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Last active February 19, 2022 17:34
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How I learned to love the struct and stop worrying (part I)...
/// Equatable operators - avoid boxing operands when comparing structs.
/// Source:
module EquatableOperators =
let inline eq<'a when 'a :> System.IEquatable<'a>> (x:'a) (y:'a) = x.Equals y
let inline (==) x y = eq x y
let inline (!=) x y = not (eq x y)
/// We get a fair warning that it's odd that we impl. custom equality
/// when we deny the equality operator.
[<Struct; NoEquality; NoComparison>]
type BoxAversePoint =
{ X: int
Y: int }
interface IEquatable<BoxAversePoint> with
member x.Equals y =
x.X = y.X &&
x.Y = y.Y
let a = { X = 1; Y = 2 }
let b = a
let c = { X = -1; Y = -2 }
// Do not (and now cannot - due to NoEquality)
//do a = b |> ignore // boxes operands, structs allocate memory
//do a = c |> ignore // boxes operands, structs allocate memory
open EquatableOperators
// Do
do a == b |> ignore // no boxing
do a == c |> ignore // no boxing
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