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Created March 1, 2023 08:39
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# Values for Camunda Platform helm on OpenShift.
# Merged from default values and OpenShift specific ones.
# Also contains some specifics for the installation system, like web endpoints
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# The values file follows helm best practices
# This means:
# * Variable names should begin with a lowercase letter, and words should be separated with camelcase.
# * Every defined property in values.yaml should be documented. The documentation string should begin with the name of the property that it describes, and then give at least a one-sentence description
# Furthermore, we try to apply the following pattern: # [VarName] [conjunction] [definition]
# VarName:
# * In the documentation the variable name is started with a big letter, similar to kubernetes resource documentation.
# * If the variable is part of a subsection/object we use a json path expression (to make it more clear where the variable belongs to).
# The root (chart name) is omitted (e.g. zeebe). This is useful for using --set in helm.
# Conjunction:
# * [defines] for mandatory configuration
# * [can be used] for optional configuration
# * [if true] for toggles
# * [configuration] for section/group of variables
# Global configuration for variables which can be accessed by all sub charts
# Annotations can be used to define common annotations, which should be applied to all deployments
annotations: {}
# Labels can be used to define common labels, which should be applied to all deployments
app: camunda-platform
# Image configuration to be used in each sub chart
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.tag defines the tag / version which should be used in the chart
# Don't change the comment after the value, it's needed due to a bug yq. Check Makefile for more details.
tag: 8.1.6 # global.image.tag
# Image.pullPolicy defines the image pull policy which should be used
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like Ingress-NGINX.
enabled: true
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Elasticsearch configuration which is shared between the sub charts
# Elasticsearch.disableExporter if true, disables the elastic exporter in zeebe
disableExporter: false
# Elasticsearch.url can be used to configure the URL to access elasticsearch, if not set services fallback to host and port configuration
# Elasticsearch.protocol defines the elasticsearch access protocol, by default HTTP.
protocol: http
# defines the elasticsearch host, ideally the service name inside the namespace
host: "elasticsearch-master"
# Elasticsearch.port defines the elasticsearch port, under which elasticsearch can be accessed
port: 9200
# Elasticsearch.clusterName defines the cluster name which is used by Elasticsearch
clusterName: "elasticsearch"
# Elasticsearch.prefix defines the prefix which is used by the Zeebe Elasticsearch Exporter to create Elasticsearch indexes
prefix: zeebe-record
# ZeebeClusterName defines the cluster name for the Zeebe cluster. All Zeebe pods get this prefix in their name and the brokers uses that as cluster name.
zeebeClusterName: "{{ .Release.Name }}-zeebe"
# ZeebePort defines the port which is used for the Zeebe Gateway. This port accepts the GRPC Client messages and forwards them to the Zeebe Brokers.
zeebePort: 26500
# Identity configuration to configure identity specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.fullnameOverride can be used to override the full name of the identity resources
fullnameOverride: ""
# Identity.nameOverride can be used to partly override the name of the identity resources (names will still be prefixed with the release name)
nameOverride: ""
# Identity.keycloak.legacy if true, it will configure Keycloak service name according to Keycloak v16.
# If false, then it will configure Keycloak service name according to Keycloak v19. This config is used
# when Keycloak v19 Helm chart is used. Note: This is just for config, it will not enable Keycloak v19).
legacy: true
# Identity.keycloak.internal if true, it will configure an extra service with type "ExternalName".
# It's useful for using existing Keycloak in another namespace with and access it with the combined Ingress.
internal: false
# Identity.keycloak.url can be used incorporate with "identity.keycloak.enabled: false" to use your own Keycloak instead of the one comes with Camunda Platform Helm chart.
url: {}
# Example to produce the following URL "":
# url:
# protocol: "https"
# host: ""
# port: "8443"
# Identity.keycloak.contextPath defines the endpoint of Keycloak which varies between Keycloak versions.
# In Keycloak v16.x.x it's hard-coded as '/auth', but in v19.x.x it's '/'.
contextPath: "/auth"
# Identity.keycloak.realm defines Keycloak realm path used for Camunda Platform.
realm: "/realms/camunda-platform"
