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Created January 7, 2016 04:44
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#lang racket/base
;; Minimized version of `good-news.rkt`
;; Runs on (slowly) on 6.3, crashes on
;; Error message:
;; vector-ref: chaperone produced a result that is not a chaperone of the original result
;; chaperone result: (object:automata% ...)
;; original result: (object:automata% ...)
;; context...:
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/base-env/prims.rkt:834:9: for-loop
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/base-env/class-prims.rkt:53:23: payoffs method in population%
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs/typed-racket-lib/typed-racket/base-env/class-prims.rkt:53:23: regenerate method in population%
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/gtp/fsmoo-crash.rkt:136:4: for-loop
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/gtp/fsmoo-crash.rkt:135:2: main
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/gtp/fsmoo-crash.rkt:145:2
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/fork/racket/share/pkgs/sandbox-lib/racket/sandbox.rkt:379:0: call-with-limits
;; /Users/ben/code/racket/gtp/fsmoo-crash.rkt: [running body]
(module automata racket/base
(require racket/class racket/match)
(define (choose-randomly vals num-to-choose)
(define %s (accumulated-% vals))
(define L (vector-length vals))
(for/list ([n (in-range num-to-choose)])
(define r (random))
(for/last ([i (in-range L)]
#:final (< r (vector-ref %s i)))
(define (accumulated-% vals)
(define total (for/sum ([v (in-vector vals)]) v))
(build-vector (vector-length vals)
(lambda (i)
(if (zero? i)
(/ (vector-ref vals 0) total)
(+ (vector-ref vals (- i 1))
(/ (vector-ref vals i) total))))))
(define (build-automata)
(new automata% [current 0] [payoff 0] [table '#(#(0 0) #(0 0))]))
'#(#((3 . 3) (0 . 4))
#((4 . 0) (1 . 1))))
(define automata%
(class object%
[initial current])
(define/public (interact other num-turns)
(for ([_i (in-range num-turns)])
(define input (get-field current other))
(match-define (cons p1 p2) (vector-ref (vector-ref PAYOFF-TABLE current) input))
(set-field! current this (vector-ref (vector-ref table current) input))
(set-field! payoff this (+ (get-field payoff this) p1))
(set-field! current other (vector-ref (vector-ref (get-field table other) input) current))
(set-field! payoff other (+ (get-field payoff other) p2))
(values this other))
(define/public (clone)
(new automata% (current initial) (payoff 0) (table table)))
(define/public (pay)
(module population typed/racket/base
(provide build-population)
(require typed/racket/class)
(define-type Automata%
(init-field [current Natural] [payoff Natural] [table (Vector (Vector Natural Natural) (Vector Natural Natural))])
(clone (-> (Instance Automata%)))
(interact (-> (Instance Automata%) Natural (Values (Instance Automata%) (Instance Automata%))))
(pay (-> Natural))))
(define-type Population%
(init-field [a* (Vectorof (Instance Automata%))]
[b* (Vectorof (Instance Automata%))])
(match-up* (-> Natural (Instance Population%)))
(payoffs (-> (Vectorof Natural)))
(regenerate (-> Natural (Instance Population%)))))
(require/typed (submod ".." automata)
(choose-randomly (-> (Vectorof Natural) Natural (Listof Natural)))
(build-automata (-> (Instance Automata%))))
(: build-population (-> Natural (Instance Population%)))
(define (build-population n)
(define v (build-vector n (lambda (_) (build-automata))))
(new population% [a* v] [b* v]))
(: population% Population%)
(define population%
(class object%
(init-field a* b*)
(define/public (match-up* num-rounds)
(for ([i (in-range 0 (- (vector-length a*) 2) 2)])
(let* ([a1 (vector-ref a* i)]
[a2 (vector-ref a* (+ i 1))])
(define-values (a1+ a2+) (send a1 interact a2 num-rounds))
(vector-set! a* i a1+)
(vector-set! a* (+ i 1) a2+)
(define/public (payoffs)
(for/vector : (Vectorof Natural)
([a (in-vector (get-field a* this))])
(send a pay)))
(define/public (regenerate rate)
(define pay* (payoffs))
(define sub* (choose-randomly pay* rate))
(for ([i : Natural (in-range rate)] [p (in-list sub*)])
(vector-set! a* i (send (vector-ref b* p) clone)))
(module evolve racket/base
(provide main)
(require (submod ".." population)
(define (main N)
(for/fold ([p (build-population 100)])
([_i (in-range N)])
(let* ([p (send p match-up* 20)]
[p (send p regenerate 10)])
(require 'evolve racket/sandbox)
(call-with-limits 1 1
(lambda () (time (main 20)) (void)))
#lang racket/base
;; Original FSM program
;; Runs very slowly on 6.3, but quickly on (after efcbd1211?)
