I want to run a dex file in a simple dalvik vm runtime for x86_64…but how?
trying out a simple dvm. there are a few old projects that I couldn't get to work. I will probably try this out at some point: https://github.com/jserv/simple-dvm
- java hello world ugh
$ cat Hello.java
package com.gordea.dvm;
public class Hello {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("hello world!!!!");
- compile java to class file. dalvik is super picky about supporting only java 7 class file so make it use java 7 target.
$ javac -source 1.7 -target 1.7 -d . src/com/gordea/dvm/Hello.java # dalvik doesn't support newer class file versions
$ javap -c com/gordea/dvm/Hello.class
Compiled from "Hello.java"
public class com.gordea.dvm.Hello {
public com.gordea.dvm.Hello();
0: aload_0
1: invokespecial #1 // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
4: return
public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
0: getstatic #2 // Field java/lang/System.out:Ljava/io/PrintStream;
3: ldc #3 // String hello world!!!!
5: invokevirtual #4 // Method java/io/PrintStream.println:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
8: return
class to dex
dex file header and format structs
typedef struct _DexHeader {
u1 magic[8]; /* includes version number */
u1 checksum[4]; /* adler32 checksum */
u1 signature[20]; /* SHA-1 hash */
u4 fileSize; /* length of entire file */
u4 headerSize; /* offset to start of next section */
u4 endianTag;
u4 linkSize;
u4 linkOff;
u4 mapOff;
u4 stringIdsSize;
u4 stringIdsOff;
u4 typeIdsSize;
u4 typeIdsOff;
u4 protoIdsSize;
u4 protoIdsOff;
u4 fieldIdsSize;
u4 fieldIdsOff;
u4 methodIdsSize;
u4 methodIdsOff;
u4 classDefsSize;
u4 classDefsOff;
u4 dataSize;
u4 dataOff;
} DexHeader;
typedef struct DexFileFormat {
DexHeader header;
string_ids *string_ids;
string_data_item *string_data_item;
type_id_item *type_id_item;
proto_id_item *proto_id_item;
type_list *proto_type_list;
field_id_item *field_id_item;
method_id_item *method_id_item;
class_def_item *class_def_item;
class_data_item *class_data_item;
map_list map_list;
type_list type_list;
u1 *data;
} DexFileFormat;
- compile class file to dex using android sdk
$ dx --dex --output=classes.dex com/gordea/dvm/Hello.class
$ dexdump classes.dex
dexdump classes.dex
Processing 'classes.dex'...
Opened 'classes.dex', DEX version '035'
Class #0 -
Class descriptor : 'Lcom/gordea/dvm/Hello;'
Access flags : 0x0001 (PUBLIC)
Superclass : 'Ljava/lang/Object;'
Interfaces -
Static fields -
Instance fields -
Direct methods -
#0 : (in Lcom/gordea/dvm/Hello;)
name : '<init>'
type : '()V'
access : 0x10001 (PUBLIC CONSTRUCTOR)
code -
registers : 1
ins : 1
outs : 1
insns size : 4 16-bit code units
catches : (none)
positions :
0x0000 line=22
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0004 reg=0 this Lcom/gordea/dvm/Hello;
#1 : (in Lcom/gordea/dvm/Hello;)
name : 'main'
type : '([Ljava/lang/String;)V'
access : 0x0009 (PUBLIC STATIC)
code -
registers : 3
ins : 1
outs : 2
insns size : 8 16-bit code units
catches : (none)
positions :
0x0000 line=25
0x0007 line=26
locals :
0x0000 - 0x0008 reg=2 (null) [Ljava/lang/String;
Virtual methods -
source_file_idx : 1 (Hello.java)
- run dex in simple dalvik vm
$ ./dvm classes.dex
parse map_list offset = 025c
map_list size = 13
parse string ids offset = 0070
parse type ids offset = 00a8
parse proto ids offset = 00c4
proto_typ_list[1] offset 0x55ecacdfd588 proto_typ_list[2] offset 0x55ecacdfd590 exit parse_proto_ids
parse feild ids offset = 00e8
parse method ids offset = 00f0
parse class defs offset = 0110
Magic Number = 0x64 0x65 0x78 0x0a 0x30 0x33 0x35 0x00 ( dex\n035 )
Checksum = a4 64 65 d6
FileSize = 764 (0x02fc)
headerSize = 112 (0x0070)
endianTag = 305419896 (0x12345678)
linkSize = 0 (0x0000)
mapOff = 604 (0x025c)
stringIdsSize = 14 (0x000e)
stringIdsOff = 112 (0x0070)
typeIdsSize = 7 (0x0007)
typeIdsOff = 168 (0x00a8)
protoIdsSize = 3 (0x0003)
protoIdsOff = 196 (0x00c4)
fieldIdsSize = 1 (0x0001)
fieldIdsOff = 232 (0x00e8)
methodIdsSize = 4 (0x0004)
methodIdsOff = 240 (0x00f0)
classDefsSize = 1 (0x0001)
classDefsOff = 272 (0x0110)
dataSize = 460 (0x01cc)
dataOff = 304 (0x0130)
hello world!!!!