A collaborator shares some fMRI data with you in a file called other.dtseries.nii
. You try to parcellate the data and get this error:
wb_command -cifti-parcellate \
other.dtseries.nii \
parcellation.dlabel.nii \
ERROR: input cifti files must have the same volume space
A closer look at the input files reveals the problem.
wb_command -file-information other.dtseries.nii
Type: CIFTI - Dense Data Series
Maps to Surface: true
Maps to Volume: true
Number of Rows: 91206
CIFTI Dim[1]: 91206
The input dense timeseries contains volume data with 91206 elements.
wb_command -file-information parcellation.dlabel.nii
Type: CIFTI - Dense Label
Maps to Surface: true
Maps to Volume: true
Maps with LabelTable: true
Number of Rows: 91282
CIFTI Dim[1]: 91282
The label file contains a volume map with 91282 elements. The number of volume (subcortical) elements is not equal. To apply your parcellation to data in the other volume space, you must resample your dense label file.
Note: Sometimes you may get this error even if the number of volume elements is the same. If so, the qform and sform of the volume data may not match. This procedure will fix qform and sform mismatches too.
Note: This procedure assumes both volume spaces are in the same stereotactic space (e.g. MNI space) and differ only in the number of volume elements.
Connectome Workbench has a built-in command for resampling a cifti file from one volume space to another, -cifti-resample
. The following resamples your parcellation to the other space using other.dtseries.nii
as a template.
wb_command -cifti-resample \
parcellation.dlabel.nii COLUMN \
other.dtseries.nii COLUMN \
You can then apply the new parcellation with:
wb_command -cifti-parcellate \
other.dtseries.nii \
parcellation_other.dlabel.nii \
Hint: If you don't have a label file then you can generate one using a dense timeseries and a parcellated timeseries in your volume space as templates.
wb_command -cifti-parcel-mapping-to-label \ template.ptseries.nii COLUMN \ template.dtseries.nii \ parcellation.dlabel.nii
There is no particular reason not to use -cifti-resample
, but if you need more fine-tuned control over the process, or you are curious about how Connectome Workbench works, read on.
We begin by assuming you have a label file parcellation.dlabel.nii
containing a combined cortical (surface) and subcortical parcellation in your volume space. We need to separate this into different files for the cortical (surface) and subcortical (volume) parcellations so that we can resample the volume data.
First, extract the volume (subcortical) parcellation. The file volume_labels.nii
will contain the structure labels (e.g. THALAMUS_LEFT
, etc) whereas the file volume_parcels.nii
will contain the parcellation. If you open up volume_parcels.nii
in a nifti image viewer you will see all the voxels with value 1 correspond to the first parcel, all the voxels with value 2 correspond to the second parcel, etc. The cifti header of volume_parcels.nii
contains a mapping from parcel number to parcel name.
wb_command -cifti-separate \
parcellation.dlabel.nii COLUMN \
-volume-all volume_parcels.nii \
-label volume_labels.nii
Then extract the cortical surfaces. Typically you will just have CORTEX_LEFT
to extract. You can use wb_command -file-information
to check if your label file contains other surfaces.
wb_command -cifti-separate \
parcellation.dlabel.nii COLUMN \
-label CORTEX_LEFT cortex_left.label.gii
wb_command -cifti-separate \
parcellation.dlabel.nii COLUMN \
-label CORTEX_RIGHT cortex_right.label.gii
Finally, we are going to need the label table. This contains the mappings from parcel number to parcel name.
wb_command -cifti-label-export-table parcellation.dlabel.nii 1 parcel_labels.txt
Separate out just the volume data (no need for the cortical data) from the other space. We don't necessarily need a dense label file from the other space to do this. We can extract the volume structure labels from any dense timeseries file.
wb_command -cifti-separate \
other.dtseries.nii COLUMN \
-volume-all other_volume_parcels.nii \
-label other_volume_labels.nii
Resample your volume parcellation into the space of the other volume structure labels. Here we use FSL's flirt
to do the resampling. We assume both nifti volumes are in the same MNI space, therefore we can resample using an identity matrix to map from your space to the other space. This will overwrite other_volume_parcels.nii
with your parcellation.
-init ${FSLDIR}/etc/flirtsch/ident.mat \
-applyxfm -ref other_volume_labels.nii \
-in volume_parcels.nii \
-out other_volume_parcels.nii \
-nosearch -interp nearestneighbour
Now the file other_volume_parcels.nii
contains your parcels in the other space. Success! But there is a small problem. FSL's flirt
does not understand cifti headers. The file other_volume_parcels.nii
is just a plain old nifti file without any parcel labels in its non-existent cifti header. We can fix this by importing the parcel labels that we exported to a table in the prior section. The option -drop-unused-labels
omits the superfluous cortical parcel labels. This will (again) overwire other_volume_parcels.nii
wb_command -volume-label-import \
other_volume_parcels.nii \
parcel_labels.txt \
other_volume_parcels.nii \
Now that we have your volume (subcortical) parcels in the other volume space, it's time to reassemble everything back into a single dense label file.
wb_command -cifti-create-label \
parcellation_other.dlabel.nii \
-volume other_volume_parcels.nii other_volume_labels.nii \
-left-label cortex_left.label.gii \
-right-label cortex_right.label.gii
Finally, you can apply your new label file to the dense timeseries data in the other volume space.
wb_command -cifti-parcellate \
other.dtseries.nii \
parcellation_other.dlabel.nii \
Open other.ptseries.nii
in Workbench Viewer and make sure the parcels look like they are in the right place.