(module automata racket
;; An N-states, N-inputs Automaton
;; type Automaton =
;; Class
;; [match-pair (-> Automata N (values Automata Automata))
;; the sum of pay-offs for the two respective automata over all rounds
;; [interact (-> Automaton (values Automaton Automaton))]
;; give each automaton the reaction of the other in the current state
;; determine payoff for each and transition the automaton
;; [pay (-> Payoff)]
;; [reset (-> Automaton)]
;; wipe out the historic payoff
;; [clone (-> Automaton)]
;; create new automaton from given one (same original state)
;; [equal (-> Automaton)]
;; type Automaton
;; type Payoff = N
;; Payoff -> Automaton
;; N -> Automaton
;; (make-random-automaton n k) builds an n states x k inputs automaton
;; with a random transition table
;; =============================================================================
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; Table = [Vectorof n Transition])
;; Transition = [Vectorof n State]
;; ~ [Vectorof [Input --> State]]
;; ~ [State -> [Input --> State]]
;; State = [0,n)
;; Input = [0,n)
;; Payoff = N
(define (make-random-automaton n)
(new automaton%
[current (random n)]
[payoff 0]
(build-vector n (lambda _ (build-vector n (lambda _ (random n)))))]))
;; Automaton = (instance automaton% State Payoff Table)
(define automaton%
(let ()
;; static [measure overhead]
;; PayoffTable = [Vectorof [Vectorof (cons Payoff Payoff)]]
;; ~ [Input -> [Input -> (cons Payoff Payoff)]]
(vector (vector (cons 3 3) (cons 0 4))
(vector (cons 4 0) (cons 1 1))))
(class object%
current ;; State
payoff ;; Payoff
table ;; [Vectorof [Vectorof State]]
(original current))
(define/public (match-pair other r)
(define c1 (box (get-field current this)))
(define y1 (box (get-field payoff this)))
(define t1 (get-field table this))
(define c2 (box (get-field current other)))
(define y2 (box (get-field payoff other)))
(define t2 (get-field table this))
(for ([_i (in-range r)])
(define input (unbox c2))
(match-define (cons p1 p2)
(vector-ref (vector-ref PAYOFF-TABLE (unbox c1)) input))
;; (jump input p1)
(set-box! c1 (vector-ref (vector-ref t1 (unbox c1)) input))
(set-box! y1 (+ (unbox y1) p1))
;; (send other jump current p2)
(set-box! c2 (vector-ref (vector-ref t2 (unbox c2)) (unbox c1)))
(set-box! y2 (+ (unbox y2) p2))
(set-field! current this (unbox c1))
(set-field! payoff this (unbox y1))
(set-field! current other (unbox c2))
(set-field! payoff other (unbox y2))
(values this other))
;; State Payoff -> Void
(define/public (jump input delta) ;; <--- should be friendly
(set! current (vector-ref (vector-ref table current) input))
(set! payoff (+ payoff delta)))
(define/public (pay)
(define/public (reset)
(new automaton% [current original][payoff 0][table table]))
(define/public (clone)
(new automaton% [current original][payoff 0][table table]))
;; State -> [Cons Payoff Payoff]
(define/private (compute-payoffs other-current)