# Identity.keycloak.auth same as "identity.keycloak.auth" but it's used for existing Keycloak.
auth: {}
# Identity.keycloak.auth.adminUser can be used to configure admin user to access existing Keycloak.
# adminUser: ""
# Identity.keycloak.auth.existingSecret can be used to configure existing Secret object which has admin password
# to access existing Keycloak.
# existingSecret: ""
# Identity.keycloak.auth.existingSecretKey can be used to configure the key inside existing Secret object
# which has admin password to access existing Keycloak.
# existingSecretKey: "admin-password"
# Identity.auth configuration, to configure Identity authentication setup
# Identity.auth.enabled if true, enables the Identity authentication otherwise basic-auth will be used on all services.
enabled: true
# Identity.auth.publicIssuerUrl defines the token issuer (Keycloak) URL, where the services can request JWT tokens.
# Should be publicly accessible, per default we assume a port-forward to Keycloak (18080) is created before login.
# Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
publicIssuerUrl: ""
# Identity.auth.operate configuration to configure Operate authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.operate.existingSecret can be used to reference an existing secret. If not set, a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `operate-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Operate communication.
# Identity.auth.operate.redirectUrl defines the redirect URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Operate.
# Should be publicly accessible, the default value works if a port-forward to Operate is created to 8081.
# Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: ""
# Identity.auth.tasklist configuration to configure Tasklist authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.tasklist.existingSecret can be used to use an own existing secret. If not set a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `tasklist-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Tasklist communication.
# Identity.auth.tasklist.redirectUrl defines the root (or redirect) URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Tasklist.
# Should be publicly accessible, the default value works if a port-forward to Tasklist is created to 8082.
# Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: ""
# Identity.auth.optimize configuration to configure Optimize authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.optimize.existingSecret can be used to use an own existing secret. If not set a random secret is generated.
# The existing secret should contain an `optimize-secret` field, which will be used as secret for the Identity-Optimize communication.
# Identity.auth.optimize.redirectUrl defines the root (or redirect) URL, which is used by Keycloak to access Optimize.
# Should be publicly accessible, the default value works if a port-forward to Optimize is created to 8083.
# Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: ""
# Identity.auth.webModeler configuration to configure Web Modeler authentication specifics on global level, which can be accessed by other sub-charts
# Identity.auth.webModeler.redirectUrl defines the root URL which is used by Keycloak to access Web Modeler.
# Should be publicly accessible, the default value works if a port-forward to Web Modeler is created to 8084.
# Can be overwritten if ingress is in use and an external IP is available.
redirectUrl: ""
# Zeebe configuration for the Zeebe sub chart. Contains configuration for the Zeebe broker and related resources.
# Enabled if true, all zeebe related resources are deployed via the helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the zeebe image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/zeebe
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# ClusterSize defines the amount of brokers (=replicas), which are deployed via helm
clusterSize: "3"
# PartitionCount defines how many zeebe partitions are set up in the cluster
partitionCount: "3"
# ReplicationFactor defines how each partition is replicated, the value defines the number of nodes
replicationFactor: "3"
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each zeebe broker container
value: "5m"
value: "0.85"
value: "0.87"
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
defaultMode: 0555
# See
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# LogLevel defines the log level which is used by the zeebe brokers
logLevel: info
# Log4j2 can be used to overwrite the log4j2 configuration of the zeebe brokers
log4j2: ''
# JavaOpts can be used to set java options for the zeebe brokers
javaOpts: >-
# Service configuration for the broker service
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.httpPort defines the port of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpPort: 9600
# Service.httpName defines the name of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpName: "http"
# Service.commandPort defines the port of the command api endpoint, where the broker commands are sent to
commandPort: 26501
# Service.commandName defines the name of the command api endpoint, where the broker commands are sent to
commandName: "command"
# Service.internalPort defines the port of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalPort: 26502
# Service.internalName defines the name of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalName: "internal"
# extraPorts can be used to expose any other ports which are required. Can be useful for exporters
extraPorts: []
# - name: hazelcast
# protocol: TCP
# port: 5701
# targetPort: 5701
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the broker pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the broker service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the broker service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the broker service account
annotations: {}
# CpuThreadCount defines how many threads can be used for the processing on each broker pod
cpuThreadCount: "3"
# IoThreadCount defines how many threads can be used for the exporting on each broker pod
ioThreadCount: "3"
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 800m
memory: 1200Mi
cpu: 960m
memory: 1920Mi
# PersistenceType defines the type of persistence which is used by Zeebe. Possible values are: disk, local and memory.
# disk - means a persistence volume claim is configured and used
# local - means the data is stored into the container, no volumeMount nor volume nor claim is configured
# memory - means zeebe uses a tmpfs for the data persistence, be aware that this takes the limits into account
persistenceType: disk
# PvcSize defines the persistent volume claim size, which is used by each broker pod
pvcSize: "32Gi"
# PvcAccessModes can be used to configure the persistent volume claim access mode
pvcAccessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
# PvcStorageClassName can be used to set the storage class name which should be used by the persistent volume claim. It is recommended to use a storage class, which is backed with a SSD.
