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Created August 19, 2015 19:52
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Dropdown Component in Elm
module Dropdown where
import List exposing (..)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onBlur)
type alias Item =
{ label : String
, id : Int
isSelected : Int -> Item -> Bool
isSelected id item =
id ==
type alias Model =
{ options : List Item
, selected : Int
, open : Bool
type Action = Click | Blur | Select Int
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Click -> { model | open <- not }
Blur -> { model | open <- False }
Select a -> { model | selected <- a
, open <- False }
itemView : Signal.Address Action -> Int -> Item -> Html
itemView address selected item =
div [ onClick address (Select
, onBlur address Blur
, itemStyle
[ text (if | selected == -> "Selected"
| otherwise -> item.label )]
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ button [ onClick address Click
, itemStyle
(let selectedItem = head (filter (isSelected model.selected) model.options)
[ text (case selectedItem of
Just value -> value.label
Nothing -> "Select")
, if | ->
let n = length model.options
ul [] (map (itemView address model.selected) model.options)
| otherwise -> div [] [ text "" ]
itemStyle : Attribute
itemStyle =
[ ("font-size", "14px")
, ("border-style", "solid")
, ("border-width", "1px")
, ("width", "70px")
countStyle : Attribute
countStyle =
[ ("font-size", "20px")
, ("font-family", "monospace")
, ("display", "inline-block")
, ("width", "50px")
, ("text-align", "center")

Mental process when encountering the first new concept:

After using filter I find my first Maybe, through a type mismatch:

Maybe Item vs

where Item : { id : Int, label : String }

Ok, I need to tell the compiler that I will handle the nil case. How do they call nil here? Couldn't find it in the docs as nil or as Maybe. Let's try google "elmlang maybe", I get core/Maybe.elm and find "Nothing". Let's handle Nothing. My first attempt:

if | item == Nothing -> dostuff | otherwise -> dostuff

doesn't work, same error message. I think the problem is in the Item vs, not the Maybe. Then I define anonymous functions as typed functions to tell the compiler that it's just a record with .id but Item. Doesn't work. Hhmm, maybe the if didn't solve the Maybe. Go back to core/Maybe, read how case handles Just and Nothing. Success!

import Html exposing (..)
import StartApp.Simple exposing (start)
import Dropdown
-- Model --
dropdownA : Dropdown.Model
dropdownA = { open = False
, selected = 0
, options = [ { id = 1, label = "Abeja" }
, { id = 2, label = "Boa" }
, { id = 3, label = "Cuervo" }
dropdownB : Dropdown.Model
dropdownB = { open = False
, selected = 0
, options = [ { id = 4, label = "Azul" }
, { id = 5, label = "Bordo" }
, { id = 6, label = "Celeste" }
type alias Model =
{ dropdownA : Dropdown.Model
, dropdownB : Dropdown.Model
initState : Model
initState = { dropdownA = dropdownA
, dropdownB = dropdownB
-- Update --
type Action
= A Dropdown.Action
| B Dropdown.Action
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
A act ->
{ model | dropdownA <- Dropdown.update act model.dropdownA }
B act ->
{ model | dropdownB <- Dropdown.update act model.dropdownB }
-- View --
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view address model =
div []
[ Dropdown.view (Signal.forwardTo address A) model.dropdownA
, Dropdown.view (Signal.forwardTo address B) model.dropdownB
main =
{ model = initState
, update = update
, view = view
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dropdown.elm doesn't work in 0.18

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0.18 doesn't like "module Dropdown where" or "<-" or "if |"

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