(vector-ref (vector-ref PAYOFF-TABLE current) other-current))
(define/public (equal other)
(and (= current (get-field current other))
(= original (get-field original other))
(= payoff (get-field payoff other))
(equal? table (get-field table other))))
(define/public (guts)
(list current original payoff table)))))
(define COOPERATE 0)
(define DEFECT 1)
(define (defects p0)
(new automaton%
[current DEFECT]
[payoff p0]
#:i-cooperate/it-cooperates DEFECT
#:i-cooperate/it-defects DEFECT
#:i-defect/it-cooperates DEFECT
#:i-defect/it-defects DEFECT)]))
(define (cooperates p0)
(new automaton%
[current COOPERATE]
[payoff p0]
#:i-cooperate/it-cooperates COOPERATE
#:i-cooperate/it-defects COOPERATE
#:i-defect/it-cooperates COOPERATE
#:i-defect/it-defects COOPERATE)]))
(define (tit-for-tat p0)
(new automaton%
[current COOPERATE]
[payoff p0]
#:i-cooperate/it-cooperates COOPERATE
#:i-cooperate/it-defects DEFECT
#:i-defect/it-cooperates COOPERATE
#:i-defect/it-defects DEFECT)]))
(define (grim-trigger p0)
(new automaton%
[current COOPERATE]
[payoff p0]
#:i-cooperate/it-cooperates COOPERATE
#:i-cooperate/it-defects DEFECT
#:i-defect/it-cooperates DEFECT
#:i-defect/it-defects DEFECT)]))
(define (transitions #:i-cooperate/it-cooperates cc
#:i-cooperate/it-defects cd
#:i-defect/it-cooperates dc
#:i-defect/it-defects dd)
(vector (vector cc cd) (vector dc dd)))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module automata-adapted typed/racket
(require/typed (submod ".." automata)
(-> Natural oAutomaton)))
(define-type oAutomaton (Instance Automaton))
(define-type Payoff Nonnegative-Real)
(define-type Transition* [Vectorof [Vectorof State]])
(define-type State Natural)
(define-type Input Natural)
(define-type Automaton
(init-field [current State]
[payoff Payoff]
[table Transition*]
[original State #:optional])
;; the sum of pay-offs for the two respective automata over all rounds
(-> oAutomaton Natural (values oAutomaton oAutomaton))]
;; this has no business being public
(-> State Payoff Void)]
(-> Payoff)]
;; reset the historic payoff
(-> oAutomaton)]
;; reset payoff and current state to original strategy
(-> oAutomaton)]
[equal (-> oAutomaton Boolean)])))
(module utilities racket
;; Utility Functions
;; [Listof Number] -> Number
;; [Listof Number] Number -> Number
;; type Probability = NonNegativeReal
;; [Listof Probability] N -> [Listof N]
;; choose n random indices i such i's likelihood is (list-ref probabilities i)
;; =============================================================================
(define (sum l)
(apply + l))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (relative-average l w)
(/ (sum l)
w (length l))))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (choose-randomly probabilities speed #:random (q #false))
(define %s (accumulated-%s probabilities))
(for/list ([n (in-range speed)])
[define r (or q (random))]
;; population is non-empty so there will be some i such that ...
