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Created February 5, 2025 00:27
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CHIRPS3 Rolling Accumulation Processor

CHIRPS3 Rolling Accumulation Processor

This script processes CHIRPS (Climate Hazards Group InfraRed Precipitation with Station data) version 3.0 dekadal (10-day) rainfall data to create rolling accumulations over various time periods. It's particularly useful for climate monitoring and drought analysis.


  • CHIRPS3 dekadal data (.tif files) downloaded from CHIRPS3 website
  • Python 3.x
  • Required Python packages:
    • rasterio (version > 1.3)
    • numpy
    • tqdm
    • os (standard library)

Data Structure

The script expects CHIRPS3 dekadal files to follow this naming convention:



  • YYYY: Four-digit year
  • MM: Two-digit month
  • D: Dekad number (1, 2, or 3)


  • Generates rolling accumulations for multiple time windows (e.g., 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 24 months)
  • Handles missing data and partial coverage periods
  • Outputs Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) with proper metadata
  • Supports various data types with appropriate NoData handling
  • Includes progress tracking for long processing runs
  • Configurable accumulation periods


  1. Set up your input and output directories in the script:
CHIRPS_BASE_DIR = "/path/to/chirps/dekad/files"
OUTPUT_DIR = "/path/to/output/directory"
  1. Configure the processing parameters:

Output Structure

The script creates subdirectories for each accumulation period:


Output files follow the naming convention:



  • N: Number of months in the accumulation
  • YYYYMMDD: Year, month, and start day of the period

Key Functions

  • generate_dekads(): Generates chronological (year, month, dekad) combinations
  • sum_rasters(): Performs the actual accumulation of rainfall data
  • shift_dekad(): Handles date arithmetic for dekadal periods
  • determine_nodata_value_and_type(): Manages NoData values for different data types


  • The script automatically handles NoData values, but you can specify a custom NoData value if needed
  • Output files are saved as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs) with compression and overviews
  • Progress is displayed using tqdm progress bars
  • Invalid or missing input data is handled gracefully with appropriate warnings


To process 24-month accumulations for the entire CHIRPS period:


Error Handling

  • Missing files are skipped with appropriate warnings
  • Partial coverage periods are skipped to ensure data quality
  • Invalid data types or corrupted files are handled gracefully

