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Created November 21, 2018 15:33
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# snippet to create circles on map
coords_belgium=[50.5039, 4.4699]
pollution_map = folium.Map(location=coords_belgium, control_scale=True, zoom_start=8)
for i in range(0,len(loc_df)):
folium.Circle(location=[loc_df.iloc[i]['Latitude'], loc_df.iloc[i]['Longitude']]
, popup=loc_df.iloc[i]['SamplingPoint']
, radius=500
, color='blue'
, fill=True
, fill_color='blue'
# snippet to create colored icon on map
for i in range(0,len(loc_df)):
folium.Marker([loc_df.iloc[i]['Latitude'], loc_df.iloc[i]['Longitude']]
, popup=loc_df.iloc[i]['SamplingPoint']
, icon=folium.Icon(color='orange')).add_to(pollution_map)'../output/pollution_map_markers.html')
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