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Last active January 19, 2025 10:18
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Save benjamine/5992592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Aliases for windows command line
:: Aliases for windows command line
:: Installation:
:: - create a folder for your aliases (eg: ```c:\cmd-aliases```)
:: - add that folder to your PATH variable
:: - save this script as setalias.cmd on that folder
:: - run "alias" to see usage
:: author: Benjamin Eidelman <[email protected]>
@echo off
set operation=%1
set aliasname=%2
set aliasfile=%~dp0%2.cmd
IF "%~1"=="" GOTO help
IF /I "%~1"=="list" GOTO listaliases
IF /I "%~1"=="set" GOTO setalias
IF /I "%~1"=="get" GOTO getalias
IF /I "%~1"=="delete" GOTO deletealias
IF /I "%~1"=="here" GOTO setaliashere
echo. Usage:
echo. alias list - list available cmd aliases
echo. alias set [name] [command line] - set an alias
echo. alias get [name] - show an alias
echo. alias delete [name] - delete alias
echo. alias here [name] [command line] - create alias cmd on cwd
exit /B
dir /B %~dp0*.cmd
exit /B
set aliasfile=%2.cmd
if "%aliasname%"=="alias" (
echo ERROR: cannot set this alias
exit /B 1
echo %1 %2> "%aliasfile%"
for %%a in ("%aliasfile%") do set /a length=%%~za
set /a length=length-1
set commandline=%*
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
call set commandline=!commandline:~%length%!
set commandline=%commandline% %%*
echo %commandline%> "%aliasfile%"
echo INFO: alias "%aliasname%" set
exit /B
if exist %aliasfile% (
type %aliasfile%
) ELSE (
echo ERROR: alias not found
exit /B 1
exit /B
if /I "%aliasname%"=="alias" (
echo ERROR: cannot delete this alias
exit /B 1
if exist %aliasfile% (
del %aliasfile%
echo INFO: alias deleted
) ELSE (
echo INFO: alias not found
exit /B
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VVelda commented Nov 15, 2014

Thank you for snippet. :-) I use it with only one change on line 60 to
echo @echo off> "%aliasfile%"
echo %commandline%>> "%aliasfile%"
because this suppress inessential echo from alias :-)

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rillig commented Oct 29, 2016

This program does not work when installed into a directory whose name contains spaces. I installed it into %USERPROFILE%\Program Files\bin, and alias list always says Cannot find given path.

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rillig commented Oct 29, 2016

When I run alias set 5 echo hello, world, the output is:

INFO: alias "5" set

The set should not appear in the output. Also, the created 5.cmd does not work, since it looks like this:

d %*

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rillig commented Oct 29, 2016

The installation instructions should say save this script as alias.cmd instead of setalias.cmd.

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rillig commented Oct 29, 2016

Aliases defined with this tool cannot be used in other .cmd scripts, since execution stops after the first one. For example:


@echo off


@echo off
echo one

When running five.cmd, I expect it to output 5 times a line one. Instead, only the first line is output.

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Could someone add commands and explanations to it? I am a Linux guy, know a lot about
ruby too but windows is black magic to me. :(

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this is just chef's kiss amazing

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sionta commented Feb 19, 2024

@echo off

REM Define the directory for storing aliases
set "ALIASES_DIR=%APPDATA%\aliases.d"

REM Create the directory if it doesn't exist
if not exist "%ALIASES_DIR%\" mkdir "%ALIASES_DIR%\"

REM Check if there are no existing alias batch files, and create some defaults
if not exist "%ALIASES_DIR%\*.bat" (
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\ll.bat"  echo::: unix: alias ls='ls -F --color=auto --show-control-chars'
    >>"%ALIASES_DIR%\ll.bat" echo:@for /f "tokens=*" %%%%i in ^('dir %%1^^^|findstr /b [0-9]'^) do @^(if "%%%%~xi"=="" ^(echo:�^^^[94m%%%%i\�^^^[0m^) else ^(echo:%%%%i^)^)
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\~.bat"   echo:@pushd "%%USERPROFILE%%"
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\e..bat"  echo:@explorer .
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\cp.bat"  echo:@copy %%*
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\ls.bat"  echo:@dir %%*
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\mv.bat"  echo:@move %%*
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\ni.bat"  echo:@if not "%%~1"=="" echo/^>"%%~f1"
    >"%ALIASES_DIR%\rm.bat"  echo:@del %%*