pvcStorageClassName: ''
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraVolumeMounts: []
# ExtraInitContainers can be used to set up extra init containers for the broker pods, useful for additional exporters
extraInitContainers: []
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra broker pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# PodLabels can be used to define extra broker pod labels
podLabels: {}
# PodDisruptionBudget configuration to configure a pod disruption budget for the broker pods
# PodDisruptionBudget.enabled if true a pod disruption budget is defined for the brokers
enabled: false
# PodDisruptionBudget.minAvailable can be used to set how many pods should be available. Be aware that if minAvailable is set, maxUnavailable will not be set (they are mutually exclusive).
# podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable can be used to set how many pods should be at max. unavailable
maxUnavailable: 1
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the Zeebe broker pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the Zeebe broker container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /ready
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: true
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /ready
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /health
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the broker pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
# The default defined PodAntiAffinity allows constraining on which nodes the Zeebe pods are scheduled on
# It uses a hard requirement for scheduling and works based on the Zeebe pod labels
- labelSelector:
- key: ""
operator: In
- zeebe-broker
topologyKey: ""
# PriorityClassName can be used to define the broker pods priority
priorityClassName: ""
# Gateway configuration to define properties related to the standalone gateway
# Replicas defines how many standalone gateways are deployed
replicas: 2
# Image configuration to configure the zeebe-gateway image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/zeebe
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra gateway pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# PodLabels can be used to define extra gateway pod labels
podLabels: {}
# LogLevel defines the log level which is used by the gateway
logLevel: info
# Log4j2 can be used to overwrite the log4j2 configuration of the gateway
log4j2: ''
# JavaOpts can be used to set java options for the zeebe gateways
javaOpts: >-
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each gateway container
value: 'true'
value: /usr/local/zeebe/config/tls.crt
value: /usr/local/zeebe/config/tls.key
- name: certificate
mountPath: /usr/local/zeebe/config/tls.crt
subPath: tls.crt
- name: key
mountPath: /usr/local/zeebe/config/tls.key
subPath: tls.key
- name: certificate
secretName: tls-certificate
- key: tls.crt
path: tls.crt
defaultMode: 420
- name: key
secretName: tls-certificate
- key: tls.key
path: tls.key
defaultMode: 420
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
defaultMode: 0444
# See
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# PodDisruptionBudget configuration to configure a pod disruption budget for the gateway pods
# PodDisruptionBudget.enabled if true a pod disruption budget is defined for the gateways
enabled: false
# PodDisruptionBudget.minAvailable can be used to set how many pods should be available. Be aware that if minAvailable is set, maxUnavailable will not be set (they are mutually exclusive).
minAvailable: 1
# PodDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable can be used to set how many pods should be at max. unavailable
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 400m
memory: 450Mi
cpu: 400m
memory: 450Mi
# PriorityClassName can be used to define the gateway pods priority
priorityClassName: ""
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the gateway pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the gateway container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/startup
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/liveness
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the gateway pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
# The default defined PodAntiAffinity allows constraining on which nodes the Zeebe gateway pods are scheduled on
# It uses a hard requirement for scheduling and works based on the Zeebe gateway pod labels
- labelSelector:
- key: ""
operator: In
- zeebe-gateway
topologyKey: ""
# ExtraInitContainers can be used to set up extra init containers for the gateway pods, useful for adding interceptors
extraInitContainers: []
# Service configuration for the gateway service
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.loadBalancerIP defines public ip of the load balancer if the type is LoadBalancer
loadBalancerIP: ""
# Service.loadBalancerSourceRanges defines list of allowed source ip address ranges if the type is LoadBalancer
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
# Service.httpPort defines the port of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpPort: 9600
# Service.httpName defines the name of the http endpoint, where for example metrics are provided
httpName: "http"
# Service.gatewayPort defines the port of the gateway endpoint, where client commands (grpc) are sent to
gatewayPort: 26500
# Service.gatewayName defines the name of the gateway endpoint, where client commands (grpc) are sent to
gatewayName: "gateway"
# Service.internalPort defines the port of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalPort: 26502
# Service.internalName defines the name of the internal api endpoint, which is used for internal communication
internalName: "internal"
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the zeebe-gateway service
annotations: {}
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the gateway pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the gateway service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the gateway service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the gateway service account
annotations: {}
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the Zeebe gateway deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false" "GRPC"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Operate configuration for the Operate sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the Operate deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the Operate image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/operate
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# ContextPath can be used to make Operate web application works on a custom sub-path. This is mainly used to run Camunda Platform web applications under a single domain.
