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Last active February 9, 2018 15:07
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DOS: com vs exe

COM vs. EXE Program

EXE program can have any size whereas COM program can have maximally 64kB (just one segment).

COM Program

At the beginning of program there is program segment prefix (PSP). Because COM program is stored only in one segment so PSP occupies first 256 bytes (100h). Therefore start point begins at 100h. Values of segment registers are set to the begin of segment and don’t change during executing.

COM program in memory:

| Free memory     |    SP
+-----------------+  <------------    ^
| Stack memory    |                   |
+-----------------+                   |
| Program code    |                   |
|                 |                   | 64kB max.
|                 |    IP (100h)      |
+-----------------+  <------------    |
| PSP (256 B)     |    CS,DS,SS,ES    |
+-----------------+  <------------    v
| Occupied memory |

COM example 1:
Data are in data segment and cannot exceed 100h. Binary has 27 bytes.

;how to compile: 
;tasm tmp_com1
;tlink tmp_com1 /t

.model tiny        


        ;text for print
text    db      'Hello World!',13,10,'$'

        org 100h
        ;print hello
        mov     dx,offset text
        mov     ah,09h
        int     21h
        ;return control back to dos
        mov     ah,4ch  ;dos terminate program
        mov     al,00h  ;return code will be 0           
        int     21h
        end start

COM example 2:
Data are in code segment. Binary has 30 bytes.

;how to compile: 
;tasm tmp_com2
;tlink tmp_com2 /t

.model tiny        
        org 100h
        jmp     nav

        ;text for print
text    db      'Hello World!',13,10,'$'

        ;print hello
        mov     dx,offset text
        mov     ah,09h
        int     21h
        ;return control back to dos
        mov     ah,4ch  ;dos terminate program
        mov     al,00h  ;return code will be 0           
        int     21h
        end start

For more information about COM see wikipedia.

EXE Program

The main problem about creating EXE programs is assignation of correct values to segment registers CS,DS,SS,ES and to stack pointer SP. Similary to COM programs also in case of EXE programs system creates PSP and program is loaded just after PSP.

It is appropriate to define stack .stack 100h. This definition assures automatic setting of SP register at the top of stack.

In many cases it is also appropriate to segregate code segment .code and data segment .data. Definition of data segment itself does not affect setting of segment registers DS,ES. It is neccesary set them manually. After program loading registers will have following setting.

+-----------------+  <------------
| Stack memory    |     SS
+-----------------+  <------------
| Data            |
| Program         |     CS
+-----------------+  <------------
| PSP (256 B)     |     DS,ES
+-----------------+  <------------

It is obvious that DS register is not pointing to data segment. It is necessary do it manually

mov   ax,@data
mov   ds,ax

EXE Program example:
Binary has 545 bytes.

;how to compile: 
;tasm tmp_exe
;tlink tmp_exe

.model small
.stack 100h

        ;text for print
text    db      'Hello World!',13,10,'$'

        ;set DS to point to the data
        mov   ax,@data
        mov   ds,ax
        ;print hello
        mov     dx,offset text
        mov     ah,09h
        int     21h
        ;return control back to dos
        mov     ah,4ch  ;dos terminate program
        mov     al,00h  ;return code will be 0           
        int     21h

        end start
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