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Created April 19, 2021 12:46
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Starman game from Functional Programming in Haskell Course at U of Glasgow, Slightly Improved
import System.IO
import System.Random
-- The game
check :: String -> String -> Char -> (Bool,String)
check word display c =
(c `elem` word,
[if x == c then c else y | (x, y) <- zip word display])
outcome :: String -> String -> String
outcome word x = "You " ++ x ++ "! The word was " ++ word
turn :: String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
turn word display n
| n == 0 = putStrLn $ outcome word "lose"
| word == display = putStrLn $ outcome word "win"
| otherwise =
mkguess word display n
mkguess :: String -> String -> Int -> IO ()
mkguess word display n =
do putStrLn (display ++ " " ++ replicate n '*')
putStr " Enter your guess: "
q <- getLine
let (correct, display') = check word display (head q)
let n' = if correct then n else n-1
turn word display' n'
starman :: String -> Int -> IO ()
starman word = turn word ['-' | _ <- word]
-- IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
handle <- openFile "dictionary.txt" ReadMode
dict <- hGetContents handle
let size = length $ lines dict
idx <- getStdRandom (randomR (0, size))
let word = lines dict !! idx
starman (head (words word)) 5
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