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Last active December 21, 2023 20:52
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Python fuzzer useful in combination with iis-shortnames-scanner
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Algorithm
import sys, os, requests
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement
import urllib3
s = requests.Session()
extension = ".json"
start = "APPSET"
max_length = 5
# only lower case due to we are targetting a IIS
characters = "abcdefgijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567890._-( )"
print("[!] Starting fuzzing")
for r in range(1, max_length+1):
for combo in combinations_with_replacement(characters, r=r):
r = s.get(url + start + ''.join(combo) + extension, verify=False, allow_redirects=False)
print("Fuzzing: %s - %s " % (start + ''.join(combo) + extension, r.status_code ))
if (r.status_code == 200):
print("[+] Found: %s" %(url + start + ''.join(combo) + extension))
print("[!] Ending fuzzing")
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