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Created September 26, 2021 19:02
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#!/usr/bin/env stack runhaskell --package array --package bytestring --package containers --package time
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
import Control.Monad
import Data.Array.IArray
import Data.Array (Array)
import Data.Array.Unboxed (UArray)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (c2w)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BSL
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.List.Extra
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Word
import Data.Time.Clock.System
data Trie c a = Trie
{ trieValue :: Maybe a
, trieTrans :: (Map c (Trie c a))
} deriving Show
emptyTrie :: Trie c a
emptyTrie = Trie Nothing M.empty
trieAppend :: Ord c => [c] -> a -> Trie c a -> Trie c a
trieAppend [] a (Trie _ m) = Trie (Just a) m
trieAppend (c:cs) a (Trie b m) = Trie b (M.alter append c m) where
append t = Just $ trieAppend cs a (maybe emptyTrie id t)
trieNodeCount :: Trie i a -> Int
trieNodeCount (Trie f m) = 1 + M.foldr ((+) . trieNodeCount) 0 m
type AhoStateIx = Int
initStateIx :: AhoStateIx
initStateIx = 0
invalidStateIx :: AhoStateIx
invalidStateIx = -1
data Aho c a = Aho
{ ahoValue :: Array AhoStateIx (Maybe a)
, ahoTrans :: UArray (AhoStateIx,c) AhoStateIx
, ahoSuffix :: UArray AhoStateIx AhoStateIx
, ahoFSuffix :: UArray AhoStateIx AhoStateIx
} deriving (Show, Functor)
ahoFromTrie :: (Ix c, Enum c, Bounded c) => Trie c a -> Aho c a
ahoFromTrie trie = Aho value (toUArray trans) (toUArray suffix) (toUArray fSuffix) where
nc = trieNodeCount trie
bfs :: AhoStateIx -> [(AhoStateIx, c, Trie c a)] -> [(AhoStateIx, AhoStateIx, c, Maybe a)]
bfs _ [] = []
bfs curIx ((prevIx, c, (Trie a m)):ts) = (curIx, prevIx, c, a) : bfs (curIx+1) (ts ++ M.foldMapWithKey (\c t -> [(curIx, c, t)]) m)
trieTrans = tail $ bfs initStateIx [(invalidStateIx, minBound, trie)]
(rootTrans, otherTrans) = span (\(_, prevIx, _, _) -> prevIx == initStateIx) trieTrans
assocMap :: (IArray a e, Ix i) => (i -> e -> e) -> a i e -> a i e
assocMap f a = array (bounds a) $ map (\(i, e) -> (i, f i e)) $ assocs a
toUArray :: (IArray a1 e, IArray a2 e, Ix i) => a1 i e -> a2 i e
toUArray a = array (bounds a) (assocs a)
value :: Array _ _
value = array (0, nc-1) $ [(initStateIx, trieValue trie)] ++ map (\(curIx, _, _, a) -> (curIx, a)) trieTrans
ahoTrieTrans :: Array _ _
ahoTrieTrans = array ((0,minBound), (nc-1,maxBound)) [((ix,c), invalidStateIx) | ix <- [0 .. nc-1], c <- [minBound .. maxBound]]
// map (\(curIx, prevIx, c, _) -> ((prevIx,c),curIx)) trieTrans
trans = assocMap transF ahoTrieTrans where
transF (prevIx,c) curIx | curIx /= invalidStateIx = curIx
transF (prevIx,c) _ | prevIx == initStateIx && ahoTrieTrans ! (initStateIx,c) == invalidStateIx = initStateIx
transF (prevIx,c) _ | prevIx == initStateIx = ahoTrieTrans ! (initStateIx,c)
transF (prevIx,c) _ = trans ! (suffix ! prevIx, c)
suffix :: Array _ _
suffix = array (0, nc-1) $ [(initStateIx,invalidStateIx)] ++
map (\(curIx, _, _, _) -> (curIx, initStateIx)) rootTrans ++
map (\(curIx, prevIx, c, _) -> (curIx, trans ! (suffix ! prevIx, c))) otherTrans
fSuffix :: Array _ _
fSuffix = array (0, nc-1) $ [(initStateIx, invalidStateIx)] ++
map (\(curIx, _, _, _) -> (curIx, if isJust (value ! (suffix ! curIx)) then suffix ! curIx else fSuffix ! (suffix ! curIx))) trieTrans
ahoNextState :: Ix c => Aho c a -> AhoStateIx -> c -> AhoStateIx
ahoNextState aho ix c = ahoTrans aho ! (ix,c)
ahoStateValues :: Aho c a -> AhoStateIx -> [a]
ahoStateValues aho ix = h ++ t (ahoFSuffix aho ! ix) where
h = case ahoValue aho ! ix of
Nothing -> []
Just a -> [a]
t ix | ix == invalidStateIx = []
t ix = fromJust (ahoValue aho ! ix) : t (ahoFSuffix aho ! ix)
type Str = [Word8]
str :: Str -> ByteString
str = BS.pack
type Subst = (Int, Str)
getSubsts :: Trie Word8 Subst -> IO (Trie Word8 Subst)
getSubsts trie = do
line <- BS.getLine
case BS.null line of
True -> return trie
False ->
let (search, repl) = BS.break (== c2w '/') line
trie' = trieAppend (BS.unpack search) (BS.length search, BS.unpack $ BS.tail repl) trie
in getSubsts trie'
runSubst :: Aho Word8 Subst -> [AhoStateIx] -> (Str, Str) -> [ByteString]
runSubst aho ixs@(ix:_) (before, after) | notNull (ahoStateValues aho ix) =
let ((len,sub):_) = ahoStateValues aho ix
before1 = drop len before
in str (reverse before1) <> str sub <> str after : runSubst aho (drop len ixs) (before1, sub ++ after)
runSubst aho ixs@(ix:_) (before, after) | null after = []
runSubst aho ixs@(ix:_) (before, after@(c : after1)) = runSubst aho (ahoNextState aho ix c : ixs) (c : before, after1)
seconds :: SystemTime -> Double
seconds (MkSystemTime s ns) = (fromInteger $ toInteger s) + (fromInteger $ toInteger ns) * 1e-9
main = do
trie <- getSubsts emptyTrie
init <- BS.unpack <$> BS.getLine
let aho = ahoFromTrie trie
let subs@(fst:_) = runSubst aho [initStateIx] ([], init)
start <- seconds <$> (fst `seq` getSystemTime)
BS.putStrLn $ str init
mapM_ BS.putStrLn $ filter ((== "PG") . BS.take 2) subs
end <- seconds <$> getSystemTime
print $ end - start
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