified interval:
tm3.lub %within% in.bed
tm4.lub %within% in.bed
#'determine whether two intervals overlap:
daylight <- as.interval(ymd_hm("2013-07-25 06:03"), ymd_hm("2013-07-25 20:23"))
int_overlaps(in.bed, daylight)
#'A duration is a time span not anchored to specific start and end times.
#' It has an exact, fixed length, and is stored internally in seconds.
#'create some durations:
ten.minutes <- dminutes(10); ten.minutes
five.days <- ddays(5); five.days
one.year <- dyears(1); one.year
#'arithmatic with durations:
tm1.lub - ten.minutes
five.days + dhours(12)
#'A period is a time span not anchored to specific start and end times,
#' and measured in units larger than seconds with inexact lengths.
#'create some periods:
three.weeks <- weeks(3); three.weeks
four.hours <- hours(4); four.hours
#'arithmatic with periods:
tm4.lub + three.weeks
sabbatical <- months(6) + days(12); sabbatical
#'Calculating mean clock times
#'Say we have a vector of clock times in decimal hours,
#' and we want to calculate the mean clock time.
bed.times <- c(23.9, 0.5, 22.7, 0.1, 23.3, 1.2, 23.6); bed.times
mean(bed.times) # doesn't work
#'The clock has a circular scale, which ends where it begins,
#' so we need to use circular statistics.
#' (For more info on circular statistics see
#' <>.)
#'Get the package, psych.
#'An example of using times and dates in a data frame
#'Here is a data frame with a week of hypothetical times of going to bed
#' and getting up for one person, and the total amount of time sleep time
#' obtained each night according to a sleep monitoring device.
sleep <-
bed.time = ymd_hms("2013-09-01 23:05:24", "2013-09-02 22:51:09",
"2013-09-04 00:09:16", "2013-09-04 23:43:31",
"2013-09-06 00:17:41", "2013-09-06 22:42:27",
"2013-09-08 00:22:27"),
rise.time = ymd_hms("2013-09-02 08:03:29", "2013-09-03 07:34:21",
"2013-09-04 07:45:06", "2013-09-05 07:07:17",
"2013-09-06 08:17:13", "2013-09-07 06:52:11",
"2013-09-08 07:15:19"),
sleep.time = dhours(c(6.74, 7.92, 7.01, 6.23, 6.34, 7.42, 6.45))
); sleep
#'We want to calculate sleep efficiency,
#' the percent of time in bed spent asleep.
sleep$efficiency <-
round(sleep$sleep.time/(sleep$rise.time - sleep$bed.time)*100, 1)
#'Now let's calculate the mean of each column:
colMeans(sleep) # doesn't work
circadian.mean(hour(sleep$bed.time) +
minute(sleep$bed.time)/60 +
circadian.mean(hour(sleep$rise.time) +
minute(sleep$rise.time)/60 +
#'We can also plot sleep duration and efficiency across the week:
par(mar = c(5, 4, 4, 4))
plot(round_date(sleep$rise.time, "day"), sleep$efficiency,
type = "o", col = "blue", xlab = "Morning", ylab = NA)
par(new = TRUE)
plot(round_date(sleep$rise.time, "day"), sleep$sleep.time/3600,
type = "o", col = "red", axes = FALSE, ylab = NA, xlab = NA)
axis(side = 4)
mtext(side = 4, line = 2.5, col = "red", "Sleep duration")
mtext(side = 2, line = 2.5, col = "blue", "Sleep efficiency")
#'More resources on times and dates
#'date and time tutorials for R:
#'- <>
#'- <>
#'- <>
#'- <>
#'time zone and daylight saving time info:
#'- <>
#'- <>
#'- <>
#'- Also see the R help file at ?Sys.timezone
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