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Last active November 13, 2022 13:48
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Assumed role session chaining (with credential refreshing) for boto3
# *** WARNING ***
# This gist is no longer maintained
# It has been replaced by aws-assume-role-lib in PyPI
# Documentation at
# It is still a single-file library, you can find the stable version here:
# (link also available in the docs)
# Copyright 2020 Ben Kehoe
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Assumed role session chaining (with credential refreshing) for boto3.
This library provides the ability to create boto3 Sessions that use a given
role, assuming that role from a parent session, in a way such that the child
session can refresh its credentials when they expire by implicitly calling
AssumeRole again."""
import typing
import json
import boto3
import botocore
__version__ = "1.0.0"
__all__ = ["assume_role"]
def assume_role(session: boto3.Session, RoleArn: str, *,
RoleSessionName: str=None,
PolicyArns: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]]=None,
Policy: typing.Union[str, typing.Dict]=None,
DurationSeconds: int=None,
Tags: typing.List[typing.Dict[str, str]]=None,
ExternalId: str=None,
SerialNumber: str=None,
TokenCode: str=None,
validate: bool=True,
additional_kwargs: typing.Dict=None) -> boto3.Session:
"""Produce a boto3 Session using the given role, assuming it from the input session
Unlike creating a session with the credentials returned directly
by sts.AssumeRole, the returned session will refresh the credentials
automatically when they expire by calling AssumeRole again.
By default, the parameters and session credentials are checked so that errors
can be raised at this point, rather than more confusingly when the first call
is made using the child session. This can be disabled by setting validate=False.
The parent session is available on the child session
in the property assume_role_parent_session.
Additional arguments for AssumeRole, if any are added in the future,
can be passed in additional_kwargs."""
botocore_session = session._session
if Policy is not None and not isinstance(Policy, str):
Policy = json.dumps(Policy)
extra_args = {}
if additional_kwargs:
for var_name in [
value = locals()[var_name]
if value is not None:
extra_args[var_name] = value
if validate:
validate_args = extra_args.copy()
validate_args["RoleArn"] = RoleArn
if "RoleSessionName" not in validate_args:
# this gets generated later if it's not present
validate_args["RoleSessionName"] = "ToBeGenerated"
shape = session.client("sts")._service_model.shape_for("AssumeRoleRequest")
botocore.validate.validate_parameters(validate_args, shape)
credentials = botocore_session.get_credentials()
if not credentials:
raise botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError
assume_role_provider = AssumeRoleProvider(
assumed_role_botocore_session = botocore.session.Session()
assumed_role_boto3_session = boto3.Session(botocore_session=assumed_role_botocore_session)
assumed_role_boto3_session.assume_role_parent_session = session
return assumed_role_boto3_session
class AssumeRoleProvider(botocore.credentials.CredentialProvider):
METHOD = "assume-role"
def __init__(self, client_creator, credential_loader, role_arn,
extra_args=None, cache=None):
self._client_creator = client_creator
self._credential_loader = credential_loader
self._role_arn = role_arn
self._extra_args = extra_args
self._fetcher = None
if cache is None:
cache = {}
self._cache = cache
def _get_fetcher(self):
if not self._fetcher:
self._fetcher = botocore.credentials.AssumeRoleCredentialFetcher(
return self._fetcher
def load(self):
return botocore.credentials.DeferredRefreshableCredentials(
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I have created a framework using boto3 in python for AWS migration. Same framework is being used by number of teams in my organization. Now the framework is working for different profile invocations.
But now currently we are implementing aws lakeformation process to register and grant permissions.
i have a scenario now. please refer below.

  1. With the parent account I have to ingest the data --> with the current process it works fine. .~ .aws/credntials/
  2. After the completion of step 1 from the parent account itself I have to assume the role and comple the lakeformation account. how can I achive this one using assuem role with the above code.
  3. If I configure the assume role .~ .aws/config/ will it impact the current process step#1 or assume role only be used during the stsclient invocation.

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