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Created November 13, 2015 12:44
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bash shortcut (alias/functions) to turn pdf to booklet or cardset.
# pdf shortcuts, using pdftk
#return number of pages of a pdf file
pdftk $1 dump_data output | grep -i NumberOfPages | grep -oE "[[:digit:]]{1,}"
# reorder a copy of given pdf to be printed as 2 pages/side + dual, and binded in booklets of 4 sheets (16 pages).
# input.pdf must contain a multiple of 16 pages.
# staple each 4 pages together in the middle and you're done.
count=`pdfcount $1`
if [ $((count % 16)) -ne 0 ]
echo "Usage: pdf2bookletDual2BySide <input.pdf> where input.pdf must contain a multiple of 16 pages"
seq=" "
while [ $i -le $count ]
do #each sheet is a sequence of 4 pages: last | first | second | before-last
seq="$seq $((r-i)) $((i)) $((i+1)) $((r-i-1)) $((r-i-2)) $((i+2)) $((i+3)) $((r-i-3)) $((r-i-4)) $((i+4)) $((i+5)) $((r-i-5)) $((r-i-6)) $((i+6)) $((i+7)) $((r-i-7)) "
#alternative sequence if your printer duplex unit puts the print first face up.
#seq="$seq $((i+1)) $((r-i-1)) $((r-i)) $((i)) $((i+3)) $((r-i-3)) $((r-i-2)) $((i+2)) $((i+5)) $((r-i-5)) $((r-i-4)) $((i+4)) $((i+7)) $((r-i-7)) $((r-i-6)) $((i+6)) "
i=$((i+16)) #each binding is 4 sheets (16 pages)
echo "creating booklet in $1_book.pdf"
pdftk $1 cat $seq output $1_book.pdf
alias 'rmlinks'='find . -maxdepth 1 -type l -exec rm -f {} \;'
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