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Created August 6, 2014 16:42
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PHP Iterator Tutorial

Some tutorial files for understanding PHP iterators.

Download the bunch into a folder, and run php example.php. There are comments about what's happening all over the place.

MIT license or whatever. Use it if it's helpful, don't complain if it isn't.

class BasicIterator extends FilterIterator {
public function __construct($pathToFile) {
// Call the parent constructor with an SplFileObject (also Traversable) for the given path.
parent::__construct(new SplFileObject($pathToFile, 'r'));
// These set up the inner SplFileObject's properties to process CSV.
$file = $this->getInnerIterator();
$file->setCsvControl(',', '"', "\\");
public function accept() {
$current = $this->getInnerIterator()->current();
// Skip rows where the first column's value is even.
if ($current[0] % 2 == 0) {
return false;
return true;
* CsvFileIterator
* @link
* Convenience iterator that wraps around both SplFileObject to make
* looping over records in a CSV file as painless as possible by returning
* associative arrays, skipping invalid rows and type-casting values.
class CsvFileIterator extends FilterIterator {
* Store the columns (and their order) obtained from the first row of
* the CSV file.
* @var array
protected $_names = null;
* Minimum fields required to be present in first row. If any of these
* values is missing during initialization, an exception will be thrown
* from _setColumnNames().
* @var array
protected $_requiredFields = array(
* __construct
* Build a new Iterator using a combination of SplFileObject and fgetcsv()
* options.
* @access public
* @param string $pathToFile A full or relative path to a CSV-formatted file.
* @param array $requiredFields An ordered array of fields expected to be present in the first row of any CSV file opened with this Iterator.
* @param string $delimiter The field delimiter to use for the given CSV file. Default: `,`.
* @param string $fieldEnclosure The field enclosure character. Default: `"`.
* @param string $escapeChar The escape character. Default: `\\`
public function __construct(
$requiredFields = array(),
$delimiter = ",",
$fieldEnclosure = '"',
$escapeChar = "\\"
) {
parent::__construct(new SplFileObject($pathToFile, 'r'));
$file = $this->getInnerIterator();
$file->setCsvControl($delimiter, $fieldEnclosure, $escapeChar);
* accept
* Called internally before each call to `::current()`. When
* it returns false, the iterator skips to the next record.
* Ensures that only "valid" records are returned by
* the iterator. Also handily skips accidentally-empty rows.
* @access public
* @return boolean True if record is valid, false otherwise.
public function accept() {
$key = $this->getInnerIterator()->key();
$current = $this->getInnerIterator()->current();
// Process every line when no column names available.
if (!is_array($this->_names)) {
return true;
// Skip the first line when column names are set.
if ($key === 0) {
return false;
// Process lines with the correct field count (when we know how many fields there should be).
return (count($current) == count($this->_names));
* current
* Return the "current" record in the iterator.
* Attempt to build an associative array out of the values for the current
* row. ::accept() ensures that we have the proper number of columns ahead
* of time.
* @access public
* @return array Returns the array of fields recognized from the CSV file with keys defined by `::$_names`.
public function current() {
$row = $this->getInnerIterator()->current();
if (!empty($this->_names)) {
$row = array_combine($this->_names, $row);
$row = $this->_correctFields($row);
return $row;
* getColumnNames
* Returns the ordered array of column _names in use for the given file.
* Useful for verifying the columns present in the file against an
* outside (expected) list.
* @return array The numerically indexed, ordered array of columns in the current CSV file.
public function getColumnNames() {
return $this->_names;
* _setColumnNames
* Ensures that the provided array of $names contains at least the
* values defined in ::$_requiredFields, and sets the keys to be used
* for each record returned from the iterator.
* @access protected
* @throws RuntimeException If any ::$_requiredFields are missing from $names.
* @param array $names An ordered, indexed array of column names to expect from each row in the CSV file.
* @return CsvFileIterator $this
protected function _setColumnNames(array $names) {
$missingFields = array_diff($this->_requiredFields, $names);
if (count($missingFields)) {
throw new RuntimeException('Minimum required fields [' . implode(', ', $missingFields) . '] missing from header row.');
$this->_names = $names;
return $this;
* _setRequiredFields
* Assigns the provided array of indexed fields names to the internal
* $_requiredFields property.
* @access protected
* @param array $requiredFields
protected function _setRequiredFields(array $requiredFields) {
$this->_requiredFields = array_values($requiredFields);
* _correctFields
* Loops over all fields in the provided $row, calling ::_correctField()
* for each.
* @codeCoverageIgnore Don't test a foreach loop.
* @access protected
* @param array $row A single CSV row represented as an array of [column_name => value] pairs.
* @return array An array where the values have been type coerced and in special cases, modified.
protected function _correctFields(array $row) {
foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
$row[$k] = $this->_correctField($k, $v);
return $row;
* _correctField
* Provides a mechanism for making field-specific corrections. If a
* field is not specified, it will be type-coerced only. Subclasses
* can replace this method to perform field-specific adjustments.
* @access protected
* @param string $key A CSV field name.
* @param string $value A raw CSV field value, always represented as a string.
* @return mixed Either the same value passed in, or a "corrected" version.
protected function _correctField($key, $value) {
switch ($key) {
// case 'sample_csv_column_name':
// $value .= ' some special suffix';
// break;
$value = $this->_correctValueType($value);
return $value;
* _correctValueType
* Applies some text-to-value adjustments for known values since
* everything from the CSV file is represented as a string. Used by
* `::groupKeys()` since we're already hitting every array element
* there.
* @access public
* @param string $v A single CSV field value, always represented as a string.
* @return mixed Either the same value passed in, or a "corrected" version.
protected function _correctValueType($v) {
// The ORDER of these checks MATTERS.
// (All ints validate as bools. If bool check is first, all ints get cast as bools.)
if (strtolower($v) === 'null') {
$v = null;
} elseif (filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) {
$v = intval($v);
} elseif (filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT)) {
$v = floatval($v);
} elseif (filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN)) {
$v = ($v ? true : false);
} else {
$v = trim($v);
return $v;
We can make this file beautiful and searchable if this error is corrected: It looks like row 5 should actually have 4 columns, instead of 2 in line 4.
1,First,This is the first row.,NULL
2,Second,Another entry.,Extra data
3,Third Encounters,,true
4,bad row to be skipped because not enough fields and has a blank row after it
5,Last Record,This is the end.,3.1415
include 'BasicIterator.php';
include 'CsvFileIterator.php';
$filePath = './data.csv';
$requiredFields = array(
$iterator = new CsvFileIterator($filePath, $requiredFields);
//$iterator = new BasicIterator($filePath);
foreach ($iterator as $i => $row) {
// What's happening under the hood in the foreach (...) parens:
// `do { $iterator->next(); } while (!$iterator->accept()); $row = $iterator->current();`
//echo "{$row['id']} -- {$row['name']}\n";
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