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Last active September 6, 2019 10:06
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Twitch chat bot written in Ruby
# bot.rb
require 'socket'
require 'logger'
# Create logger
log ="log.txt")
# Required Info
PASS = "oauth:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" # "oauth:YourOauthToken" <--- REQUIRED <--- REQUIRED
NICK = "botname" # Name of bot <--- REQUIRED <--- REQUIRED
CHAN = "channel" # Channel to join (Don't add a "#" hashtag) <--- REQUIRED <--- REQUIRED
# -------- IGNORE -------- #
BOTNAME = "#{NICK.downcase}" # CHANNEL and BOTNAME needs to be in lowercase
CHANNEL = "##{CHAN.downcase}" # So this was just added to be sure (Might aswell leave it)
# -------- IGNORE -------- #
# Save "Preparing to connect" to "log.txt" "Preparing to connect"
# Variables
socket ='', 6667) # Creates the "socket" variable // With the specified IRC channel to join
running = true # Creates the "running" variable (for loop)
send = "PRIVMSG #{CHANNEL} :" # Creates the "send" variable (shortcut for sending messages)
# Save "Connected!" to "log.txt "Connected!"
# Authorization Login
socket.puts("PASS #{PASS}") # Send the password to Twitch
socket.puts("NICK #{BOTNAME}") # Send the username to Twitch
socket.puts("JOIN #{CHANNEL}") # Send the channel to Twitch
socket.puts(send + "Connected!") # Send "Connected!" to the Twitch channel
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
# Loop (Background Thread) for recieving Twitch chat data
Thread.start do
puts "" # Empty Line
puts "#{BOTNAME} Joined #{CHANNEL}" # Connection Status
puts "You should be fully connected now" # Connection Status
puts "" # Empty Line
puts "Type \"quit\" to stop the bot"
puts "Type \"clear\" to clear terminal" # Shows available commands in the terminal
puts "Type \"quit\" to send a custom message" # Before it starts the loop to recieve data
puts "" # Empty Line
while (running) do
ready =[socket])
ready[0].each do |s|
line = s.gets
#puts line # Show Information Recieved
match = line.match(/^:(.+)!(.+)PRIVMSG #{CHANNEL} :(.+)$/)
message = match && match[3]
if message =~ /^!hello/ # If recieves "!hello" // COMMANDS // COMMANDS // COMMANDS
user = match[1] # Get Username
user = user.capitalize "[Command] #{user}: !hello" # Save it in "log.txt"
puts "[Command] #{user}: !hello" # In terminal it writes "[Command] USER: !hello"
socket.puts(send + "Hi #{user} !") # Send back "Hi USER!"
elsif message =~ /^!ping/
user = match[1]
user = user.capitalize "[Command] #{user}: !ping"
puts "[Command] #{user}: !ping"
socket.puts(send + "Ping! #{user} ")
elsif message !=~ /a1b2c3/ # Add you own commands ABOVE this one [elsif message !=~ /a1b2c3/] (just copy the other commands) ^^
user = match[1]
user = user.capitalize # Don't delete this command "[Message] #{user}: #{message}" # If NOT message = "a1b2c3" show the message
puts "[Message] #{user}: #{message}" # ^^ No one is going to type that, so it just shows the message and who sent it
end # In terminal it writes "[Message] USER: message"
# Loop for terminal commands
while (running) do
command = gets.chomp
if command == "quit" # If command = "quit" "Command Executed: quit" # Save "Command Executed: quit" in "log.txt"
socket.puts("PART #{CHANNEL}") # Disconnects from the channel
running = false # Set "running" to false = loop stops = script stops = bot stops
elsif command == "msg"
print "Message: " # Here you can send a custom message by typing "msg"
msg = gets.chomp
socket.puts(send + msg) # Sends message
puts "Message Sent: #{msg}" # Shows it in terminal "Message Sent: #{msg}" # Save it to "log.txt"
elsif command == "clear"
system "clear" or system "cls" "Cleared Terminal" # Save it to "log.txt"
puts "Cleared Terminal"
puts "Type \"quit\" to stop the bot"
puts "Type \"clear\" to clear terminal"
puts "Type \"quit\" to send a custom message"
else # Add you own commands ABOVE this (else function) (just copy the other commands) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "< #{command}"
puts "Disconnected"
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