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Created January 6, 2016 22:12
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#lang racket/base
(module trie typed/racket
(provide lookup bind trie insert Trie tries)
(require racket/match)
(define-type-alias (Key A) (Listof A))
(define-struct: Mt ())
(define-struct: (A) Some ([elem : A]))
(define-type-alias (Option A) (U Mt (Some A)))
(define-struct: (K V) Trie ([opt : (Option V)]
[map : (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V)))]))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;bg; hash operations
(: b:hash-ref (All (K V) (-> (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V))) K (Trie K V))))
(define (b:hash-ref h k)
(for/or : (U #f (Trie K V))
([k+v (in-list h)])
(and (equal? (car k+v) k)
(cdr k+v)))
(error 'b:hash-ref "Sorry")))
(: b:hash-set (All (K V) (-> (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V))) K (Trie K V) (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V))))))
(define (b:hash-set h k v)
(: seen? (Boxof Boolean))
(define seen? (box #f))
(define h*
(for/list : (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V)))
([k+v (in-list h)])
(if (and (not (unbox seen?))
(equal? (car k+v) k))
(begin (set-box! seen? #t) (cons k v))
(if (unbox seen?)
(cons (cons k v) h*)))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(: empty : (All (K V) (-> (Trie K V))))
(define (empty)
(make-Trie (make-Mt)
(ann '() (Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V))))))
(: lookup : (All (K V) ((Key K) (Trie K V) -> V)))
(define (lookup keys map)
(if (null? keys)
(let ([opt (Trie-opt map)])
(if (Mt? opt)
(error 'lookup "given key not found in the trie")
(Some-elem opt)))
(let ([fst (car keys)]
[hash (Trie-map map)])
([exn:fail? (lambda (error?)
(error 'lookup "given key not found in the trie"))])
(lookup (cdr keys) (b:hash-ref hash fst))))))
(: bind : (All (K V) ((Key K) V (Trie K V) -> (Trie K V))))
(define (bind lok v map)
(let ([hash (Trie-map map)]
[fst (car lok)]
[rst (cdr lok)]
[opt (Trie-opt map)])
(make-Trie opt (b:hash-set hash fst
(ann (with-handlers
(lambda (error?) (build v rst))])
(bind rst v (b:hash-ref hash fst)))
(Trie K V))))))
(: build : (All (K V) (V (Listof K) -> (Trie K V))))
(define (build val lstk)
(if (null? lstk)
(make-Trie (make-Some val)
(ann '()
(Listof (Pairof K (Trie K V)))))
(make-Trie (make-Mt)
(list (cons (car lstk) (build val (cdr lstk)))))))
(: trie : (All (K) ((Listof (Listof K)) -> (Trie K Integer))))
(define (trie lst)
(insert (get-vals lst) lst (ann (empty) (Trie K Integer))))
(: get-vals : (All (K) ((Listof (Listof K)) -> (Listof Integer))))
(define (get-vals lst)
(: local : (All (K) (Integer (Listof (Listof K)) -> (Listof Integer))))
(define (local ctr lstk)
(if (null? (cdr lstk))
(cons ctr null)
(cons ctr (local (add1 ctr) (cdr lstk)))))
(local 1 lst))
;; While creating the tree,
;; if (hash-ref hash k) throws an error,
;; then it means that that there is no entry for k. So build a new
;; Trie for rest of the key and create an entry for k.
;; else go deeper into the insert searching for the rest of the key.
(: insert :
(All (K V) ((Listof V) (Listof (Listof K)) (Trie K V) -> (Trie K V))))
(define (insert lstv lstk tri)
(match (list lstv lstk)
[(list null null) tri]
[(list (cons v vs) (cons (cons k ks) rstk))
(let* ([hash (Trie-map tri)]
[tree (ann (with-handlers ([exn:fail? (lambda (error?)
(build v ks))])
(go-deep (b:hash-ref hash k) ks v))
(Trie K V))])
(insert vs rstk
(Trie (Trie-opt tri) (b:hash-set hash k tree))))]))
(: tries : (All (K V) ((Listof V) (Listof (Listof K)) -> (Trie K V))))
(define (tries lstv lstk)
(insert lstv lstk (ann (empty) (Trie K V))))
;; Uses the same trick as previous one does
(: go-deep : (All (K V) ((Trie K V) (Listof K) V -> (Trie K V))))
(define (go-deep tri lstk val)
(if (null? lstk)
(make-Trie (make-Some val) (Trie-map tri))
(let* ([hash (Trie-map tri)]
[k (car lstk)]
[ks (cdr lstk)]
[insert (ann (with-handlers
([exn:fail? (lambda (error?) (build val ks))])
(go-deep (b:hash-ref hash k) ks val))
(Trie K V))])
(make-Trie (Trie-opt tri) (b:hash-set hash k insert)))))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module test typed/racket
(require (submod ".." trie))
(require typed/test-engine/scheme-tests)
(lookup (string->list "Hari")
(bind (string->list "JP") 5
(map string->list
(list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P")))))
(lookup (string->list "Hari")
(list 1 2 3 4 5)
(map string->list (list "Hari" "Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "Prashanth")
(list 1 2 3 4 5)
(map string->list (list "Hari" "Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "KRHP")
(list 1 2 3 4 5)
(map string->list (list "Hari" "Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "K R H P")
(list 1 2 3 4 5)
(map string->list (list "Hari" "Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "K R")
(list 1 2 3 4 5)
(map string->list (list "Hari" "Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "Hari Prashanth")
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list (list "Hari Prashanth" "K R" "KRHP" "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "Hari ")
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list (list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P"))))
(lookup (string->list "HariKRH")
(bind (string->list "HariKRH") 5
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list
(list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P")))))
(lookup (string->list "JP")
(bind (string->list "JP") 5
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list
(list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P")))))
(lookup (string->list "Hari123")
(bind (string->list "JP") 5
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list
(list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P")))))
"lookup: given key not found in the trie")
(lookup (string->list "Har")
(bind (string->list "JP") 5
(list 1 2 3 4)
(map string->list
(list "Hari Prashanth" "Hari" "Hari " "K R H P")))))
"lookup: given key not found in the trie")
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module u:user racket
(require (submod ".." trie))
(define (rand-list)
(for/list ([i (in-range 128)])
(random 256)))
(define t (trie (list (rand-list))))
(define (u:main)
(bind (rand-list) 0 t)
(provide u:main))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module t:user typed/racket
(require (submod ".." trie))
(define (rand-list)
(for/list : (Listof Integer)
([i (in-range 128)])
(random 256)))
(define t (trie (list (rand-list))))
(define (t:main)
(bind (rand-list) 0 t)
(provide t:main))
;; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define (cp t [cbf 'stdout])
#:cost-breakdown-file cbf
#:module-graph-file #f
#:boundary-view-file #f
#:boundary-view-key-file #f
(time (cp u:main))
;(time (cp t:main))
;(time (cp t2:main))
;(time (cp u2:main))
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bennn commented Jan 6, 2016

4 submodules

  • trie implementation of pfds/trie, using lists instead of hashtables
  • test unit tests from pfds/test/tries-test.rktd
  • u:user untyped client
  • t:user typed client

Running file prints contract-profile for untyped user. Total runtime should be low!

Running raco test checks unit tests.

Uncomment line 291 to see contract-profile for typed user. Should be even lower than untyped user.

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