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Created November 21, 2011 06:10
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Save berngp/1381804 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lift MongoMapField with support of embedded collections.
package com.ign.lift.record
import java.util.{Calendar, Date, GregorianCalendar, UUID}
import java.util.regex.Pattern
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
import net.liftweb.json.Formats
import com.mongodb.{BasicDBList, BasicDBObject, DBRef}
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
import org.bson.types.ObjectId
private[record] object Meta {
* For converting scala objects into DBObject values
object Reflection {
import math.BigInt
* These don't require a conversion and can be put directly into a DBObject
val primitives = Set[Class[_]](
classOf[String], classOf[Int], classOf[Long], classOf[Double],
classOf[Float], classOf[Byte], classOf[BigInt], classOf[Boolean],
classOf[Short], classOf[java.lang.Integer], classOf[java.lang.Long],
classOf[java.lang.Double], classOf[java.lang.Float],
classOf[java.lang.Byte], classOf[java.lang.Boolean],
def primitive_?(clazz: Class[_]) = primitives contains clazz
* This is used to convert DBObjects into JObjects
def primitive2jvalue(a: Any) = a match {
case x: String => JString(x)
case x: Int => JInt(x)
case x: Long => JInt(x)
case x: Double => JDouble(x)
case x: Float => JDouble(x)
case x: Byte => JInt(BigInt(x))
case x: BigInt => JInt(x)
case x: Boolean => JBool(x)
case x: Short => JInt(BigInt(x))
case x: java.lang.Integer => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Int]))
case x: java.lang.Long => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Long]))
case x: java.lang.Double => JDouble(x.asInstanceOf[Double])
case x: java.lang.Float => JDouble(x.asInstanceOf[Float])
case x: java.lang.Byte => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Byte]))
case x: java.lang.Boolean => JBool(x.asInstanceOf[Boolean])
case x: java.lang.Short => JInt(BigInt(x.asInstanceOf[Short]))
case _ => sys.error("not a primitive " + a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)
* Date types require formatting
val datetypes = Set[Class[_]](
classOf[Calendar], classOf[Date], classOf[GregorianCalendar])
def datetype_?(clazz: Class[_]) = datetypes contains clazz
def datetype2jvalue(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats) = a match {
case x: Calendar => dateAsJValue(x.getTime, formats)
case x: Date => dateAsJValue(x, formats)
def datetype2dbovalue(a: Any) = a match {
case x: Calendar => x.getTime
case x: Date => x
* Extended Mongo types.
val mongotypes = Set[Class[_]](
classOf[DBRef], classOf[ObjectId], classOf[Pattern], classOf[UUID], classOf[BasicDBList], classOf[BasicDBObject])
def mongotype_?(clazz: Class[_]) = mongotypes contains clazz
* Definitive place for JValue conversion of mongo types
def mongotype2jvalue(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats): JValue = a match {
case x: ObjectId => objectIdAsJValue(x, formats)
case x: Pattern => patternAsJValue(x)
case x: UUID => uuidAsJValue(x)
case x: BasicDBList => basicDBListAsJValue(x)
case x: BasicDBObject => basicDBObjectAsJValue(x)
case x: DBRef => sys.error("DBRefs are not supported.")
case _ => sys.error("not a mongotype " + a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)
* Scala & Java Lists and Maps
val langCollections = Set[Class[_]](
classOf[Map[String, _]],
classOf[java.util.Map[_, _]])
def langCollection_?(clazz: Class[_]) = langCollections.find {
c: Class[_] => c.isAssignableFrom(clazz)
* This is used to convert List and Collections to JObjects.
def collection2jvalue(a: Any)(implicit formats: Formats): JValue = a match {
case x: List[_] => scalaListAsJValue(x)
case x: java.util.List[_] => scalaListAsJValue(x.toList)
case x: Map[_, _] => scalaMapAsJValue(x)
case x: java.util.Map[_, _] => scalaMapAsJValue(x)
case _ => sys.error("not an identifiable collection " + a.asInstanceOf[AnyRef].getClass)
def scalaListAsJValue(a: List[_])(implicit formats: Formats) = JArray(, formats)))
def scalaMapAsJValue(a: scala.collection.Map[_, _])(implicit formats: Formats) = JObject( => JField(t._1.toString, _asJValue(t._2, formats))).toList)
def dateAsJValue(d: Date, formats: Formats) = JObject(JField("$dt", JString(formats.dateFormat.format(d))) :: Nil)
def objectIdAsJValue(oid: ObjectId): JValue = JObject(JField("$oid", JString(oid.toString)) :: Nil)
def patternAsJValue(p: Pattern): JValue = JObject(JField("$regex", JString(p.pattern)) :: JField("$flags", JInt(p.flags)) :: Nil)
def uuidAsJValue(u: UUID): JValue = JObject(JField("$uuid", JString(u.toString)) :: Nil)
def objectIdAsJValue(oid: ObjectId, formats: Formats): JValue =
if (isObjectIdSerializerUsed(formats))
def basicDBListAsJValue(a: BasicDBList)(implicit formats: Formats) = JArray(
a.iterator(), formats)))
