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Created September 22, 2017 14:51
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to experiment what the transformation from spatial to fourier domain does
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# The purpose of this script is to get a feeling what the transformation from spatial to fourier domain does.
# The user can set white or black pixels in the spatial domain and the fourier domain will be updated accordingly.
# The left mouse button creates white pixels (value = 1), the right mouse button black pixels (value = 0).
# Both one-time clicks work as well as dragging (moving while button is pressed down) the mouse.
# The drawing radius can be changed with the + and - keys, also during dragging.
# The "i"-key inverts the spatial data (0s become 1s and 1s become 0s), the "r"-key resets it to 0s.
n = 100
drawradius = 5 # pixels the user edits with one click, the clicked cell is in the middle
# drawradius 1 means 1 pixel, 2 means 9 pixels (wrapping the clicked cell) and so on
def spatial_to_fourier():
return np.real(np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft2(data_spatial)))
def fourier_to_spatial(fourier_data): # TODO
return # allow pixel-manipulation in the fourier domain and change the spatial domain accordingly
# but what editing operations make sense?
fig_spatial, ax_spatial = plt.subplots()
ax_spatial.set(title='Spatial domain')
data_spatial = np.zeros((n, n)) # np.random.random((n, n))
im_spatial = ax_spatial.imshow(data_spatial, cmap='gray', origin='lower')
fig_fourier, ax_fourier = plt.subplots()
ax_fourier.set(title='Fourier domain')
data_fourier = spatial_to_fourier()
im_fourier = ax_fourier.imshow(data_fourier, origin='lower')
row, col = 0, 0
def edit_values(value):
for r in range(row - drawradius + 1, row + drawradius):
for c in range(col - drawradius + 1, col + drawradius):
if 0 <= r < n and 0 <= c < n:
data_spatial[r, c] = value
def update_figures():
# update spatial
# update fourier
im_fourier.autoscale() # adjust vmin/vmax automatically to new set of values
def handle_mouse_event(event):
global row, col
if (event.inaxes is None) or (event.button is not 1 and event.button is not 3): # 1: left, 3: right
current_col = int(event.xdata + 0.5)
current_row = int(event.ydata + 0.5)
if current_col == col and current_row == row: # still in same cell
col = current_col
row = current_row
edit_values(1 if event.button == 1 else 0)
def handle_key_released(event):
global data_spatial, drawradius
if event.key == 'i': # invert
for r in range(0, n):
for c in range(0, n):
data_spatial[r, c] = 1 - data_spatial[r, c] # toggle 1s and 0s
print 'inverted spatial data'
if event.key == 'r': # reset
data_spatial = np.zeros((n, n))
print 'reset spatial data'
if event.key == '+':
drawradius += 1
print 'drawradius: ' + str(drawradius)
if event.key == '-':
if drawradius > 1:
drawradius -= 1
print 'drawradius: ' + str(drawradius)
fig_spatial.canvas.mpl_connect('key_release_event', handle_key_released)
# have mouse release events as well as mouse motion events trigger handle_mouse_event(), to enable editing by both click and dragging
fig_spatial.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', handle_mouse_event)
fig_spatial.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', handle_mouse_event)
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