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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
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Help me obi-bryn kenobi... you're my only hope
I have a table component that works like this (basically):
{{#nf-table data=someData}}
{{#nf-cell}}<button {{action 'fooClicked'}}>{{foo}}</button>{{/nf-cell}}
and outputs:
<td><button action-crap-here>foo value 1</button></td>
<td>bar value 1</td>
<td><button action-crap-here>foo value 2</button></td>
<td>bar value 2</td>
<!-- snip -->
<td><button action-crap-here>foo value 100</button></td>
<td>bar value 100</td>
export default Ember.ObjectController.extend({
data: [{ foo: 'foo value 1', bar: 'bar value 1' }, { foo: 'foo value 2', bar: 'bar value 2' }/* ... more ... */]
actions: {
fooClicked: function() {
console.log('foo was clicked');
{{#each col in columns}}
{{view 'nf-table-header' template=col.headerTemplate}}
{{#each row in data}}
{{#each col in columns}}
{{view 'nf-table-cell' template=col.cellTemplate}}
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