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Created December 22, 2014 15:13
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(require '[leiningen.exec :as le])
(ns foo
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def source-text "")
(defn get-lines [text] (map str/trim (str/split-lines text)))
(defn drop-header-line [lines]
(if (re-find #"Container No\\." (first lines))
(rest lines)
(defn drop-flag-line [lines]
(<= (count lines) 20) lines
(re-find #"Flag\\:" (nth lines 20)) (concat (take 20 lines) (drop 21 lines))
:else lines))
(defn lines-without-header-and-flag [lines] (-> lines drop-header-line drop-flag-line))
(defn split-per-block
(split-per-block [] lines))
([blocks lines]
(< (count lines) 20) blocks
(>= (count (lines-without-header-and-flag lines)) 20) (let [first-20-lines (take 20 (lines-without-header-and-flag lines))
other-lines (drop 21 (lines-without-header-and-flag lines))
new-found-blocks (concat blocks first-20-lines)]
(split-per-block new-found-blocks other-lines))
:else blocks)))
(defn parse [text] (-> text
(println "Count: " (count (parse (slurp source-text))))
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