(for/last ([p (in-naturals)] [% (in-list %s)] #:final (< r %)) p)))
;; [Listof Probability] -> [Listof Probability]
;; calculate the accumulated probabilities
(define (accumulated-%s probabilities)
(define total (sum probabilities))
(let relative->absolute ([payoffs probabilities][so-far #i0.0])
[(empty? payoffs) '()]
[else (define nxt (+ so-far (first payoffs)))
(cons (/ nxt total) (relative->absolute (rest payoffs) nxt))]))))
(module population racket
;; Populations of Automata
;; population-payoffs (-> [Listof Payoff])
;; match-up* (-> N Population)
;; (match-ups p r) matches up neighboring pairs of
;; automata in population p for r rounds
;; death-birth N -> Population
;; (death-birth p r) replaces r elements of p with r "children" of
;; randomly chosen fittest elements of p, also shuffle
;; constraint (< r (length p))
;; type Population
;; N -> Population
;; (build-population n c) for even n, build a population of size n
;; with c constraint: (even? n)
;; =============================================================================
(require (submod ".." automata) (submod ".." utilities))
;; Population = (Cons Automaton* Automaton*)
;; Automaton* = [Vectorof Automaton]
(define DEF-COO 2)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (build-random-population n)
(define v (build-vector n (lambda (_) (make-random-automaton DEF-COO))))
(new population% [a* v]))
(define population%
(class object%
(init-field a* (b* a*))
(define/public (payoffs)
(for/list ([a a*]) (send a pay)))
(define/public (match-up* rounds-per-match)
;; comment out this line if you want cummulative payoff histories:
;; see below in birth-death
;; -- IN --
(for ([i (in-range 0 (- (vector-length a*) 1) 2)])
(define p1 (vector-ref a* i))
(define p2 (vector-ref a* (+ i 1)))
(define-values (a1 a2) (send p1 match-pair p2 rounds-per-match))
(vector-set! a* i a1)
(vector-set! a* (+ i 1) a2))
(define/public (death-birth rate #:random (q #false))
(define payoffs (for/list ([x (in-vector a*)]) (send x pay)))
[define substitutes (choose-randomly payoffs rate #:random q)]
(for ([i (in-range rate)][p (in-list substitutes)])
(vector-set! a* i (send (vector-ref b* p) clone)))
;; -> Void
;; effec: reset all automata in a*
(define/private (reset)
(for ([x a*][i (in-naturals)]) (vector-set! a* i (send x reset))))
;; -> Population
;; effect: shuffle vector b into vector a
;; constraint: (= (vector-length a) (vector-length b))
;; Fisher-Yates Shuffle
(define/private (shuffle-vector)
;; copy b into a
(for ([x (in-vector a*)][i (in-naturals)])
(vector-set! b* i x))
;; now shuffle a
(for ([x (in-vector a*)] [i (in-naturals)])
(define j (random (add1 i)))
(unless (= j i) (vector-set! b* i (vector-ref b* j)))
(vector-set! b* j x))
(define tmp a*)
(set! a* b*)
(set! b* tmp)
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module population-adapted typed/racket
(submod ".." automata-adapted)
(require/typed (submod ".." population)
(-> Natural oPopulation)))
(define-type Automaton* (Vectorof oAutomaton))
(define-type oPopulation (Instance Population))
(define-type Population
(init-field (a* Automaton*) (b* Automaton* #:optional))
(payoffs (-> [Listof Payoff]))
;; (match-ups p r) matches up neighboring pairs of
;; automata in population p for r rounds
(-> Natural oPopulation))
;; (death-birth p r) replaces r elements of p with r "children" of
;; randomly chosen fittest elements of p, also shuffle
;; constraint (< r (length p))
(-> Natural [#:random (U False Payoff)] oPopulation)))))
(module main typed/racket
(random-seed 7480)
;; Run a Simulation of Interacting Automata
;; Run a Simulation of Interacting Automata
;; =============================================================================
(submod ".." automata-adapted)
(submod ".." population-adapted)
(require/typed (submod ".." utilities)
(relative-average (-> [Listof Real] Real Real))
;; effect: run timed simulation, create and display plot of average payoffs
;; effect: measure time needed for the simulation
(define (main)
(evolve (build-random-population 100) 1000 10 20))
(: simulation->lines (-> [Listof Payoff] (Listof (List Integer Real))))
;; turn average payoffs into a list of Cartesian points
(define (simulation->lines data)
(for/list : [Listof [List Integer Real]]
([d : Payoff (in-list data)][n : Integer (in-naturals)])
(list n d)))
(: evolve (-> oPopulation Natural Natural Natural [Listof Payoff]))
;; computes the list of average payoffs over the evolution of population p for
;; c cycles of of match-ups with r rounds per match and at birth/death rate of s
(define (evolve p c s r)
[(zero? c) '()]
[else (define p2 (send p match-up* r))
;; Note: r is typed as State even though State is not exported
(define pp (send p2 payoffs))
(define p3 (send p2 death-birth s))
;; Note: s same as r
({inst cons Payoff [Listof Payoff]}
(cast (relative-average pp r) Payoff)
;; Note: evolve is assigned (-> ... [Listof Probability])
;; even though it is explicitly typed ... [Listof Payoff]
(evolve p3 (- c 1) s r))]))
(time (main)))
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