# contextPath: "/operate"
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra Operate pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# PodLabels can be used to define extra Operate pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Logging configuration for the Operate logging. This template will be directly included in the Operate configuration yaml file
io.camunda.operate: DEBUG
# Service configuration to configure the Operate service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the Operate web application will be available
port: 80
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the Operate service
annotations: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 400Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each Operate container
env: []
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
defaultMode: 0444
# See
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the Operate pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the Operate pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the Operate pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the Operate service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the Operate service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the Operate service account
annotations: {}
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the Operate deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the Operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the Operate pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the Operate container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/readiness
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/readiness
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/liveness
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the Operate pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: {}
# Tasklist configuration for the tasklist sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the tasklist deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the tasklist image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/tasklist
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# ContextPath can be used to make Tasklist web application works on a custom sub-path. This is mainly used to run Camunda Platform web applications under a single domain.
# contextPath: "/tasklist"
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables on each Tasklist container
env: []
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra Tasklist pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# PodLabels can be used to define extra tasklist pod labels
podLabels: {}
# ConfigMap configuration which will be applied to the mounted config map.
defaultMode: 0444
# See
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# Service configuration to configure the tasklist service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the tasklist web application will be available
port: 80
# GraphqlPlaygroundEnabled if true, enables the graphql playground
graphqlPlaygroundEnabled: ""
# GraphqlPlaygroundEnabled can be set to include the credentials in each request, should be set to "include" if graphql playground is enabled
graphqlPlaygroundRequestCredentials: ""
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the Tasklist pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the Tasklist pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the Tasklist pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the Tasklist container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/readiness
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/readiness
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health/liveness
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the Tasklist pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 400m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 1000m
memory: 2Gi
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the tasklist deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Optimize configuration for the Optimize sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the Optimize deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: true
# Image configuration to configure the Optimize image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/optimize
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Don't change the comment after the value, it's needed due to a bug yq. Check Makefile for more details.
tag: 3.9.3 # optimize.image.tag
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# ContextPath can be used to make Optimize web application works on a custom sub-path. This is mainly used to run Camunda Platform web applications under a single domain.
# contextPath: "/optimize"
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra Optimize pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# PodLabels can be used to define extra Optimize pod labels
podLabels: {}
# PartitionCount defines how many Zeebe partitions are set up in the cluster and which should be imported by Optimize
partitionCount: "3"
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each Optimize container
env: []
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the Optimize pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the Optimize pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the Optimize pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the Optimize service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the Optimize service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the Optimize service account
annotations: {}
# Service configuration to configure the Optimize service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.port defines the port of the service, where the Optimize web application will be available
port: 80
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the Optimize service
annotations: {}
# Service.managementPort defines the port where actuator will be available. Also required to reach backup API
managementPort: 8092
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the Optimize pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the Optimize container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /api/readyz
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /api/readyz
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /api/readyz
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the Optimize pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the Optimize deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# RetentionPolicy configuration to configure the elasticsearch index retention policies
# RetentionPolicy.enabled if true, elasticsearch curator cronjob and configuration will be deployed.
enabled: false
# RetentionPolicy.schedule defines how often/when the curator should run
schedule: "0 0 * * *"
