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Created August 7, 2013 09:29
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Merge multidimensional arrays of 2 different questions in LimeSurvey 2.00+
// merges inputs of multidimensional arrays of 2 different question (same group/page) in Limesurvey. The lines must be similar.
function mergeTables(q1id, q2id, textBoxSize = 20) {
//hide second text
$('#'+q2id+' .survey-question-text').hide();
//merge tables
var t1 = $('#'+q1id+' .survey-question-answer table');
var t2 = $('#'+q2id+' .survey-question-answer table');
//move titles
$('thead tr', t1).append($('thead tr th', t2));
$('thead', t2).remove();
//move inputs
$('tbody tr', t1).each(function( index ) {
$(this).append($('tbody tr:first-of-type td', t2)) ;
$('tbody tr:first-of-type', t2).remove();
//clean table 2
// (option) resize text inputs
mergeTables('question16611','question16613', 10);
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