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Created March 17, 2018 02:26
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0">
<title>Asimov - Foundation Trilogy</title>
<description>Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy in BBC Audio from the Internet Archive</description>
<title>Part 1 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 2 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 3 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 4 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 5 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 6 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 7 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
<title>Part 8 of 8</title>
<enclosure url="" type="audio/mpeg"/>
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The item is not available due to issues with the item's content.

I'm leaving this gist up because similar feeds could be made.

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