# RetentionPolicy.zeebeIndexTTL defines after how many days a zeebe index can be deleted
zeebeIndexTTL: 1
# RetentionPolicy.zeebeIndexMaxSize can be set to configure the maximum allowed zeebe index size in gigabytes.
# After reaching that size, curator will delete that corresponding index on the next run.
# To benefit from that configuration the schedule needs to be configured small enough, like every 15 minutes.
# RetentionPolicy.operateIndexTTL defines after how many days an operate index can be deleted
operateIndexTTL: 30
# RetentionPolicy.tasklistIndexTTL defines after how many days a tasklist index can be deleted
tasklistIndexTTL: 30
# Image configuration for the elasticsearch curator cronjob
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: bitnami/elasticsearch-curator
# Image.tag defines the tag / version which should be used in the chart
tag: 5.8.4
# PrometheusServiceMonitor configuration to configure a prometheus service monitor
# PrometheusServiceMonitor.enabled if true then a service monitor will be deployed, which allows an installed prometheus controller to scrape metrics from the deployed pods
enabled: false
# PromotheuServiceMonitor.labels can be set to configure extra labels, which will be added to the servicemonitor and can be used on the prometheus controller for selecting the servicemonitors
release: metrics
# PromotheuServiceMonitor.scrapeInterval can be set to configure the interval at which metrics should be scraped
# Should be *less* than 60s if the provided grafana dashboard is used, which can be found here,
# otherwise it isn't able to show any metrics which is aggregated over 1 min.
scrapeInterval: 10s
# Identity configuration for the identity sub chart.
# Enabled if true, the identity deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
# Note: Identity is required by Optimize and Web Modeler. If Identity is disabled, both Optimize and Web Modeler will be unusable.
# If you need neither Optimize nor Web Modeler, make sure to disable both the Identity authentication and the applications by setting:
# global.identity.auth.enabled=false
# optimize.enabled=false
# web-modeler.enabled=false
enabled: true
# FirstUser configuration to configure properties of the first Identity user, which can be used to access all
# web applications
# FirstUser.username defines the username of the first user, needed to log in into the web applications
username: demo
# FirstUser.password defines the password of the first user, needed to log in into the web applications
password: demo
# defines the email address of the first user; a valid email address is required to use Web Modeler
email: [email protected]
# FirstUser.firstName defines the first name of the first user; a name is required to use Web Modeler
firstName: Demo
# FirstUser.lastName defines the last name of the first user; a name is required to use Web Modeler
lastName: User
# Image configuration to configure the identity image specifics
# Image.registry can be used to set container image registry.
registry: ""
# Image.repository defines which image repository to use
repository: camunda/identity
# Image.tag can be set to overwrite the global tag, which should be used in that chart
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets
pullSecrets: []
# FullURL can be used when Ingress is configured (for both multi and single domain setup).
# Note: If the `ContextPath` is configured, then value of `ContextPath` should be included in the URL too.
# fullURL: ""
# ContextPath can be used to make Identity web application works on a custom sub-path. This is mainly used
# to run Camunda Platform web applications under a single domain.
# Note: Identity cannot be accessed over HTTP if a "contextPath" is configured.
# Which means that Identity cannot be configured in combined Ingress without HTTPS.
# To use Identity over HTTP, setup a separated Ingress using "identity.ingress" and don't set "contextPath".
# contextPath: "/identity"
# PodAnnotations can be used to define extra Identity pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# Service configuration to configure the identity service.
# Service.type defines the type of the service
type: ClusterIP
# Service.annotations can be used to define annotations, which will be applied to the identity service
annotations: {}
# Service.port defines the port of the service on which the identity application will be available
port: 80
# Service.metricsPort defines the port of the service on which the identity metrics will be available
metricsPort: 82
# Service.metricsName defines the name of the service on which the identity metrics will be available
metricsName: metrics
# PodSecurityContext defines the security options the Identity pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# ContainerSecurityContext defines the security options the Identity container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# StartupProbe configuration
# StartupProbe.enabled if true, the startup probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# StartupProbe.probePath defines the startup probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health
# StartupProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# StartupProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# StartupProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# StartupProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# ReadinessProbe configuration
# ReadinessProbe.enabled if true, the readiness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# ReadinessProbe.probePath defines the readiness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health
# ReadinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# ReadinessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be marked as ready, after failure
successThreshold: 1
# ReadinessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the Pod will be marked Unready
failureThreshold: 5
# ReadinessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# LivenessProbe configuration
# LivenessProbe.enabled if true, the liveness probe is enabled in app container
enabled: false
# LivenessProbe.probePath defines the liveness probe route used on the app
probePath: /actuator/health
# LivenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds defines the number of seconds after the container has started before
# the probe is initiated.
initialDelaySeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.periodSeconds defines how often the probe is executed
periodSeconds: 30
# LivenessProbe.successThreshold defines how often it needs to be true to be considered successful after having failed
successThreshold: 1
# LivenessProbe.failureThreshold defines when the probe is considered as failed so the container will be restarted
failureThreshold: 5
# LivenessProbe.timeoutSeconds defines the seconds after the probe times out
timeoutSeconds: 1
# NodeSelector can be used to define on which nodes the Identity pods should run
nodeSelector: {}
# Tolerations can be used to define pod toleration's
tolerations: []
# Affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity
affinity: {}
# Resources configuration to set request and limit configuration for the container
cpu: 600m
memory: 400Mi
cpu: 2000m
memory: 2Gi
# Env can be used to set extra environment variables in each identity container. See the documentation for more details.
env: []
# Command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image. See
command: []
# ExtraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the identity pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# ExtraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the identity pods, useful for tls and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Keycloak configuration, for the keycloak dependency chart which is used by identity.
