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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Nashorn smaller fail case
The minimal error (below) disappears when test-919-generic-cas is deleted. It seems to be that the Protocol clashing comes when MyCustomAtom is used, not only defined. The error also disappears if `state` inside MyCustomAtom is changed to snail. Note that Volatile in cljs.core is also defined in terms of a state attribute.
Note that even though `compare-and-set!` calls `-deref` it raises no exceptions.
ERROR in (test-919-generic-cas) (Error:NaN:NaN)
testing CLJS-919, CAS should on custom atom types
expected: (== (clojure.core/deref a0) 20)
#<Error: No protocol method IDeref.-deref defined for type cljs.core-test/MyCustomAtom: [object Object]>
Ran 2 tests containing 2 assertions.
0 failures, 1 errors.
Tested with 1 out of 4 possible js targets
(ns cljs.core-test
(:refer-clojure :exclude [iter])
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is]]))
(deftest test-atoms-and-volatile
(let [v (volatile! 1)]
(testing "Testing volatile"
(is (= 1 (-deref v))))))
(deftype MyCustomAtom [state]
(-deref [_] state))
(deftest test-919-generic-cas
(testing "testing CLJS-919, CAS should on custom atom types"
(let [a0 (MyCustomAtom. 10)]
(is (== (-deref a0) 10)))))
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