def basicDBObjectAsJValue(a: BasicDBObject)(implicit formats: Formats) = JObject( => JField(t._1, _asJValue(t._2, formats))))
def _asJValue(value: Any, formats: Formats): JValue = value match {
case x if Reflection.primitive_?(x.getClass) => Reflection.primitive2jvalue(x)
case x if Reflection.mongotype_?(x.getClass) => Reflection.mongotype2jvalue(x)(formats)
case x if Reflection.datetype_?(x.getClass) => Reflection.datetype2jvalue(x)(formats)
case x if Reflection.langCollection_?(x.getClass) => Reflection.collection2jvalue(x)(formats)
case _ => JNothing
* Check to see if the ObjectIdSerializer is being used.
private def isObjectIdSerializerUsed(formats: Formats): Boolean =
formats.customSerializers.exists(_.getClass == objectIdSerializerClass)
private val objectIdSerializerClass = classOf[net.liftweb.mongodb.ObjectIdSerializer]
package com.ign.lift.record
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.field.MongoMapField
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.BsonRecord
import net.liftweb.common.{Empty, Full}
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
import net.liftweb.record._
class MongoMapField_V1[OwnerType <: BsonRecord[OwnerType], MapValueType](rec: OwnerType)
extends MongoMapField[OwnerType, MapValueType](rec) {
override def setFromJValue(jvalue: JValue) = jvalue match {
case JNothing | JNull if optional_? => setBox(Empty)
case JObject(obj) => setBox(Full(
Map() ++ => (, valueExtractor(jf.value)))
case other => setBox(FieldHelpers.expectedA("JObject", other))
protected def valueExtractor(value: JValue): MapValueType = (value match {
case jint: JInt => mapValueTypeExtractor(jint.values)
case jarray: JArray =>
val _list = new java.util.LinkedList[Any]()
jarray.values.foreach(_v => _list.add(mapValueTypeExtractor(_v)))
case jobject: JObject =>
val _map: java.util.Map[String, Any] = new java.util.LinkedHashMap()
jobject.values.foreach(t => _map.put(t._1, mapValueTypeExtractor(t._2)))
java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap[String, Any](_map).asInstanceOf[MapValueType]
case _ => value.values.asInstanceOf[MapValueType]
protected def mapValueTypeExtractor(value: Any): Any = (value match {
case n: BigInt => n.intValue()
case n: JInt => mapValueTypeExtractor(n.values)
case arr: JArray =>
val _list = new java.util.LinkedList[Any]()
arr.values.foreach(_v => _list.add(mapValueTypeExtractor(_v)))
case obj: JObject =>
val _map: java.util.Map[String, Any] = new java.util.LinkedHashMap()
obj.values.foreach(t => _map.put(t._1, mapValueTypeExtractor(t._2)))
java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap[String, Any](_map)
case list: List[_] =>
val _list = new java.util.LinkedList[Any]()
list.asInstanceOf[List[Any]].foreach(t => _list.add(mapValueTypeExtractor(t)))
case map: Map[_, _] =>
val _map: java.util.Map[String, Any] = new java.util.LinkedHashMap[String, Any]()
map.asInstanceOf[Map[String, Any]].foreach(t => _map.put(t._1, mapValueTypeExtractor(t._2)))
java.util.Collections.unmodifiableMap[String, Any](_map)
case _ => value
override def asJValue = JObject( {
key => JField(key, value(key).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
case null => JNull
case aValue: Any => Meta._asJValue(aValue, owner.meta.formats)
package com.ign.lift.record
import net.liftweb.mongodb.record.BsonRecord
import net.liftweb.json.JsonAST._
import collection.immutable.TreeSet
class SortableMongoMapField[OwnerType <: BsonRecord[OwnerType], MapValueType](rec: OwnerType)
extends MongoMapField_V1[OwnerType, MapValueType](rec) {
override def asJValue = JObject( sortKeys(value.keys).map {
key => JField(key, value(key).asInstanceOf[AnyRef] match {
case null => JNull
case aValue: Any => Meta._asJValue(aValue, owner.meta.formats)
def sortKeys(keys:Iterable[String]) = (TreeSet()(Ordering.String) ++ keys)
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nikisix commented Jul 24, 2012

Hi Bernardo,
I'm using Lift to GET some json and casbah post it to a mongo db like so:
tryo(parse(request.body)) match {
val linkedHash = new util.LinkedHashMap [String, Any]
val dbobj = new BasicDBObject(gameJson.values)
val collection = db.getCollection("buildmodel")

When I try to serialize Int fields from the json, I'm getting the same BigInt exception (when trying to use casbah to save a map to the database) as you did in your thread:!topic/liftweb/8dRa6cp9VEg

My reason for using Casbah btw is because I need to store embedded documents and lift doesn't support this. I.E. MongoMapField(String, String) would work, but I would need to store a MongoMapField(String, Map). And Casbah doesn't care how nested the map is that you want to store to the db.

I guess I have two questions for you:

  1. Do you solve the embedded map problem I'm talking about here:
  2. How do I reuse the overrides on this page to ameliorate the BigInt exception.


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