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Created February 1, 2025 21:58
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As of 2025-02-01 CDK does not provide a way to get the managed prefix lists which VPC Lattice automatically creates in the account after you create your first `CfnServiceNetworkVpcAssociation`. This custom resource looks them up for use in e.g. Peers on security groups in other constructs.
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import * as customResources from 'aws-cdk-lib/custom-resources';
import * as vpclattice from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-vpclattice';
export interface VPCLatticePrefixListsProps {
region: string;
serviceNetworkVpcAssociation: vpclattice.CfnServiceNetworkVpcAssociation;
export class VPCLatticePrefixLists extends Construct {
public readonly prefixListIds: string[];
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: VPCLatticePrefixListsProps) {
super(scope, id);
const { region, serviceNetworkVpcAssociation } = props;
const vpcLatticePrefixListCall = new customResources.AwsCustomResource(this, 'GetVpcLatticePrefixListIDs', {
resourceType: 'Custom::GetVpcLatticePrefixListIDs',
onUpdate: {
service: 'EC2',
action: 'describeManagedPrefixLists',
parameters: {
Filters: [
Name: 'prefix-list-name',
Values: [`com.amazonaws.${region}.vpc-lattice`, `com.amazonaws.${region}.ipv6.vpc-lattice`],
physicalResourceId: customResources.PhysicalResourceId.of('GetVpcLatticePrefixListIDsFunction')
policy: customResources.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.fromSdkCalls({
resources: customResources.AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE
this.prefixListIds = [
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bericp1 commented Feb 1, 2025

Note that if you don't care to ensure that at least one CfnServiceNetworkVpcAssociation already exists in the account before this runs, you can remove the serviceNetworkVpcAssociation prop. Providing that though allows you to guarantee that this resource doesn't run until the VPC association is created since these prefix lists don't exist until one is created.

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ilyash-b commented Feb 3, 2025

Didn't use but looks nice!

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