So, we figured creating our own chatroom could be fun.
It's something we can all work together on.
We don't plan on moving there but the project itself could be interesting for the whole room to collaborate work on.
What we need to discuss now:
- What technologies we want to use (Node/Express seems natural for serverside. What about clientside?)
- What features to we want? Do we just want to start with a clone of the SO chat?
- Adding features should be easy
- Responsive and fast
- Works on IE10+, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera
- Mobile interface that actually works
- AngularJS as clientside MVW, libraries (like jQuery) accepted gladly on a need to basis.
- NodeJS/ExpressJS/SQL for server side.
Several ideas...
A user preference to stop autoplaying of GIF's, that will show the GIF as a static image with a play button over it.
A library of audible emotes with a user preference of whether or not to auto play the emotes or not, because sound clips can be funny at the right moments, but also annoying at the wrong moments.
Third is more of a principle:
I think what would really add a lot of quality to a chat service, is to have subtle user preferences for anything UI related. This may include things like:
The principle is this; User preference all the things!
The obvious problem is finding a way to pull these things off without bloating the UI.
Which is why we would need to consider this early in the development.