# For more details:
# Keycloak.enabled is used incorporate with "global.identity.keycloak" to use your own Keycloak instead of the one comes with Camunda Platform Helm chart.
enabled: true
# NOTE: Since Helm v3 (latest checked 3.10.x) doesn't merge lists with custom values files, then you will need to
# add this to your own values file if you override any of "extraVolumes", "initContainers", or "extraVolumeMounts".
- name: camunda-theme
sizeLimit: 10Mi
- name: copy-camunda-theme
image: >-
{{- $identityImageParams := (dict "base" "overlay" -}}
{{- include "camundaPlatform.imageByParams" $identityImageParams }}
imagePullPolicy: "{{ }}"
command: ["sh", "-c", "cp -a /app/keycloak-theme/* /mnt"]
- name: camunda-theme
mountPath: /mnt
- name: camunda-theme
mountPath: /opt/bitnami/keycloak/themes/identity
# Keycloak.httpRelativePath defines the context for Keycloak. This config is valid for Keycloak v19.x.x only
# where in Keycloak v16.x.x it's hard-coded as '/auth', but in v19.x.x it's configurable.
# NOTE: This should be the same as "" plus a trailing slash,
# but it cannot be referenced directly because of a bug in Helm (tested with Helm v3.9.3).
httpRelativePath: /auth/
# KEYCLOAK_PROXY_ADDRESS_FORWARDING can be used with Ingress that has SSL Termination. It will be "true" if the TLS
# in global Ingress is enabled, but it could be overwritten with separate Ingress setup.
value: "{{ }}"
# Keycloak.ingress can be used to configure an Ingress for Keycloak. No need to enable it if the global Ingress
# under "global.ingress" is enabled. However, it's possible to setup Keycloak on a separate Ingress if needed.
# For more details:
enabled: false
# Keycloak.service configuration, to configure the service which is deployed along with keycloak
# Keycloak.service.type can be set to change the service type.
# We use clusterIP for keycloak service, since per default LoadBalancer is used, which is not supported on all cloud providers.
# This might prevent scheduling of the service.
type: ClusterIP
## Keycloak authentication parameters
## ref:
## Identity uses the secrets generated by keycloak, to access keycloak.
# Keycloak.auth.adminUser defines the keycloak administrator user
adminUser: admin
# Keycloak.auth.existingSecret can be used to reuse an existing secret containing authentication information.
# See for more details.
# Example:
# Keycloak.auth.existingSecret:
# name: mySecret
# keyMapping:
# admin-password: myPasswordKey
# management-password: myManagementPasswordKey
# tls-keystore-password: myTlsKeystorePasswordKey
# tls-truestore-password: myTlsTruestorePasswordKey
existingSecret: ""
## Keycloak.auth.tls.enabled can be used to enable TLS encryption. Required for HTTPs traffic.
enabled: false
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account where the identity pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the identity service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the identity service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the identity service account
annotations: {}
# Ingress configuration to configure the ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an ingress resource is deployed with the identity deployment. Only useful if an ingress controller is available, like nginx.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.path defines the path which is associated with the operate service and port
path: /
# can be used to define the host of the ingress rule.
# If not specified the rules applies to all inbound http traffic, if specified the rule applies to that host.
host: ""
