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Created August 13, 2010 19:30
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Save berinhard/523420 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script to enable easy ipdb usage for Vim users.
" Author: Bernardo Fontes <[email protected]>
" Website:
" This code is based on this one:
" I worked with refactoring and it simplifies a lot the remove breakpoint feature.
" To use this feature, you just need to copy and paste the content of this file at your .vimrc file! Enjoy!
python << EOF
import vim
import re
ipdb_breakpoint = 'import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()'
def set_breakpoint():
breakpoint_line = int(vim.eval('line(".")')) - 1
current_line = vim.current.line
white_spaces ='^(\s*)', current_line).group(1)
vim.current.buffer.append(white_spaces + ipdb_breakpoint, breakpoint_line)
vim.command('map <C-I> :py set_breakpoint()<cr>')
def remove_breakpoints():
op = 'g/^.*%s.*/d' % ipdb_breakpoint
vim.command('map <C-P> :py remove_breakpoints()<cr>')
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Here's a simpler VimL version:

func! s:SetBreakpoint()
    cal append('.', repeat(' ', strlen(matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*'))) . 'import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()')

func! s:RemoveBreakpoint()
    exe 'silent! g/^\s*import\sipdb\;\?\n*\s*ipdb.set_trace()/d'

func! s:ToggleBreakpoint()
    if getline('.')=~#'^\s*import\sipdb' | cal s:RemoveBreakpoint() | el | cal s:SetBreakpoint() | en
nnoremap <F6> :call <SID>ToggleBreakpoint()<CR>

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