REM Add the aliases directory to current session PATH

REM Enable delayed expansion for variable manipulation
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

REM Check command line arguments
if "%~1"=="" (
    echo Try '%~nx0 /?' for more information.
    echo. & call :show
    exit /b 0
) else if "%~1"=="/?" (
    goto :help
) else if /i "%~1"=="/d" (
    if "%~2"=="" (
        echo Alias name is required.
        exit /b 1
    set REMOVE_ALIAS=1
    shift /1
) else if "%~2"=="" (
    call :show "%~1.bat"
    exit /b 0
) else (
    call :char "%~1" || (
        echo ERROR: The alias name invalid character "%~1".
        exit /b 1
    if /i "%~nx1"=="%~nx0" (
        echo ERROR: The alias name cannot be the same as this script "%~nx0".
        exit /b 1

REM Set alias name, value, and file path
set "ALIAS_NAME=%~1"
set "ALIAS_VALUE=%~2"

REM Check for spaces in alias name
if not ["%ALIAS_NAME: =%"] == ["%ALIAS_NAME%"] (
    echo ERROR: The alias name cannot contains spaces.
    exit /b 1

REM Execute the alias creation or removal
call :test "%ALIAS_NAME%" "%ALIASES_FILE%"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 exit /b 1

REM Remove the alias if option '/d' is used.
if defined REMOVE_ALIAS (
    if exist "%ALIASES_FILE%" del /q "%ALIASES_FILE%"
    exit /b 0

REM Check if alias value is provided
if not defined ALIAS_VALUE (
    echo ERROR: Alias value is required.
    exit /b 1

REM Create and update the aliases file.
echo:Alias "%ALIAS_NAME%" successfully created.
exit /b 0

@REM :: Alternatives for creating aliases
@REM set /p x=@%ALIAS_VALUE%< nul >>"%ALIASES_FILE%"

:test -- Execute alias validation
if "%~1"=="" exit /b 1
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "name=%~1"
set "file=%~f2"
set "names=!PATHEXT:.=%name%.!;%name%.PS1"
for %%I in (%names%) do if not "%%~$PATH:I"=="" (
    if /i "%%~$PATH:I"=="%file%" exit /b 1
    echo WARNING: The alias same as "%%~nx$PATH:I".
    exit /b 0
exit /b 1

:char -- Validate characters in alias name
if "%~1"==""  exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="<" exit /b 1
if "%~1"==">" exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="/" exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="\" exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="|" exit /b 1
if "%~1"==":" exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="?" exit /b 1
if "%~1"=="*" exit /b 1
exit /b 0

:show -- Display all defined aliases
for %%A in ("%ALIASES_DIR%\*%~n1.bat") do (
    for /f "eol=: tokens=* delims=@ " %%B in ('type "%%~fA"') do (
        if not defined %%~nA (set "%%~nA=1" & echo:%%~nA=%%B)
exit /b 0

:help -- Display script usage information
echo. Usage: %~nx0 [/d] [name[=value] ... ]
echo.   %~nx0 - a recalls Windows commands.
echo.   name       The name of the alias
echo.   value      The value of the alias
echo.   /d ^<name^>  Remove the alias from the list
echo.   The NAME and/or VALUE must be enclosed in double quotes.
echo.   For escaping the env-var sign, use '^^%%' instead of '%%%%'.
echo.   Invalid characters in alias NAME : ^< ^> ^\ ^/ ^| ^? ^: ^*
echo.   Escaped characters in this script: ^^^| ^^^& ^^^< ^^^> ^^^( ^^^)
echo. Examples:
echo.   %~nx0 d="dir "^^%%ProgramFiles^^^^(x86^^^^)^^%%" %%*"
echo.   %~nx0 log="^(foo.exe ^&^& bar.bat)^ ^> log.txt"
echo.   %~nx0 /d log
goto :EOF

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