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Last active September 25, 2024 21:06
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R function to query CMS data via API
getCMS <- function(distributionId,
columns = "*",
where = NULL,
limit = 0,
root = "")
if (is.null(where)) {
query <- sprintf("[SELECT %s FROM %s][LIMIT %d]", columns, distributionId, limit)
} else {
query <- sprintf("[SELECT %s FROM %s][WHERE %s][LIMIT %d]", columns, distributionId, where, limit)
options <- "show_db_columns=true"
url <- sprintf("%s?query=%s&%s", root, query, options) %>% URLencode()
GET(url)$content %>% rawToChar() %>% fromJSON()
# getCMS("10ab1332-3857-537a-8ffa-cbe91dbe4c65", where = 'state = \"OR\"')
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