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Last active May 15, 2019 15:14
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Outline for a short talk demonstrating continuous deployment of a GitHub repo to NuGet

Continuous Deployment from GitHub to NuGet with Cake and AppVeyor

The Example Project

The Goals

  • new release for every commit
    • ability to skip release for certain commits
  • use last commit message for release notes
  • automatic semantic versioning
  • ability to run build/deploy pipeline locally
  • configure build/deploy job with code

The Tools

  • GitHub: where the code will live
  • NuGet: where the released packages are published
  • Cake: to orchestrate the build/deploy pipeline
  • GitVersion: to calculate the package version
  • AppVeyor: where the build/deploy pipeline is executed


  • Cake = C# DSL
  • best served with VSCode + extension
  • download build.ps1
  • create build.cake
  • install & load NuGet packages with #addin/#tool
  • load Cake modules with #load
  • arguments and global variables
  • Task() + Does()
  • IsDependentOn()
  • WithCriteria()
  • documentation


  • Mainline mode
  • +semver: major


  • account & API key
  • package meta data
  • setting package version & release notes
  • workaround to include referenced projects


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