# Ingress.tls configuration for tls on the ingress resource
# Ingress.tls.enabled if true, then tls is configured on the ingress resource. If enabled the need to be defined.
enabled: false
# Ingress.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Web-Modeler configuration of the Web Modeler subchart
# Enabled if true, the Web Modeler deployment and its related resources are deployed via a helm release
enabled: false
# Image configuration of the Web Modeler Docker images
# Image.registry can be used to set the Docker registry for the Web Modeler images (overwrites global.image.registry)
# Note: The images are not publicly available on Docker Hub, but only from Camunda's private registry.
# Image.tag can be used to set the Docker image tag for the Web Modeler images (overwrites global.image.tag)
tag: 0.4.0-beta
# Image.pullSecrets can be used to configure image pull secrets, see
# Note: A secret will be required, if the Web Modeler images are pulled directly from Camunda's private registry.
# Example:
# pullSecrets:
# - name: registry-secret
pullSecrets: []
# Restapi configuration of the Web Modeler restapi component
# Restapi.image configuration of the restapi Docker image
# Restapi.image.repository defines which image repository to use for the restapi Docker image
repository: web-modeler-ee/modeler-restapi
# Restapi.externalDatabase can be used to configure a connection to an external database. This will only be applied
# if the postgresql dependency chart is disabled (by setting postgresql.enabled to false).
# Note: Currently, the only supported database system is PostgreSQL.
# defines the host name of the database instance
host: ""
# Restapi.externalDatabase.port defines the port number of the database instance
port: 5432
# Restapi.externalDatabase.database defines the database name
database: ""
# Restapi.externalDatabase.user defines the database user
user: ""
# Restapi.externalDatabase.password defines the database user's password
password: ""
# Restapi.mail configuration for emails sent by Web Modeler
# Restapi.mail.smtpHost defines the host name of the SMTP server to be used by Web Modeler
smtpHost: ""
# Restapi.mail.smtpPort defines the port number of the SMTP server
smtpPort: 587
# Restapi.mail.smtpUser can be used to provide a user for the SMTP server
smtpUser: ""
# Restapi.mail.smtpPassword can be used to provide a password for the SMTP server
smtpPassword: ""
# Restapi.mail.smtpTlsEnabled if true, enforces TLS encryption for SMTP connections (using STARTTLS)
smtpTlsEnabled: true
# Restapi.mail.fromAddress defines the email address that will be displayed as the sender of emails sent by Web Modeler
fromAddress: ""
# Restapi.mail.fromName defines the name that will be displayed as the sender of emails sent by Web Modeler
fromName: "Camunda Platform"
# Restapi.podAnnotations can be used to define extra restapi pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# Restapi.podLabels can be used to define extra restapi pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Restapi.env can be used to set extra environment variables in each restapi container
env: []
# Restapi.command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image, see
command: []
# Restapi.extraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the restapi pods, useful for TLS and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# Restapi.extraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the restapi pods, useful for TLS and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Restapi.podSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the restapi pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# Restapi.containerSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the restapi container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# Restapi.nodeSelector can be used to select the nodes the restapi pods should run on
nodeSelector: {}
# Restapi.tolerations can be used to define pod tolerations, see
tolerations: []
# Restapi.affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity, see
affinity: {}
# Restapi.resources configuration of resource requests and limits for the container, see
cpu: 500m
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 1000m
memory: 2Gi
# Restapi.service configuration of the Web Modeler restapi service
# Restapi.service.type defines the type of the service, see
type: ClusterIP
# Restapi.service.port defines the default port of the service
port: 80
# Restapi.service.managementPort defines the management port of the service
managementPort: 8091
# Restapi.service.annotations can be used to define annotations which will be applied to the service
annotations: {}
# Webapp configuration of the Web Modeler webapp component
# Webapp.image configuration of the webapp Docker image
# Webapp.image.repository defines which image repository to use for the webapp Docker image
repository: web-modeler-ee/modeler-webapp
# Webapp.podAnnotations can be used to define extra webapp pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# Webapp.podLabels can be used to define extra webapp pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Webapp.env can be used to set extra environment variables in each webapp container
env: []
# Webapp.command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image, see
command: []
# Webapp.extraVolumes can be used to define extra volumes for the webapp pods, useful for TLS and self-signed certificates
extraVolumes: []
# Webapp.extraVolumeMounts can be used to mount extra volumes for the webapp pods, useful for TLS and self-signed certificates
extraVolumeMounts: []
# Webapp.podSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the webapp pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# Webapp.containerSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the webapp container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# Webapp.nodeSelector can be used to select the nodes the webapp pods should run on
nodeSelector: {}
# Webapp.tolerations can be used to define pod tolerations, see
tolerations: []
# Webapp.affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity, see
affinity: {}
# Webapp.resources configuration of resource requests and limits for the container, see
cpu: 400m
memory: 256Mi
cpu: 800m
memory: 512Mi
# Webapp.service configuration of the Web Modeler webapp service
# Webapp.service.type defines the type of the service, see
type: ClusterIP
# Webapp.service.port defines the port of the service
port: 80
# Webapp.service.annotations can be used to define annotations which will be applied to the service
annotations: {}
# Websockets configuration of the Web Modeler websockets component
# Websockets.image configuration of the websockets Docker image
# Websockets.image.repository defines which image repository to use for the websockets Docker image
repository: web-modeler-ee/modeler-websockets
# Websockets.publicHost can be used to define the host on which the WebSockets server can be reached from the Web Modeler client in the browser.