Dependencies Version Notes

  • Requires rasterio version > 1.3 for proper COG support
  • Uses numpy for efficient array operations
  • Employs tqdm for progress tracking
# Import the library
import os
import rasterio # Require version > 1.3
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from rasterio.enums import Resampling
def rasterio_dtype_to_gdal_code(rasterio_dtype_str):
Map a rasterio dtype string (e.g. 'float32') to the GDAL numeric code.
:param rasterio_dtype_str: e.g. 'uint8', 'int16', 'float32', etc.
:return: integer code for GDAL (1 for Byte, 2 for UInt16, etc.)
mapping = {
'uint8': 1, # GDT_Byte
'uint16': 2, # GDT_UInt16
'int16': 3, # GDT_Int16
'uint32': 4, # GDT_UInt32
'int32': 5, # GDT_Int32
'float32': 6, # GDT_Float32
'float64': 7, # GDT_Float64
# Some less common types can be added if needed:
# 'complex64': 10, # GDT_CFloat32
# 'complex128': 11, # GDT_CFloat64
# 'int8': 12 # That is sometimes used, though not standard for Rasterio
if rasterio_dtype_str not in mapping:
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported Rasterio dtype: {rasterio_dtype_str}")
return mapping[rasterio_dtype_str]
def determine_nodata_value_and_type(data_type):
Determine a suitable NoData value and the corresponding GDAL data type
based on the raster data type code.
:param data_type: GDAL numeric data type code (e.g., 6 for Float32).
:return: (nodata_value, gdal_data_type) pair
if data_type == 1: # Byte (GDAL GDT_Byte)
return 255, 1
elif data_type == 2: # UInt16
return 65535, 3 # 3 is GDT_UInt16 in GDAL
elif data_type == 3: # Int16
return -32768, 2 # 2 is GDT_Int16
elif data_type == 4: # UInt32
return 4294967295, 4
elif data_type == 5: # Int32
return -2147483648, 5
elif data_type == 6: # Float32
return -3.40282346639e+38, 6
elif data_type == 7: # Float64
return -1.7976931348623157e+308, 7
elif data_type == 12: # Int8
return -128, 12
raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data type code: {data_type}")
def generate_dekads(start_year=1981, end_year=2024):
Generate all (year, month, dekad) triplets in chronological order.
:param start_year: First year (inclusive).
:param end_year: Last year (inclusive).
:return: Generator of (year, month, dekad).
for year in range(start_year, end_year + 1):
for month in range(1, 13):
for dekad in [1, 2, 3]:
yield (year, month, dekad)
def dekad_to_filename(year, month, dekad, base_dir):
Construct the CHIRPS filename given year, month, dekad.
:param year: Four-digit year (e.g., 1981).
:param month: Month integer (1-12).
:param dekad: Dekad integer (1, 2, 3).
:param base_dir: Path to folder with CHIRPS data.
:return: Full path to the CHIRPS GeoTIFF file.
# Convert month to zero-padded 2-digit string
mm = f"{month:02d}"
# Dekad is 1, 2, 3 in the filename
d = str(dekad)
fname = f"chirps-v3.0.{year}.{mm}.{d}.tif"
return os.path.join(base_dir, fname)
def get_day_from_dekad(dekad):
Map dekad to day string:
1 -> '01'
2 -> '11'
3 -> '21'
:param dekad: Integer dekad (1, 2, or 3).
:return: String day ('01', '11', or '21').
mapping = {1: '01', 2: '11', 3: '21'}
return mapping[dekad]
def shift_dekad(year, month, dekad, shift):
Shift a given (year, month, dekad) by `shift` dekads (which can be negative).
Returns the new (year, month, dekad).
:param year: Four-digit year.
:param month: Month (1-12).
:param dekad: Dekad (1,2,3).
:param shift: Number of dekads to shift (e.g., -1 for previous dekad).
:return: (new_year, new_month, new_dekad).
# Convert the triplet into an absolute index:
# E.g., index = (year - 1)*36 + (month - 1)*3 + (dekad - 1).
# Then shift the index, and convert back.
absolute_index = (year * 36) + (month - 1) * 3 + (dekad - 1)
new_index = absolute_index + shift
if new_index < 0:
return None # Means out of range
# Extract year, month, dekad from new_index
new_year = new_index // 36
remainder = new_index % 36
new_month = (remainder // 3) + 1
new_dekad = (remainder % 3) + 1
# This logic sets 'year' as new_index // 36, but we originally used (year * 36).
# If we want to strictly limit up to 2024, we can check if new_year > 2024, etc.
return (new_year, new_month, new_dekad)
def sum_rasters(raster_paths, nodata_val=None):
Sum multiple rasters (same shape, CRS, etc.) *without* masking -9999.
After summation, replace any negative value with 'nodata_val'.
:param raster_paths: List of paths to raster files.
:param nodata_val: If provided, use as NoData for output;
else read from first raster or fallback.
:return: (summed_array, profile) or None if no valid input.
arrays = []
valid_profile = None
first_dtype_str = None
for rp in raster_paths:
if not os.path.isfile(rp):
with as src:
if valid_profile is None:
