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Created March 16, 2015 22:23
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{{multline-graph dataSourceName="NetflixFancyData"
otherThings="wee" whatNow="whatever"
export default Ember.Component.extend({
title: 'No Title',
/* code
actions: {
brush: function(e){
this.sendAction('brushAction', e);
{{#nf-graph brushAction="brush"}}
{{nf-line data=data1}}
{{nf-line data=data2}}
{{nf-line data=data3}}
export default Ember.Component.extend({
dataSourceName: null
/* CPs to create data1, data2, data3 from dataSourceName here */
brushAction: null,
actions: {
brush: function(e) {
this.sendAction('brushAction', e)
<h3>Totally Awesome Data</h3>
<blink>For realz</blink>
{{fancy-data-graph title="Fancy Data 1"}}
{{other-data-graph title="My Other Stuff"}}
<button {{action 'whatever'}}>I'm a button</button>
{{multline-graph dataSourceName="OtherDataFromNetflixyStuff"
otherThings="wee" whatNow="whatever"
export default Ember.Component.extend({
title: 'Other Data',
/* unique and interesting functionality here */
actions: {
whatever: function(e) {
console.log('whatever button clicked');
brush: function(e) {
this.sendAction('brushAction', e);
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