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Last active February 21, 2022 17:16
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How I learned to love the struct and stop worrying (part II)...
// Use the Test solution configuration and now test cases will fail if they are using '=' on structs.
module StructEqCheck =
type StructEqualityException() =
inherit exn()
let inline (=) (a: 'T) (b: 'T) =
let ty = typeof<'T>
ty.IsValueType // look for structs
&& (not ty.IsPrimitive) // except primitives
&& (not ty.IsEnum) // except enums
&& ty.IsAssignableTo(typeof<IEquatable<'T>>) // must be IEquatable<'T> otherwise fast track not possible
raise (new StructEqualityException())
// TODO also check types with nested structs
a = b
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)'=='Test'">