# The default value assumes that a port-forwarding to the websockets service has been created.
# Note: The host will only be used if the Ingress resource for Web Modeler is disabled.
publicHost: localhost
# Websockets.publicPort can be used to define the port number on which the WebSockets server can be reached from the Web Modeler client in the browser.
# The default value assumes that a port-forwarding to the websockets service on port 8085 has been created.
# Note: The port will only be used if the Ingress resource for Web Modeler is disabled.
publicPort: 8085
# Websockets.podAnnotations can be used to define extra websockets pod annotations
podAnnotations: {}
# Websockets.podLabels can be used to define extra websockets pod labels
podLabels: {}
# Websockets.env can be used to set extra environment variables in each websockets container
env: []
# Websockets.command can be used to override the default command provided by the container image, see
command: []
# Websockets.podSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the websockets pod should be run with
podSecurityContext: {}
# Websockets.containerSecurityContext can be used to define the security options the websockets container should be run with
containerSecurityContext: {}
# Websockets.nodeSelector can be used to select the nodes the websockets pods should run on
nodeSelector: {}
# Websockets.tolerations can be used to define pod tolerations, see
tolerations: []
# Websockets.affinity can be used to define pod affinity or anti-affinity, see
affinity: {}
# Websockets.resources configuration of resource requests and limits for the container, see
cpu: 100m
memory: 64Mi
cpu: 200m
memory: 128Mi
# Websockets.service configuration of the Web Modeler websockets service
# Websockets.service.type defines the type of the service, see
type: ClusterIP
# Websockets.service.port defines the port of the service
port: 80
# Websockets.service.annotations can be used to define annotations which will be applied to the service
annotations: {}
# ServiceAccount configuration for the service account the Web Modeler pods are assigned to
# ServiceAccount.enabled if true, enables the Web Modeler service account
enabled: true
# can be used to set the name of the Web Modeler service account
name: ""
# ServiceAccount.annotations can be used to set the annotations of the Web Modeler service account
annotations: {}
# Ingress configuration of the Web Modeler ingress resource
# Ingress.enabled if true, an Ingress resource will be deployed with the Web Modeler deployment. Only useful if an Ingress controller like NGINX is available.
enabled: false
# Ingress.className defines the class or configuration of ingress which should be used by the controller
className: nginx
# Ingress.annotations defines the ingress related annotations, consumed mostly by the ingress controller
annotations: "/" "false"
# Ingress.webapp configuration of the webapp ingress
# defines the host of the ingress rule, see; this is the host name on which the Web Modeler web application will be available
# Note: the value must be different from
host: ""
# Ingress.webapp.tls configuration for TLS on the ingress resource, see
# Ingress.webapp.tls.enabled if true, TLS will be configured on the ingress resource
enabled: false
# Ingress.webapp.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Ingress.websockets configuration of the websockets ingress
# defines the host of the ingress rule, see; this is the host name the Web Modeler client in the browser will use to connect to the WebSockets server
# Note: the value must be different from
host: ""
# Ingress.websockets.tls configuration for TLS on the ingress resource, see
# Ingress.websockets.tls.enabled if true, TLS will be configured on the ingress resource
enabled: false
# Ingress.websockets.tls.secretName defines the secret name which contains the TLS private key and certificate
secretName: ""
# Postgresql configuration for the postgresql dependency chart used by Web Modeler. See the chart documentation for more details.
# Postgresql.enabled if true, a PostgreSQL database will be deployed as part of the Helm release by using the dependency chart
# Note: if set to false, a connection to an external database must be configured instead (see Restapi.externalDatabase)
enabled: true
# Postgresql.nameOverride defines the name of the Postgres resources (names will be prefixed with the release name), see
# Note: Must be different from the default value "postgresql" which is already used for Keycloak's database
nameOverride: postgresql-web-modeler
# Postgresql.auth configuration of the database authentication
# Postgresql.auth.username defines the name of the database user to be created for Web Modeler
username: web-modeler
# Postgresql.auth.password defines the database user's password; a random password will be generated if left empty
password: ""
# Postgresql.auth.database defines the name of the database to be created for Web Modeler
database: web-modeler
enabled: true
- name: ""
value: "false"
replicas: 2
enabled: true
accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
storage: 64Gi
esJavaOpts: "-Xmx1g -Xms1g"
cpu: 1
memory: 1Gi
cpu: 2
memory: 2Gi
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