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Actually gets Google Home's bluetooth to connect reliably on Windows 10. Fixes pairing issues, stuck paired issue and just makes the whole process a lot less awful.
# Actually gets Google Home's bluetooth to connect reliably on Windows 10.
# Unpairs Windows AND Google Home using MAC address, then sets everything up for a one-click connection.
# * Prevents Google Home from getting stuck paried using bttool, which is apparently the only way to fix that?
# * Uses some code from Stack Overflow to get the IP from the MAC address so you don't have to dick around with static IP's
# * Connects reliably by repairing bluetooth on Google Home using the "secret" REST API (
# * Opens control legacy panel after setting up Google for pairing
# Needs btpair installed first, get it from
# Also needs "requests", do `pip install requests`
# @author Benjamin Gwynn <[email protected]>
import os
import requests # pip install requests (or pipenv if you're into that kind of thing)
import sys
import ctypes
import subprocess
# by the way this is for windows only, if you're using linux or macos just do something else.
# 99% sure all python is copy-pasted from the internet,
def is_admin():
return ctypes.windll.shell32.IsUserAnAdmin()
return False
# more code copied from stack overflow
def find_ip(mac):
macstr = mac.replace(":", '-') # apparently you can't use ':', you have to use '-' for ARP, la dee da.
cmd = 'arp -a | findstr "' + macstr + '" '
returned_output = subprocess.check_output((cmd),shell=True,stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
parse=str(returned_output).split(' ',1)
ip=parse[1].split(' ')
return ip[1]
# spit out usage errors
if (sys.argv.count < 2):
print("usage " + sys.argv[0] + " <google home mac address>")
print("- you can find the mac address on the bottom of the device settings on the Google Home app")
mac = sys.argv[1].lower() # lower case is important for correct ARP lookup in find_ip.
print("Google Home MAC Address: " + mac)
ip = find_ip(mac)
print("Google Home IP: " + ip)
if is_admin():
# btpair requires admin.
print("Hey, you're an admin, that's great!")
print("Unpairing Windows Bluetooth devices...")
os.system("btpair -u") # why not btpair -u with a specific mac? because it doesn't work, try it.
print("\n!! You must be an admin to run this script!\n\n* Why? The btpair program needs it to unpair devices RELIABLY, unlike Control Panel which always does so at user-level, causing devices to get stuck. Please check the source code before running this as an admin to ensure it has not been tampered with.\n")
# this is done using
print("Forgetting paired devices on Google Home...")"http://" + ip + ":8008/setup/bluetooth/bond", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
print("Setting Google Home to discoverable...")"http://" + ip + ":8008/setup/bluetooth/discovery", headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"})
print("Trying to use btpair to connect, this NEVER works for me, but might for you...")
os.system("btpair -p -b " + mac)
print("Opening the legacy Bluetooth panel (fun-fact: you can close this panel after the device starts to install!)")
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