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Created July 31, 2009 00:29
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// spread_the_fire/index.html
<div id="popup_spread_fire">
<a class="close_box" onclick=";" href="#">close</a>
<% form_tag('/spread_the_fire', :id => 'fireForm', :class => 'remoteForm') do %>
<div class="left_form">
<%= label :email, :recipients, "To" %>
<%= text_field :email, :recipients, :class => 'required email' %>
<%= label :email, :from, "From" %>
<%= text_field :email, :from %>
<p id="player_select">
<label>Choost Players to Greet Them</label>
<%= select_tag 'email[player_1]', players_for_select(@players) -%>
<%= select_tag 'email[player_2]', players_for_select(@players) -%>
<%= select_tag 'email[player_3]', players_for_select(@players) -%>
<div class="right_form">
<%= label :email, :subject, "Subject" %>
<span id="email_subject_warning"></span>
<%= text_field :email, :subject %>
<%= label :email, :body, "Your Message" %>
<span id="email_body_warning"></span>
<%= text_area :email, :body, :rows => 8, :cols => 50 %>
<p class="addPermalink">
<label>Send permalink to article</label>
<span class="radio_label">Yes</span>
<%= radio_button_tag "permalink", 1, true, :class => "crirHiddenJS"
<span class="radio_label">No</span>
<%= radio_button_tag "permalink", 0, false, :class => "crirHiddenJS"
<%= hidden_field :email, :permalink -%>
<label>Message Preview</label>
<div id="live_preview">
<td id="player_1_preview">
<img src="" />
<td id="player_2_preview">
<td id="player_3_preview">
<td id="message_preview">
<h4 class="subject"></h4>
<p class="message_text"></p>
<a href="" id="check_it_out">Check it out!</a>
<%= image_submit_tag("comment_submit.png") %>
<% end %>
// spread_the_fire.js
function validateThickboxForm() {
function addPermalinkToHiddenField(permalink) {
var checkbox = $('p.addPermalink input[type=radio]')
var hiddenField = $("#email_permalink");"click", function(){
var checkboxVal = $(this).val();
if ( checkboxVal > 0 ) {
else {
function textPreview(inputElement, previewElement, warningElement, limit) {
var input = $(inputElement)
var inputPreview = $(previewElement)
var warning = $(warningElement)
var inputVal = $(this).val();
if ( inputVal.length > limit ) {
inputVal = inputVal.substr(0, limit); // This is not changing the val live
warning.html("only " + limit + " characters allowed")
inputVal = inputVal.replace(/\n/g, "<br />").replace(/\n\n+/g, '<br /><br />').replace(/(\<\/?)script/g,"$1noscript");
function imagePreview(selectElement, previewElement) {
var selectbox = $(selectElement)
var preview = $(previewElement)
var selectboxVal = selectbox.val()
function livePreview() {
// This could probably be cleaned up a bit
textPreview("#email_subject", "td#message_preview h4.subject", "span#email_subject_warning", 50)
textPreview("#email_body", "td#message_preview p.message_text", "span#email_body_warning", 365)
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