valid_profile = src.profile.copy()
first_dtype_str = valid_profile['dtype']
# Convert that Rasterio dtype to a GDAL code
gdal_code = rasterio_dtype_to_gdal_code(first_dtype_str)
# e.g., for float32 => gdal_code=6
fallback_nodata, _ = determine_nodata_value_and_type(gdal_code)
# For float32, fallback_nodata is ~ -3.40282346639e+38
if nodata_val is None:
# If not explicitly passed, just hold on to fallback_nodata
# as the official nodata in the *metadata*.
nodata_val = fallback_nodata
# Read as float32
data =
if not arrays or valid_profile is None:
return None
# Sum in float32
stacked = np.stack(arrays, axis=0)
summed = stacked.sum(axis=0, dtype=np.float32)
# Replace negative with -9999
mask_neg = (summed < 0)
summed[mask_neg] = -9999
# Replace inf/nan with -9999
mask_inf = ~np.isfinite(summed)
summed[mask_inf] = -9999
# At this point, any "bad" pixel is -9999, not the official float32 NoData
# Update profile for single-band float32 output
'count': 1,
'driver': 'COG',
'dtype': 'float32',
'nodata': nodata_val,
'add_overviews': True,
'overview_levels': [2, 4, 8],
'compress': 'deflate',
'blocksize': 512,
'predictor': 2,
return summed, valid_profile
def main_chirps_rolling(
Main function to compute rolling accumulations from CHIRPS dekadal data.
:param base_dir: Directory where CHIRPS files are located.
:param out_dir: Root output directory.
:param start_year: Start year of the data range.
:param end_year: End year of the data range.
:param accum_months_list: List of month-accumulation windows, e.g. [1,2,3,6,9,12,24].
:param nodata_val: If not None, force this NoData value for outputs.
Otherwise, determine dynamically from first input file.
# Make sure the output directories exist
print(f"Creating output directories...")
for n_months in accum_months_list:
out_subdir = os.path.join(out_dir, f"month{n_months}_rolling_dekad")
os.makedirs(out_subdir, exist_ok=True)
all_dekads = list(generate_dekads(start_year, end_year))
total_dekads = len(all_dekads)
print(f"Processing {total_dekads} dekads from {start_year} to {end_year}")
print(f"Accumulation periods (months): {accum_months_list}")
# Outer progress bar for the total dekads
for (year, month, dekad) in tqdm(all_dekads, desc="Overall Progress"):
# For each accumulation period
for n_months in accum_months_list:
n_dekads = 3 * n_months # 3 dekads per month
# Collect the needed raster files and keep track of (year,month,dekad)
shift_list = []
raster_files = []
# We want to go backward (n_dekads-1) times from the current (year,month,dekad)
# including the current one. i.e. from i-(n_dekads-1) to i
for shift_val in range(n_dekads):
# shift_val = 0 means current dekad, shift_val = 1 means 1 dekad before, etc.
shifted = shift_dekad(year, month, dekad, -shift_val)
if shifted is None:
# out of range (earlier than data start)
yy, mm, dd = shifted
rf = dekad_to_filename(yy, mm, dd, base_dir)
# Only add if the file actually exists
if os.path.isfile(rf):
shift_list.append((yy, mm, dd))
# Require the full set (n_dekads) if we want a complete sum
# (Otherwise skip partial coverage)
if len(raster_files) < n_dekads:
# We can uncomment the next line to see a message:
tqdm.write(f"Skipping incomplete data: needed {n_dekads}, found {len(raster_files)}.")
# Sum the rasters ignoring NoData
result = sum_rasters(raster_files, nodata_val=nodata_val)
if result is None:
tqdm.write(f"Warning: Failed to process {year}-{month:02d}-{dekad} ({n_months}-month)")
summed_array, out_profile = result
# Sort the shift_list by chronological order to find the "last" (newest) date
shift_list.sort(key=lambda t: (t[0] * 36 + (t[1]-1)*3 + (t[2]-1)))
last_year, last_month, last_dekad = shift_list[-1]
day_str = get_day_from_dekad(dekad)
# Where to save
out_name = f"wld_cli_chirps3_month{n_months}_{year}{month:02d}{day_str}.tif"
out_subdir = os.path.join(out_dir, f"month{n_months}_rolling_dekad")
out_path = os.path.join(out_subdir, out_name)
# Write out the sum as a single-band COG
with, 'w', **out_profile) as dst:
dst.write(summed_array, 1)
tqdm.write(f"Created: {out_name}")
print("\nProcessing completed!")
print(f"Output files are saved in: {out_dir}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
Example usage:
Make sure to adjust base_dir, out_dir, and other parameters to our needs.
# Folder where CHIRPS dekad .tif files are stored
CHIRPS_BASE_DIR = "/mnt/e/temp/chirps/dekad"
# Folder where we want to store the outputs
OUTPUT_DIR = "/mnt/e/temp/chirps"
# Call our main function
# If None, NoData is automatically determined from the first raster;
# or we can pass a numeric value to force e.g. -9999 or 9999, etc.
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